A&T, Bluford Library to Present “An Evening with Joshua Bennett” on April 11
03/14/2024 in Library
By Karen Green / 05/26/2021 College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
At first glance, North Carolina appears to be conducting a successful COVID-19 vaccination program: More than 41% of the state’s population has received at least one dose of vaccine, including almost 80% of people age 65 and older, according to the latest data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS).
However, a closer look reveals some troubling disparities. While nearly 70% of the white population has received at least one vaccine dose, the number is only 17.8% for blacks and African Americans. Among people who identify as Hispanic only 7.1% have been vaccinated and less than 1% of Native Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine.“Our part is to help these groups be more effective and get them science-based information to share from the CDC and other sources,” said Blevins.
Additionally, Shewana Hairston McSwain, coordinator of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) program with Extension at A&T, will support the program by using her public health background to develop strategic messages aimed at addressing concerns and questions about vaccines among communities of color, farmworkers and Tribal communities.
Extension staff conducted focus groups and listening sessions with black, Hispanic, farmworker, and rural audiences to get a better understanding of communities with low vaccination rates and learn more about vaccine hesitancy. They also examined data from the NCDHHS on COVID-19 vaccination rates.
“The data was very clear,” said Michelle Eley of Cooperative Extension at N.C. A&T, the co-PI on the project. “It was clear that more outreach was needed for black and Hispanic communities because they were not getting vaccinated as much and they are more likely to have other health issues that put them at risk.” Eley said the data also showed that younger people, ages 18 to 34, and males in general had lower vaccination rates. Young people might be less concerned about the virus because they are less likely to become seriously ill and vaccine hesitancy in males could be rooted in cultural and social norms, she said.
Other reasons for low vaccination rates include a lack of trust in the federal government in black and brown communities, fear of deportation among farmworkers, jobs that provide little time off, a lack of transportation to vaccine sites, and fewer vaccine sites in underserved rural areas.
“There is a vaccine gap between communities and if we understand why, we can address it,” said Eley. “For some it’s a combination of fear and mistrust. Other people have phobias about needles and for some, particularly older people and people in areas with poor internet connectivity, they aren’t able to get online and navigate through the registration process.”
The program begins in June and although it is a relatively small-scale effort, Blevins said it’s an opportunity for Extension to build productive partnerships to address community health issues and the general issue of vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
“Our job at Extension is to provide the information people need so they can make informed decisions about their health,” he said.
Media Contact Information: jmhowse@ncat.edu