N.C. A&T Study: Alumni Support Heightens Student Engagement
03/24/2025 in Alumni, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication
By Jackie Torok / 11/04/2022 College of Education, Leadership Studies and Adult Education
EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (Nov. 4, 2022) – Greensboro Police Department (GPD) will use North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University expertise as part of a three-year, $2 million Office of Justice Programs Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Grant.
In collaboration with N.C. A&T researchers, as well as researchers from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and health care professionals, the City of Greensboro and GPD will work to prevent and reduce violent crime in high-crime neighborhoods by using data and input from residents and partners to select and implement comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention methods.
The lead A&T researcher for this project is Karen T. Jackson, Ph.D., assistant professor in the university’s College of Education Department of Leadership Studies and Adult Education.
Jackson knows how to engage community members and resource providers in problem solving and decision-making, as well as lead civic and community engagement, community engaged research, research and evaluation methods, and community relationships. Her previous work with GPD includes coordination of the Department of Justice Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) program and contributing research on its analysis of implicit bias in traffic stops and searches report. As a leader of the city’s Community Connections volunteer group that works with GPD, she provides guidance related to funding, research and advocacy for community engagement.
The combination of Jackson’s expertise and that of UNCG in examining crime in Greensboro for PSN strongly supports the strategic, data-driven and performance-focused approaches required to ensure fidelity and sustainability of models developed through the CVIPI.
Medical providers will contribute by supporting the integration of the public safety and public health domains to address gaps and disparities in health care and public health.
GPD will focus on individuals at highest risk for violence and improve relations between residents and law enforcement. The project will develop plans and ongoing performance measures in conjunction with local research partners. The grant award to the department is $1,778,480 with $221,520 contributed by collaborating agencies, making the award $2 million. The three-year grant expenses will include contracted employees such as community connectors, caseworkers, community health workers and a trauma worker. In addition, there will be training for high-risk individuals and community members.
RTI International, an independent nonprofit institute based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, received the evaluation grant from the National Institute of Justice and is performing the independent evaluation of the police department’s CVIPI grant implementation and outcomes.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded funding to six entities nationwide – including GPD – to prevent and reduce violent crime in communities. That funding will support comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs, including efforts to address gang and gun violence based on partnerships among community residents, local government agencies, victim service providers, community-based organization, law enforcement, public health professionals, researchers and other community stakeholders. This program furthers the DOJ’s mission to ensure public safety and provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime.
Media Contact Information: jtorok@ncat.edu