Giving Opportunities

From annual giving to planned gifts, from endowed scholarships to faculty chairs, opportunities for giving to North Carolina A&T are numerous. Your gifts support student aid, faculty research and facilities improvements. They also help programs such as honors, band and athletics. So, whether you’re a student, an established professional or about to retire, there is a giving option that’s just right for you to make a difference at N.C. A&T.

Endowments provide invaluable financial stability and resources N.C. A&T by earning a market rate of interest while keeping the principal investment intact to fund the future of the donor's  fund goals. Likewise, endowments allow N.C. A&T to pursue academic excellence, support groundbreaking research, and offer scholarships to deserving students. These long-term investments not only enhance the institution's reputation but also ensure its sustainability, fostering innovation and growth in education and beyond. At N.C. A&T, there are opportunities to name buildings, rooms, scholarships, professorships, departments and programs. Interested in establishing an endowed fund? Contact our team.

Annual Giving
Annual giving plays a crucial role in sustaining the vitality of universities by providing a steady stream of support for various programs, scholarships, faculty development, and campus improvements at N.C. A&T State University. These contributions, whether large or small, directly impact the daily operations of the university, enriching the academic experience for students and bolstering the university's ability to adapt to emerging needs and opportunities. Gifts to the annual giving campaign may be designated to a specific college, school or department or they can be designated to where the need is greatest. In addition, some employers match their employees’ charitable contributions. Click here to read more about employer matching

Student Giving
Student giving is a powerful testament to the commitment and investment of current students in the future of their university. Beyond financial contributions, student giving fosters a culture of philanthropy and civic responsibility among students, instilling values of giving back and supporting their alma mater. Additionally, student support contributes to vital campus initiatives, scholarships and resources that directly benefit their campus and peers. Click here to read more about student giving!

Reunion Giving
There’s no better time than a class reunion year to establish a fund and complete it by the next reunion. Reunion giving harnesses the collective generosity and nostalgia of alumni to contribute to vital campus initiatives, scholarships and programs, bolstering N.C. A&T's resources and impact. Through reunion giving, alumni can demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the university's success and ensure its continued excellence for future generations of Aggies. For information about reunion giving, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations

Alumni Chapter Giving
N.C. A&T’s alumni are among the university’s most loyal and engaged supporters. Alumni chapter contributions contribute to scholarships, programs and initiatives tailored to specific regions or interests, enriching the educational experience for students and alumni alike. Click here to learn more about alumni chapters at N.C. A&T.

Corporate and Foundation Giving
Corporate and foundation giving connects the unviersity to essential resources and partnerships that drive innovation, research and educational excellence. Beyond financial support, corporate and foundation partnerships often bring valuable expertise, technology and networking opportunities, enriching the academic experience for students at N.C. A&T and expanding the university's impact. Click here to learn more about corporate and foundation giving at N.C. A&T.