Federal Communications on Sponsored Research
North Carolina A&T State University and our research university counterparts around the country have received and continue to receive numerous communications from federal agencies and offices since Jan. 20, 2025. Given the volume of these messages and their importance relative to funded projects, we have created this site as a clearinghouse for all such communications and all related court rulings.
Overarching Direction
Principal investigators, center directors, research faculty and project coordinators should continue work as usual on their projects, unless directed to do otherwise by a federal agency representative or by the university. If an agency representative contacts you with direction to cease or pause work, please be in touch immediately with the Division of Research’s Office of Research Administration at (336) 334-7995.
Please check this page regularly for funding agency updates that may have relevance to your work.
No communications to share at this time.
No communications to share at this time.
No communications to share at this time.
No communications to share at this time.