Dr. Ray Tesiero is an Associate Professor in the Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering department at the NC A&T State University; he has a PhD in Computational Science and Engineering and a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.). He has extensive experience in executive level roles in the private sector holding titles as a President of a systems integration company, VP and General Manager of a global foam manufacturing corporation, and other senior level managerial positions.
Research Interests
HVAC systems, Heat-mass transport and energy systems, Modeling, analysis, optimization and control of HVAC Systems, Sustainable built environment and smart capabilities in building energy systems, Energy efficiency and technologies in buildings, Diagnosis of cooling and heating energy systems, Energy auditing of buildings, Energy conversion and utilization, Energy technology modeling, Greenhouse gas analysis, Building thermal simulation, Reliability engineering and engineering management
Recent Publications
- DeQuante Mckoy, Raymond Tesiero, Yaa Acquaah, Balakrishna Gokaraju (2023). (Review of HVAC Systems History and Future Applications). (17) 16, pp. 6109. Energies.
- Yaa Acquaah, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2022). (Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Real Time Thermal Comfort, Preference, Acceptability, and Sensation for Automation of HVAC Temperature). (Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. ) IEA/AIE.
- Abrar Almalki, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2022). (Review of Food Access in the Shade of Critical Times). (Food security Challenges and Approaches) intechopen.
- Daniel Doss, Russ Henly, David McElreath, S Mallory, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2021). (The Capability Maturity Model Integrated as a Market Engineering Maturity Model). (3) 12, International Journal of Service Science.
- Yaa Acquaah, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero, Greg Monty (2021). (Thermal Imagery Feature Extraction Techniques and the Effects on Machine Learning Models for Smart HVAC Efficiency in Building Energy). In MDI, Remote Sensing Journal. MDPI.
- Daniel Doss, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2020). (ENHANCING COURSE REALISM INTEGRATING FEDERAL CRIME DATA SETS IN A DATABASE MANAGEMENT COURSE). (1) 9, pp. 15-26. ICTE Journal.
- Daniel Doss, Raymond Tesiero (2020). (Mississippi's 2011 concealed carry law: Analyzing reported criminality among Mississippi's public community colleges). (1) 9, pp. 138-164. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education.
- Daniel Doss, David Mcelreath, Rebecca Goza, Raymond Tesiero, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Russ Henley (2018). (Assessing the recovery aftermaths of selected disasters in the Gulf of Mexico). (1) 9, pp. 1--10. Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Global Challenges.
- Daniel Doss, David Mcelreath, Rebecca Goza, Raymond Tesiero, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Russ Henley (2018). (Assessing the Recovery Aftermaths of Selected Disasters in the Gulf of Mexico). (1) 9, pp. 1-10. Logistics & Sustainable Transport.
- Raymond Tesiero (2018). (Disasters That Shaped emergency Management: Case Studies for the Homeland Security/Emergency Management Professional). (Chapters 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) (1) pp. 161-221. Kendall-Hunt.
- Daniel Doss, Hilliard Lackey, David McElreath, Rebecca Goza, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero, Jeremy Sheffield (2017). (A Quantitative Examination of Crime: Reported Incidents at Land-Grant Higher Education Institutions versus Reported Societal Incidents.). (1) 6, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education.
- D Doss, H Lackey, D McElreath, R Goza, B Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2017). (A Quantitative Examination of Crime: Reported Incidents at Land-Grant Higher Educaton Institutions versus Reported Societal Incidents). (1) 6, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education.
- Daniel Doss, Raymond Tesiero, Balakrishna Gokaraju, David McElreath, Rebecca Goza (2017). (Proposed derivation of the Integrated Capability Maturity Model as an environmental management maturity model). (3) 5, pp. 67--73. Energy and Environmental Engineering.
- Daniel Adrian Doss, Raymond Tesiero, Balakrishna Gokaraju, David McElreath, Rebecca Goza (2017). (Proposed Derivation of the Integrated Capability Maturity Model as an Environmental Management Maturity Model). (3) 5, pp. 67-73. Energy and Environmental Engineering.
- Daniel Doss, Hilliard Lackey, David McElreath, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero, Don Jones, Glenna Lusk (2017). (Quantitatively assessing reported crime versus enrollment among selected higher education institutions). (10) 5, pp. 1678--1683. Universal Journal of Educational Research.
- Daniel Doss, Hilliard Lackey, David McElreath, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero, Don Jones, Glenna Lusk (2017). (Quantitatively Assessing Reported Crime versus Enrollment among Selected Higher Education Institutions). (10) 5, pp. 1678-1683. Universal Journal of Educational Research.
- Daniel Doss, R Goza, Raymond Tesiero (2017). (The Capability Maturity Model as an Industrial Process Improvement Model). (2) 4, pp. 17-24. Manufacturing Science and Technology.
- Daniel Doss, Rebecca Goza, Raymond Tesiero, Balakrishna Gokaraju, David McElreath (2017). (The Capability Maturity Model as an Industrial Process Improvement Model).
- Nabil Nassif, Raymond Tesiero (2014). (A NEW AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM FAN MODEL BASED ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS). (1) 7, pp. 36-44. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
- Raymond Tesiero (2014). (LOW-COST STRATEGIES TO SAVE ENERGY IN K-12 SCHOOLS). (1) 7, pp. 45-57. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
- Raymond Tesiero (2014). (Low-Tech/No-Cost Control Strategies to Save Energy in K-12 Schools). (1) 120, ASHRAE Transactions.
- Nabil Nassif, Raymond Tesiero (2014). (Modeling and Validation of HVAC System Fan Based on Numerical Analysis). Journal of Energy.
- Raymond Tesiero, Nabil Nassif, Harmohindar Singh (2013). (Artificial Intelligent Approaches for Modeling and Optimizing HVAC Systems). (Proceedings of the 2013 National Conference on Advances in Environmental Science and Technology) pp. 211-220. Springer International Publishing.
- Nabil Nassif, Raymond Tesiero (2013). (Developing and Validation of HVAC System Fan Model Based on Numerical Analysis). (1) 119, ASHRAE Transactions.
- Nabil Nassif, Raymond Tesiero (2013). (Energy Performance Analysis of Ice Thermal Storage for Commercial HVAC Systems). Journal of Energy and Power Engineering.
- Nabil Nassif, Raymond Tesiero (2013). (Impact of Ice Thermal Storage on Cooling Energy Cost for Commercial HVAC Systems). (1) 119, ASHRAE Transactions.