About Us


In 2018, a proposal to establish a university-level Center for Cybersecurity was submitted to the NC A&T Board of Trustees. The stated purpose was to advance research in cybersecurity, with a focus on research, development and education and to advance the university’s research culture to achieve the goals of A&T Preeminence. Success of the Center would be demonstrated by inclusive engagement of faculty, staff, students, administrators, colleges and schools. In February of 2019, an interim director of the Center was named, and a part-time administrative core focused on operations and set-up. In March and April, several meetings were conducted with two purposes:  

(1) to establish a Center identity with faculty engagement;  

(2) to develop the strategic plan. With the assistance of a consultant, the strategic plan was drafted, revisited, and endorsed on April 24, 2019. The name of the Center was modified based on feedback, research and voting by the faculty affiliated with the Center. The new name for the Center is the Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity Research, Education and Outreach (CREO). 


Thrust Areas 

Data Visualization — We will investigate how machine learning can improve data visualization as well as how it can improve the security of large amounts of visualization data. 

Biometrics — We will continue research in biometrics and expand by applying machine learning techniques. 

Big Data Analytics —We will derive new statistical and predictive model by applying the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to historical data. 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning — Based on the idea that systems can learn from data, we will identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention, we will investigate various techniques aimed at protecting large data sets 

Public Policy — We will utilize expertise from social, political, economic, business and criminal justice disciplines to address the loss of intellectual property through cyber espionage, the cost of not reporting cyber intrusion, civil liberties concerns when government authorities conduct surveillance of data networks, and the invasion of privacy.