Dr. Geleana D. Alston is the Inaugural Associate Dean for Research and Community Engagement in the College of Education. She is also a Professor in the Department of Leadership Studies and Adult Education. Dr. Alston’s work focuses on the sociocultural intricacies of women, minorities, and disenfranchised groups as adult learners. She is the author or co-author of over 30 scholarly publications. In addition to her scholarship, Dr. Alston has more than 10 years experience with academic journal editorship. Currently, she is the Co-Editor in Chief for New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, a top-tier refereed academic journal. Dr. Alston has collaborated on research projects as principal investigator, co-principal investigator, or evaluator, and collectively these research teams have successfully secured more than 13 million dollars in funding from various federal agencies, the University of North Carolina System, and corporate foundations.
Research Interests
Dr. Alston brings expertise and demonstrated impact in the areas of (1) mentoring, advising, and engaging adult learners, (2) historically underserved/underrepresented undergraduate adult learners, especially in STEM, (3) supporting growth opportunities among faculty in higher education, and (4) leadership development and team dynamics.
Recent Publications
- Catherine Hansman, Geleana Alston (2024). (Mentoring to Facilitate Adult Learning). (Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning) pp. 132-151. Routledge.
- Catherine Hansman, Geleana Alston (2024). (Mentorship and Peer Mentorship). In J. Coryell, L. Baumgartner, L., & Bohonos, J. , (Methods for Facilitating adult learning: Strategies for enhancing instruction and instructor effectiveness) Routledge.
- Geleana Alston, Catherine Hansman (2021). (Equity-focused online facilitation for adult learners). New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education.
- Geleana Alston, Catherine Hansman (2021). (Mentoring in Adult and Continuing Education). In T. Rocco, M.C. Smith, R.C. Mizzi, L. Merriweather, & J. Hawley, (The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education) pp. 107-116. Stylus Publishing.
- Geleana Alston (2020). (Adult Educators Must Be Learners, Too). In Clemans, S. E. & Mandell, A., (Explorations in Adult Higher Education: Access, Identity and Power in American Higher Education) (6) Winter 2020, pp. 105-114. SUNY Empire State College.
- Geleana Alston, Catherine Hansman (2020). (Embracing Diversity and Inclusive Mentoring Practices for Leadership Development). (167-168) 2020, pp. 83-94. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education.
- Geleana Alston, Shon Smith, Danya Collins (2020). (Historically Black colleges and universities supporting veterans and servicemembers: Insights from the past in preparation for the future). (166) 2020, pp. 69-80.
- Geleana Alston (2020). (Where are we headed? Future directions for mentoring, learning, and leadershipNew Directions for Adult and Continuing Education). (167-168) 2020, pp. 127-133. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education.
- Jill Zarestky, Stephanie Sisco, Geleana Alston, Joshua Collins (2019). (Adult learning and inclusive feminism: Historical and contemporary perspectives on social justice and political activism). (4) 31, pp. 4-17. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development.
- Michael Brooks, Geleana Alston, Meika Bryan, Townsend Christopher (2017). (Creating a healthy classroom in multicultural counseling courses). In Robbie Stewart, (2) 1, pp. 24. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, and Practice.
- Geleana Alston, Quintara Jernigan (2017). (Reaction to: The Inter-relationship of Orgnizational Learing, Learning Organization, Virtual Technology and Virtual Communities of Practice). (3) 29, pp. 4. New Horizons for Adult Education & Human Resource Development.
- Geleana Alston, Breonte Guy, Cecil Campbell (2017). (Ready for the professoriate? The influence of mentoring on career development for Black male graduate students in STEM). (1) 8, pp. 35-56. Journal of African American Males in Education.
- Geleana Alston (2016). (Adult education and an African American history museum). (2) 48, pp. 15. Studies in the Education of Adults.
- Geleana Alston, T Clegg, Roy Clodfelter, Jr., Kimberly Drye, J Farrer, Derek Gould, Nidhal Mohsin, Tomiko Rankin, Sherri Ray (2016). (Reflections from graduate adult learners about service learning). (4) 27, pp. 175-177. Adult Learning.
- Geleana Alston (2016). (She's younger than me: A new look at age and mentoring in doctoral education). In Peno, K., Mangiante, E. S., & Kenahan, R., (Mentoring in formal and informal contexts)
- Jovita Ross-Gordon, Stephen Gordon, Geleana Alston, Kenyatta Dawson, Carl Van Aacken (2015). (Efforts to transform learning and learners: The first decade of an innovative doctoral program in educational leadership.). (1&2) 49, pp. 52-70. Journal of Thought.
- Jovita Ross-Gordon, Geleana Alston (2015). (Moranda Smith—From tobacco plant worker, to local union educator, to first African American woman to head a southern regional union). (The handbook of North American early women adult educators: 1925-1950) pp. 245-254.
- Auburn Ellis, Patricia Erwin, Tennille Lasker-Scott, Perdeta Bush, Mattyna Stephens, Geleana Alston, Nozella Brown (2015). (The 21st Annual AERC African Diaspora Pre-Conference: Reflecting, Relating, and Reshaping the Community). (2) 26, pp. 81-83. Adult Learning.
- Geleana Alston, Nina Ellis-Hervey (2014). (Exploring the non-formal adult educator in 21st century contexts using qualitative video data analysis techniques). Advanced Online Publication, pp. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.968168. Learning, Media,and Technology.