Osasohan Agbonlahor

Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies

Osasohan Agbonlahor
College of Education

Leadership Studies & Adult Ed

Ph.D.Educational Leadership / Central Michigan University
M.S.Economics / University of Nevada, Reno


Dr. Osasohan Agbonlahor is an Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies at North Carolina A&T State University. She earned her Ph.D. from Central Michigan University in 2019. Prior to joining the faculty at NCAT, she was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Her research interests include international student experiences and trajectories, postsecondary outcomes, doctoral education, and the participation of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. Her scholarly contributions have been published in journals such as the Journal of International Students, Learning Environments Research, Journal of Graduate Education Research, and the Journal of American College Health.

Recent Publications

  • Esther Lamidi, Osasohan Agbonlahor, Larry Gibbs, Sue Nash (2024). (Residential Move During COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychological Health Among College Students: The Role of Perceived Social Support). (4) 24, pp. 244-259. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor, Esther Lamidi, Larry Gibbs, Sue Nash (2024). (Unprecedented Times: Assessing Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on College Students’ Academic Experiences and College Life). (2) 6, pp. 9-21. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research.
  • Patricia Witkowsky, Osasohan Agbonlahor (2023). (Demographic and career trends of expatriate student affairs professionals). (1) 16, pp. 69-77. International Education Studies .
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor (2023). (Review of Engaging International Alumni as Strategic Partners by Gretchen Dobson and Sandra Rincon). (1) 13, pp. 15-18. Journal of Educational Research and Practice.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor (2023). (Review of Translating Human Rights in Education: The Influence of Article 24 UN CRPD in Nigeria and Germany ). (3) 13, pp. 521-524. Journal of International Students.
  • Phillip Morris, Osasohan Agbonlahor, Regina Winters, Brian Donelson (2023). (Self-efficacy curriculum and peer leader support in gateway college mathematics). (1) 26, pp. 219-240. Learning Environments Research.
  • Phillip Morris, Dick Carpenter, Osasohan Agbonlahor, Freddie Rodriguez (2022). (Examining mental health stigma in a first-year seminar for student veterans). (8) 70, pp. 2247-2252. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor (2022). (Multilevel Analysis of Factors Predicting International Doctoral Students’ Time-to-Degree Completion). (1) 3, pp. 20-34. Journal of Graduate Education Research.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor, Sylvia Mendez, Andrea Bingham (2021). (Examining post-graduation career plans of international doctoral students in the United States). (20) 12, pp. 19-30. Journal of Education and Practice.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor, Frim Ampaw (2021). (Understanding Country Differences: Predicting the Effect of Financial and Labor Market Conditions on International Doctoral Recipients' First Labor Market Destination). (2) 11, pp. 459-483. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS.
  • Phillip Haisley, Catherine Grandorff, Osasohan Agbonlahor, Sylvia Mendez, Mandy Hansen (2021). (Why study abroad: Differences in motivation between US and international students). (2) 5, pp. 185-201. Journal of Global Education and Research.
  • Osasohan Agbonlahor (2014). (The impact of monetary policy on the economy of the United Kingdom: A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)). (16) 10, pp. 19-42. European Scientific Journal.
  • Osayande Agbonlahor, Osasohan Osasuyi, Toheeb Mustapha (Health care provider lifestyle modification advice for adults with hypertension in the United States). (3) 7, pp. 1-8. European Journal of Environment and Public Health.