College of Engineering

MS in Data Science and Engineering: Degree Requirements

The MS in Data Science and Engineering program offers three options, each requiring a total of 30 credits. The minimum requirements for all options are 

  • 12 credits from the core;
  • 1 credit Graduate Seminar CSE 792;
  • Research experience (CSE 797 for Thesis Option or 795 for Project Option or 794 for Course-Only Option); and
  • The balance of 30 credit hours, which depends on which option (thesis, project, or course only), of which 6 credit hours are expected to be CSE elective courses.
  • The Core Courses the MS in Data Science and Engineering are:
    • CSE 620: Introduction to Computational Software Tools. 
    • CSE 704: Data Processing and Visualization. 
    • CSE 708: Data Analytics and Engineering Applications. 
    • CSE 817: Fundamentals of Big Data Analysis.

The MS Degree is offered under three options:


Course-Only Option

  • Take 12 credit hours to cover the four core courses: CSE 620, CSE 704, CSE 708, and CSE 817.
  • Take 15 credit hours at the graduate level from CDSE, Engineering, Mathematics, Science, or Technology, or other graduate courses approved by the CDSE Department. In general, graduate courses from the STEM disciplines are typically approved.
  • Take 1 credit hour for Graduate Seminar 792
  • Take at least 2 credit hours to complete 30 credit hours from CSE courses, approved graduate-level courses (see above), or Supervised research.

Project Option

  • Take 12 credit hours to cover the four core courses: CSE 620, CSE 704, CSE 708, and CSE 817.
  • Take 12 credit hours at the graduate level from CDSE, Engineering, Mathematics, Science, or Technology, or other graduate courses approved by the CDSE Department. In general, graduate courses from the STEM disciplines are typically approved.
  • Take 3 credit hours of MS Project, CSE 795
  • Take 1 credit hour for Graduate Seminar 792
  • Take at least 2 credit hours to complete 30 credit hours from CSE courses, approved graduate-level courses (see above), Supervised teaching or Supervised research.

Thesis Option

  • Take 12 credit hours to cover the four core courses: CSE 620, CSE 704, CSE 708, and CSE 817.
  • Take 9 credit hours at the graduate level from CDSE, Engineering, Mathematics, Science, or Technology, or other graduate courses approved by the CDSE Department. In general, graduate courses from the STEM disciplines are typically approved.
  • Take 6 credit hours of MS Thesis, CSE 797
  • Take 1 credit hour for Graduate Seminar 792
  • Take at least 2 credit hours to complete 30 credit hours from CDSE courses, approved graduate-level courses (see above), MS Thesis CSE 792, Supervised teaching or Supervised research.

Please note that 799, Continutation of Thesis cannot be counted towards the MS degree requirements.