Ways To Give to N.C. A&T

Every gift of every size to North Carolina A&T is important, because every gift helps us become a better university. We offer numerous ways to support the university in the form of cash, securities, endowments and much more. Use the links below to find out which giving option works best for you, or contact our office  to learn more.


Outright Gifts

Gifts can be made online via credit card by visiting our donation portal. Gifts of cash or check can also be made by printing out our giving form. Once you have filled out the giving form, enclose it with your contribution and mail it to: 

North Carolina A&T State University
Advancement Operations
Dowdy Building, Suite 400
1601 E. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27411


Annual Giving

If every Aggie contributed to the N.C. A&T State University annual giving campaign, the university would be better able to provide competitive opportunities for students and programs while enhancing the overall learning experience at A&T. Visit our Annual Giving web page for more information.


Planned Giving, Bequests, or Life-Income Agreements

Deferred or planned gifts benefit the university well into the future and allow donors to leave a legacy. For more information, please contact our Office of Gift Planning at 336-404-3710 or visit ncatlegacy.org to learn more.

Corporate Partnerships & Foundation Giving

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) in the Division of University Advancement at North Carolina A&T State University serves as a university-wide liaison to coordinate and facilitate communications with corporate and foundation partners to build mutually beneficial relationships that focus on philanthropy, collaboration, and partnership-building. Please visit our web page, or contact us directly at 336-334-7600 to learn more.


Matching Gifts

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Please contact your human resources department or use our online tool to determine if your employer will match your gift, or contact our team at 336-334-7600 for more information.


College, Department or Program Gifts

Please visit our online donation portal and use the drop-down menu under 'Designation' to select the college, department or program where you would like to allocate your gift.


Faculty & Staff Combined Campaign

The annual Faculty & Staff Combined Campaign allows all North Carolina A&T State University faculty, staff, administrators, and retirees the opportunity to financially support our University and our community. Please visit the Faculty & Staff Combined Campaign web page for more information.