N.C. A&T’s Hairston College to Host Second Annual Health and Human Sciences Week

By Charity L. Cohen / 03/20/2025 College of Health and Human Sciences

EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (March 20, 2025) – The John R. and Kathy R. Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will host its second annual Health and Human Sciences (HHS) Week to celebrate the disciplines’ significant contributions to workforce development, research and community engagement.  

HHS Week will feature a series of engaging and interactive sessions, networking opportunities and hands-on experiences designed to engage students, faculty and the community. 

A Professional Pathways Series will kick off the week Monday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Industry professionals will lead workshops to introduce students to career opportunities in the health and human sciences field while also helping them navigate the field as professionals. The topics will include:  

  • Maximizing Your Career Path: Strategies for Networking and Professional Growth 
  • Essential Skills for Emerging Leaders: Building a Strong Foundation for Success 
  • Career Readiness and Workforce Transition: Bridging the Gap from College to Career 
  • Empower Your Career: Building Confidence, Embracing Growth, and Learning on the Job 

A Graduate & Professional School Expo is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Deese Ballroom at the Student Center, where representatives from graduate and professional school programs will share insights and information. 

Wednesday, March 26, will feature a Research Innovation Showcase from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Deese Ballroom at the Student Center, where undergraduate and graduate students will present their research and participate in the Research Innovation Student Poster Competition to showcase their faculty-mentored research projects. 

The Center of Excellence for Integrative Health Disparities and Equity Research (CIHDER) is hosting its second annual Health Equity Symposium, “Team Science: The Key to Advancing Health Equity,” on Thursday, March 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Deese Ballroom at the Student Center. Its goal is to engage the N.C. A&T community and the surrounding area, showcasing community partnerships and the impactful work of CIHDER faculty affiliates and students involved in health disparity and equity research. This event also will provide opportunities for networking and interdisciplinary collaboration with local, regional and state communities, as well as community organizations in attendance. Register here. Space is limited. 

The week concludes Friday, March 28, with a Wellness Field Day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Holland Bowl outside Holland Residence Hall. This event will offer a variety of wellness activities, including physical fitness challenges sponsored by Phi Epsilon Kappa, therapeutic coloring stations, puppy petting, food trucks, line dancing, and a live DJ. 

Media Contact Information: clcohen@ncat.edu

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