N.C. A&T Board of Trustees to Hold Special Called Meeting May 21


EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (May 17, 2024) – The North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Board of Trustees will hold a special called meeting Tuesday, May 21, at 4 p.m.

The meeting will be conducted via Zoom. The meeting agenda is below.

Special Called Full Board Meeting

Webinar Link: https://ncat.zoom.us/j/96119794246

Meeting ID: 961 1979 4246
1. Call to Order - Kimberly Gatling
2. Conflict of Interest Statement & Open Meeting Compliance
3. Roll Call - Anita Wright
4. Closed Session
-Personnel Matters
5. Return to Open Session
6. Adjournment - Kimberly Gatling
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