Reporting Forms

Students, staff, faculty, or any individual may personally submit a written report of alleged misconduct or inform a university faculty or staff member, or University police officer, who will submit a written report. Below are the links to our reporting forms landing page and a brief description of the reporting forms. Please make sure you fill out the appropriate form for your report.

Student Conduct Incident Report Form
This Incident Report Form is available to any person who wishes to report a suspected violation of the Student Code of Conduct. If you wish to report a crime, please contact North Carolina A&T Police Department by calling (336)334-7675.

Aggie Reporting Form
This referral form is designed to report behavior the reporter sees as concerning, worrisome, or threatening. By completing this form, you are helping to maintain NC A&T as a healthy and safe environment.

Housing Reporting Form
Use this form if the incident or behavior impacts on-campus students or occurred in any University-owned Housing facility. If the student of concern to you poses an immediate threat to self or others, please call NCAT Police at 336-334-7675.

Organizational Misconduct Reporting Form
This form can be submitted by any person who wishes to report a suspected violation of the Student Organization Code of Conduct, the University's policy on Hazing, or the NC Hazing Statue SS 14-35.

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Intimate Partner Violence Report Form
North Carolina A& T State University does not tolerate sex or gender discrimination, including sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. These behaviors, as well as any related retaliation, are prohibited under the University's policy regarding sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. Please submit this form if you wish to make a complaint or report of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, or other prohibited behavior.

Contact Information

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | Office of the Dean of Students | Murphy Hall, Suite 205 | 1601 East Market Street | Greensboro, NC 27411 | Phone: 336-334-7791 | Fax: 336-334-7378 | Email:


Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)