College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
3 & 4 Year-Old Classroom
The Creative Curriculum is designed for early childhood programs. We believe that children learn through play, and that their play consists of exploring and discovering how things work. The children in this classroom explore blocks, dramatic play, manipulative materials, books, sand/water table, and discovery centers in math and science, music, computers, and writing.

Hello! My name is Mrs. Monica Sellars. I am one of the lead teachers in the 3-4-year-old classroom. I have 23 years of experience working with children and families. I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a Level 11 Early Educator Certification as determined by the North Carolina Institute for Child Development Professionals. I've had the privilege of undergoing varied training experiences, each contributing to my holistic approach to education and empowering me to create meaningful learning environments for children. My biggest reward when working with children is knowing that I have given children the knowledge and skills they need to succeed and influence the future. My hobbies include spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, shopping, and watching sports.

Hello! My name is Mrs. Petrola Black. I am one of the lead teachers in the 3-4-year-old classroom. I have 30 years of experience working with children and families at the CDL. I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Bennett College with a Level 11 Early Educator Certification as determined by the North Carolina Institute for Child Development Professionals. My journey has been enriched by a range of training opportunities, each contributing to my growth and readiness to effectively support and nurture young learners. My biggest reward when working with children is watching young children grow and develop during their preschool experience here at the CDL. My hobbies include gardening, photography, journaling, art, and traveling.
Classroom Schedule
7:45 - 8 a.m.Arrival and Greeting of Children and Families/Free Choice Areas
8:00 - 8:05 a.m.Transition to Classroom
8:05 - 8:30 a.m.Free Choice/Centers Open
8:30 - 9:10 a.m.Morning Snack (Free Choice for non-snack children)
9:10 - 9:15 a.m.Clean up Time (Bathroom breaks as needed)
9:15 - 9:30 a.m.Morning Meeting/Literacy Enrichment
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.Enriched free play/Planning/Small Group Experience
10:30 - 10:45 a.m.Clean up Time
10:45 - 11:20 a.mOutside/Inside play (Weather Permitting)
11:20 - 11:30 a.m.Prepare for lunch (Hand washing/Bathroom)
11:30 - 11:50 a.m.Lunch (Food Discussion)
11:50 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.Bathroom
12:15 - 2:30 p.m.Rest Time/ Relaxing Music (Early Risers-Quiet Activities)
2:30 - 3:00 p.m.Bathroom/Afternoon snack
3:00 - 3:15 p.m.Group Time/Review & Recall/Story Time
3:15 - 4:15 p.m.Enriched Free Play/ Small Group Activities
4:15 - 4:45 p.m.Outside/Inside play (Weather Permitting) (Gross Motor Activities/Music Enriched)
4:45pm- 5:00 p.m.Water/Bathroom
5:00pm- 5:30 p.m.Enriched Free Play/Clean up/Departure