Student Center Policies and Procedures


Animals and/or pets are not permitted in the Student Center unless they are service animals such as seeing eye dogs. Aquatic animals and other types of caged/aquarium dwelling creatures are included in this policy.

Please note that Emotional support animals (ESA’s) are not service animals as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 and are not afforded the same access to campus as a service animal.​ ESA’s are not allowed in the library, academic buildings, classrooms, dining areas, labs, work areas, the Student Center, the Campus Recreation Center, Harrison Auditorium, Corbett, and Moore gym.

NOTE: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University reserves the right to request that an approved emotional support animal be removed from or not allowed into areas listed above.


Only weighted helium-filled balloons or weighted balloon trees and arches may be used for events within the building to prevent balloons from going into light fixtures and ceilings.


The use of bicycles, skates, skateboards, sneaker skates and other wheeled recreational vehicles is prohibited inside Student Center. Bicycles must be left outside and secured to the bike racks provided.


Candles and open-flame devices (including incense) are prohibited by Fire Code. Organizations with requirements for candles during formal functions may purchase battery-operated "candles" which are suitable for such purposes. The only candles permitted in the Student Center are those that are encased whether it is tea light candles in a globe or stick candles in a cylinder glass casing. The encasing has to be at least 2 to 3 inches higher than the flame.


All setup requests and decorations should be discussed in detail with the Director of Operations and/or UEC Administration at least 10 days prior to the event. The Director of Operations and/or UEC Administration will contact you within the 10-day window to assist in making sure all details are in place prior to the day of the event. Please note that all changes to your event or event cancellations need to be done 72 hours (3 business days) before your event takes place. The Student Center reserves the right not to make any changes the day of the event.


The Director of Operations must approve all decorations used in the Student Center prior to the event. No decorations are to be fastened to the walls and/or ceiling with nails or tacks, curtains covering the windows, floor or stage areas. Decorations utilizing water are not permitted (for example fish ponds or water fountains) other than drink fountains and table centerpiece globes.

All decorations must be removed immediately following each function. Any further questions concerning decorations can be directed to the Director of Operations for clarification. All decorations must meet minimum safety standards as interpreted by staff. Fire codes prohibit the use of hay, straw, cornstalks, or other dry tinder in the Student Center.


All persons bringing rental equipment into the Student Center will need to be available to receive such equipment for that particular event, including flower deliveries, table dressings, etc. Rental equipment MUST be brought during set-up or pre-event time and must be taken out at the conclusion of the event. The Student Center is not responsible for storing rental equipment that is not picked up once your event is concluded. This responsibility will be left to the customer to arrange a drop off and pick up time for all rental equipment.


Paint, glitter, cotton, glue, sand and tape materials are not permitted inside the Student Center. Painting/spray painting decorations or persons is not permitted during any event in the Student Center both inside and outside the building (examples: painting your poster, spray painting leaves, body painting, etc. on the Student Center property). If your decorations are painted before your event, you are permitted to use them at that time. Tape cannot be placed on the walls in the Student Center. The use of these items will result in a housekeeping charge.

The Student Center reserves the right to bill a housekeeping charge to any group using any kind of decoration that may permanently change the appearance of the room.


The Evening/Weekend Management Team consists of the Housekeeping staff  and the Student Event Managers. They act on behalf of the Student Center's full-time professional administrative personnel during their absence. These periods include evenings and weekends, special events, holidays, etc. The team is charged with interpreting and applying the Student Center and North Carolina A&T State University policies and state laws (i.e., fire code violations). They have full authority of the administrative staff to make decisions regarding all operations and events within the Student Center while on duty.


Student Center staff members are not event managers per se; rather they manage events in the facility to ensure the goals of our mission and the safety of all patrons.

  • To monitor behavior and assist guests at the event.
  • To ensure that the artist/service abides by all agreements designated in the contract agreed to by the sponsor and the artist/service.
  • To abide by all university policies applicable to the event.
  • To work cooperatively with the Student Center Administration and staff during the event.
  • To open the event and close the event at times previously agreed to during the scheduling process. If there are minor schedule changes, the sponsor should work with the Student Center's Administration and the University Event Center to establish mutually agreeable times. The Student Center Administration has the responsibility to make the final decision regarding event times.
  • To adhere to all agreed upon terms as stated on the facility request form.

  • To assist the event sponsor in working with the artist while performing at North Carolina A&T State University.
  • To assist the event sponsor in monitoring behaviors and assisting guests at the event.
  • To provide appropriate services and staffing as required.
  • To make appropriate decisions concerning university policy during the event.


The Student Center offers several ways for organizations and departments to advertise events, services, and important information through flyers, posters, and our Digital Display Boards. These options provide excellent visibility to the campus community, helping you reach students, faculty, staff, and visitors.


All flyers inside the Student Center must be approved by the Student Center and/or the Office of Student Activities prior to posting. Student organizations and department-sponsored student services or events must obtain approval from the Office of Student Activities (Suite 332). Off-campus and community events must be approved by the Office of Student Development (Suite 348). Flyers without approval will be removed immediately.

Approved flyers may be placed at the Information Desk or provided to the Information Desk Attendant for posting on the bulletin board near the Information Desk. For posters in the Stallings Lobby (1st floor), please drop them off in Suite 368 for display approval (we have easels available)

Flyers larger than 11 x 17 inches and posters larger than 22 x 28 inches are not permitted. Taped or stickered advertisements on walls, windows, doors, columns, elevators, restrooms, or other areas inside or around the Student Center are strictly prohibited (including the walkways).

Digital Display Boards

Our high-definition Digital Display Boards in the Student Center provide an excellent opportunity to share announcements, events, and information with students, faculty, and visitors. Located in a high-traffic area, these screens are a great way to engage the campus community with vibrant visuals and flexible display options.

  • Digital Display Size: 1920x1080 pixels (horizontal signs) or 1080x1920 pixels (vertical signs by Deese Ballroom)
  • Image File Formats: JPG or PNG
  • Color Format: RGB
  • Video File Formats: MOV or MP4 (60 seconds maximum)

Organizations are responsible for creating, editing, and proofreading their materials. Announcements must be finalized and ready for posting upon approval. If an announcement is denied, the organization must revise and resubmit it.

Submit Digital Display Request


The Student Center allows up to 3 tables in the Lounge area to be used for vending, fundraising, and information purposes. Student Organizations must follow the policies and procedures regarding fundraising stipulated by the Office of Student Development.

Outside vendors must pay a vendor fee of $100.00 via the University Event Center in order to secure a table for retail.

Information tables are for University use only and may be reserved by recognized student organizations and University departments, free of charge, to distribute information.


The furniture located in the Lounge cannot be removed or re-arranged to accommodate events unless approved prior to the event by the Director of Operations. Groups must clean up following their event, this includes repositioning furniture to the original position, disposing of trash into trash receptacles, etc. as necessary. Any organization that fails to leave the facility in an acceptable condition will be billed for cleaning and/or damage and may result in the suspension and/or termination of the right to request or reserve space in the future. Any damages to facilities or equipment should be reported immediately. Before departing the premises following your event please notify the Director of Operations and/or Student Center Coordinator to ensure the area has been left in an acceptable condition.


Rooms (Lounge and Conference Room) are available approximately 15 minutes before the event/meeting unless scheduled differently by the Director of Operations ahead of time. It is essential that all meetings terminate at the appointed times.


Table tents are allowed on the tables in the Lounge. Table tents can no larger than one 8 1/2 X 11 inch piece of paper and must be in tent form. Pieces of unfolded paper simply laid on the tables will be removed. Any paper left on any furniture in areas other than those described above will be removed. Table tents must be placed by the sponsoring organization(s) after approval is given by the Student Center staff.