Corporate and Foundation Relations

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) in the Division of University Advancement at North Carolina A&T State University serves as a university-wide liaison to coordinate and facilitate communications with corporate and foundation partners to build mutually beneficial relationships that focus on philanthropy, collaboration, and partnership-building. These relationships are crucial to the advancement and support of the university’s teaching, research, and service mission and strengthening relationships with the University’s corporate and foundation partners.

CFR identifies, cultivates, manages, solicits and stewards relationships with corporate and foundations that support the university’s highest priorities to secure funding from corporate and foundation partners.

Services provided by the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations:

  • Provide a central point of faculty and staff contact for philanthropic requests to corporations and foundations.
  • Oversee and coordinate university-wide corporate and foundation activities; identify new sources of corporate and foundation support; facilitate conversations funders and prepare grant proposals for submission.
  • Identify philanthropic opportunities at N.C. A&T; plan and host campus visits; assist with gifts and grants; and introduce and engage University leadership.
  • Assist with Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and proposal development for major gifts ($25,000 or higher); provide budget guidance, and supply supporting documentation (e.g., IRS Determination, audited financial statements, signatures, etc.).
  • Direct inquiries from business and industry related to research collaborations, professional education, internships, student recruitment, and other corporate requests.
  • Highlight the benefits of a partnership with N.C. A&T for a corporate funder or private foundation’s mission.
  • Match N.C. A&T’s needs with corporate, foundation, and other philanthropic interests and make connections with N.C. A&T faculty for appropriate funders.
  • Assist in developing policy on corporate and foundation gifts and grants.

CFR also works closely with the Division of Research (DORED), the Office of Career Services, and the Office of Academic Affairs to support faculty seeking grants for research and programs to determine the best approach to seek corporate and foundation funding support.

Contact CFR to discuss funding needs of your program, for assistance crafting and submitting a request for support, to suggest a corporate or private foundation partner for your program, to explore grant opportunities or with any questions you may have about engaging corporations or private foundations.