EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (Sept. 26, 2023) – North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University has announced its newest cohort of Cheatham-White Scholarship recipients, representing some of the highest-achieving students among members of the class of 2027.
The 15 scholars hail from North Carolina, with the others from Georgia, Texas, Virginia, Michigan and New Jersey.
“The Cheatham-White Scholars of 2027 bring not only their exceptional talents but also their commitment to positive change,” said Margaret I. Kanipes, Ph.D., N.C. A&T Honors College dean. “Their presence is a beacon of hope and promise, lighting the way for a brighter future in our academic community. We are delighted that they have chosen N.C. A&T as their home.”
The Cheatham-White Scholarship, established in 2018, is named for Henry P. Cheatham and George H. White, two African Americans who represented North Carolina in the United States Congress around the turn of the 20th century. From difficult beginnings – Cheatham was born enslaved, and White, the son of a mother whom historians say was also likely enslaved – each worked hard to earn a university education before launching careers in teaching, law and ultimately public service.
The scholarship is a fully funded four-year award that covers the costs of tuition, student fees, housing, meals, textbooks, a laptop computer, supplies, travel and personal expenses. It also provides four summers of fully funded enrichment and networking opportunities that may include international travel and study. It is a truly complete award designed to recognize academic achievement and potential at the highest levels.
This year’s scholars are:
- Micah Cannon, son of Kevin and Tonya Cannon, is from Conyers, Georgia and a graduate of Rockdale County High School. He is studying journalism and mass communication with a minor in marketing. He has a passion for New Media and thoroughly enjoys creating and broadcasting engaging digital content across the worldwide web. He also plans to earn an MBA with a concentration in marketing/management. His primary goals are to own and operate the world’s largest “new media” conglomerate and to develop a digital platform to rival YouTube.
- Taylor David, daughter of Terendius and LaSheta David, is from Concord, North Carolina and a graduate of West Cabarrus High School. She is studying human nutrition. Her goal is to complete her undergraduate education and then attend dental school. After the completion of dental school, she plans to be a dentist practicing either in the field of pediatrics or gum health.

- Miles Hart,son of Alvin and Janet Hart, is from Charlotte, North Carolina and a graduate of Mallard Creek High School. He is studying business information technology with a minor in military science. His ultimate career goal after completing his bachelor's degree is to join the workforce as a cybersecurity analyst.

- Chance Hurd, son of Ryan and Chanel Hurd, is from Houston and a graduate of Manvel High School. He is studying computer engineering with a minor in business. His ultimate plan is to utilize his knowledge and skill to become a business owner of companies that builds computers to meet the specific needs of their owners. He wants to build computers for the gamer who wants speed and for the capability only 6G can give or a person with special needs who benefits from Augmentative and Alternative Communication tools and eye gaze technology.

- Dorian Jackson,son of Derrick and Treena Jackson, is from Greensboro, North Carolina and a graduate of James Dudley High School. He is studying marketing with a minor in finance. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he hopes to either start his own business in marketing or real estate. Regardless of his future path, he plans to become an entrepreneur and use his experience to help the community and help uplift those around him.

- Misbahou Jalloh,son of Abdul Jalloh and the late Isata Jalloh, is from northern Virginia (Prince William County) and a graduate of Osbourn Park High School. He is studying physics with an interdisciplinary concentration involving chemistry. His goal is to achieve a career as an energy scientist and engineer, specializing in renewable energy research and nuclear engineering.

- McKenna Kearney, daughter of Johnathan and Tanya Kearney, is from Wake Forest, North Carolina and a graduate of Heritage High School. She is studying bioengineering. Her plans are to work in the pharmaceutical engineering industry, creating solutions to problems that people face on a daily basis. She wants to give back to those in need, and help improve the quality of health care for people around the world.

- Sydney Lee, daughter of Jason and Nicole Lee, is from Southfield, Michigan and a graduate of Wylie E. Groves High School. She is studying business management with a minor in entrepreneurship. After completing her undergraduate degree, she intends to work at an investment bank, consulting, or marketing firm to gain exposure to corporate processes such as customer onboarding and market research. After five years of employment, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in business with a focus on marketing to understand business practices further, master the global market and perfect her knowledge of marketing analytics, communication and research.

- Victoria Little, daughter of Victor and Lois Little, is from Greensboro and a graduate of the STEM Early College at N.C. A&T. She is studying biology. After obtaining a bachelor's degree, her plan is to explore her options and decide whether she will pursue a career in laboratory research, go to graduate, or go to medical school.

- Kelsey Lonon, daughter of Keith and Monica Lonon, is from Winston-Salem, North Carolina and a graduate of Simon G. Atkins Academic and Technology High School. She is studying nursing with a minor in business administration. After obtaining a bachelor of science in nursing, she wants to continue her education at the graduate level. Her ultimate career goal is to become a licensed nurse practitioner and open her own practice to help those in the community.

- Avery Love, son of Anthony and Pamela Love, is from Harrisburg, North Carolina and a graduate of Lake Norman Charter School as well as the North Carolina School of Science and Math’s Online Program. He is studying chemistry with a minor in sociology. He plans to own a pediatric dental practice that provides low-cost yet quality care to disadvantaged children in his community. Additionally, he hopes to research oral health disparities in black and brown children and partner with public health officials to alleviate these issues.

- Talia Manning, daughter of Tyrone and Tonya Manning, is from Wake Forest and a graduate of Wake Forest High School. She is studying psychology with a minor in criminal justice. Once she completes her bachelor's degree, she hopes to attend graduate school to receive a master’s degree with a specialization in forensic psychology. She also plans to obtain an internship working with patients with minor or small mental health issues, and eventually complete the doctoral program to becoming a psychologist.

- Kyrah Martin, daughter of Kasandra Martin and the late Robert Wilson, is from Lexington, North Carolina and a graduate of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. She is studying both landscape architecture and environmental studies with a minor in Chinese. Her goal is to dive deeper into her understanding of environmental justice and policy allowing her to work with people to emphasize and educate them on the importance of our impacts and how they can have impact in the years to come.

- Khaleed Muhammad, son of Marcellus and Na’imah Humphrey and Sherrod and Adrailya Owens, is from Charlotte and a graduate of Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology. He is studying architecture engineering with a minor in graphic design. Following the completion of his bachelor's degree, he plans to obtain a master's degree in architectural engineering. His ultimate goal is to create an architectural firm that focuses on building homes for marginalized communities across the Carolinas.

- Kaitlyn Parker, daughter of Chris and Na-Jean Parker, is from Raeford, North Carolina and a graduate of SandHoke Early College High School. She is studying journalism and mass communications with a minor in political science. Her ultimate goal after completing her bachelor’s degree is to become a political analyst.

- Ariana Phillips, daughter of Shaneka McBride and Kimberly Phillips, is from Charlotte and a graduate of Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology. She is studying computer science with a concentration in cybersecurity. She plans to use her degree to break barriers and establish a non-profit to promote diversity in technology. Her goal is to achieve upward mobility and inspire other Black women to join this exciting and in-demand field.

- Daniel Piggott III, son of Daniel and Nicole Piggott, is from Greensboro and a graduate of the STEM Early College at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and plans to major in chemistry. He plans to use his degrees in chemistry to develop a medicine to help with the common cold.

- Nicholas Raynes, son of Tommy and Musu Raynes, is from Charlotte and a graduate of Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology. He is studying business administration with a minor in marketing. His ultimate career goal is to expand his clothing brand “Don” on a global scale and continue creating designs and selling clothes. He also plans to take over his parent's real estate business and expand it to employ people outside his family while continuing to make house ownership accessible to minorities and immigrants.

- Havilyn Smith, daughter of James Smith and Yolanda Williams, is from Charlotte and a graduate of Lake Norman Charter School. She is studying mechanical engineering. Her plans are to work as an engineer for Hendricks Motorsports before moving overseas to work as an engineer in Formula 1.

- Joshua Tidwell, son of Mark Chaplin and Stephenie Tidwell ‘87, is from Vauxhall, New Jersey and a graduate of Union High School. He is studying and accounting with a minor in political science. His goal is to complete a bachelor’s in accounting and eventually pursue a Ph.D. so he can teach others about budgeting and managing their finances to achieve their financial goals.