N.C. A&T Study: Alumni Support Heightens Student Engagement
03/24/2025 in Alumni, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (Oct. 10, 2023) – The Farmer Veteran Coalition of North Carolina (FVC), a group that helps veterans find meaningful and sustainable work in agriculture, will host the first Eastern Regional Farmer Veteran Coalition of North Carolina Education Conference on Oct. 27 at the Cumberland County Extension Center.
The non-profit coalition is part of the national FVC, with work done by Cooperative Extension at N.C. A&T State University and its partner in Extension outreach, Cooperative Extension at N.C. State University.
The conference will bring veteran farmers together to learn about topics important to their work and encourage connections between farmers, farm service agencies, and community organizations in the area.
Launched four years ago, this is the first time the FVC NC conference will be split into two regional conferences. The Eastern Region FVC NC Education Conference will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Fayetteville and will include educational speakers, farm tours, and exhibits.
A similar conference will be Oct. 13 in Boone for western North Carolina veteran farmers.
Registration is free for both events and includes the full day’s activities, a resource guide provided by FVC NC, giveaways and more. Lunch will cost $10.
Expert speakers will address issues including sustainable agriculture; the Veteran Small Business Enhancement Act; farmer mental health; and veteran services and special programs in North Carolina. A panel of veteran farmers will share their knowledge and experiences with attendees.
The conference also will include informational exhibits from groups such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service, NC AgVentures, the Center for Environmental Farming Systems and their apprenticeship program, NC AgrAbility and more. Local organizations, such as Farm Bureau and Carolina Farm Credit, will provide gift baskets to attendees, and the first 50 registrants will receive a commemorative cup.
After a morning of discussion and learning, participants will have the chance to attend a farm tour that focuses on mixed vegetable and animal production, hydroponics, or animal and hay production. Participating farms include Veterans Farm of NC, MG# Farms, and Hollarloud Farm.
To register for the Eastern region conference, visit https://FVCNCEast.eventbrite.com.
To register for the Western region conference, visit https://tinyurl.com/FVCNCWest.
The North Carolina Farmer Veteran Coalition, affiliated with the national Farmer Veteran Coalition, has a mission to “to mobilize a network of organizations and individuals who facilitate North Carolina Veterans in deploying their skills in agriculture.”
Media Contact Information: llbernhardt@ncat.edu