Balakrishna Gokaraju


Balakrishna Gokaraju
College of Engineering

Computational Science & Engineering

Fort-IRC 305
Ph.D.Electrical Engineering / Mississippi State University
M.S.Satellite Remote Sensing / Birla Institute of Technology
B.S.Electronics and Communication Engineering / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Recent Publications

  • Yaa Acquaah, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2022). (Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Real Time Thermal Comfort, Preference, Acceptability, and Sensation for Automation of HVAC Temperature). (Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. ) IEA/AIE.
  • Abrar Almalki, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2022). (Review of Food Access in the Shade of Critical Times). (Food security Challenges and Approaches) intechopen.
  • Swetha Chittam, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Zhigang Xu, Jagannathan Sankar, Kaushik Roy (2021). (Big Data Mining and Classification of Intelligent Material Science Data Using Machine Learning). (18) 11, pp. 8596. Applied Sciences.
  • Daniel Doss, Russ Henly, David McElreath, S Mallory, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2021). (The Capability Maturity Model Integrated as a Market Engineering Maturity Model). (3) 12, International Journal of Service Science.
  • Yaa Acquaah, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero, Greg Monty (2021). (Thermal Imagery Feature Extraction Techniques and the Effects on Machine Learning Models for Smart HVAC Efficiency in Building Energy). In MDI, Remote Sensing Journal. MDPI.
  • Daniel Doss, Balakrishna Gokaraju, Raymond Tesiero (2020). (ENHANCING COURSE REALISM INTEGRATING FEDERAL CRIME DATA SETS IN A DATABASE MANAGEMENT COURSE). (1) 9, pp. 15-26. ICTE Journal.
  • Anish Turlapaty, Balakrishna Gokaraju (2019). (Feature Analysis for Classification of Physical Actions Using Surface EMG Data). (24) 19, pp. 12196-12204. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL.
  • Daniel Doss, Russ Henley, Balakrishna Gokaraju, David McElreath, Hilliard Lackey, Qiuqi Hong, Lauren Miller (2016). (Assessing Domestic vs. International Student Perceptions and Attitudes of Plagiarism). (2) 6, pp. 542-564. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS.
  • Daniel Doss, Russ Henley, David McElreath, Hilliard Lackey, Don Jones, Balakrishna Gokaraju, William Sumrall (2016). (Homeland security education: Managerial versus nonmanagerial market perspectives of an academic program). (4) 91, pp. 203-210. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS.