Gregory D Goins

Associate Dean- Agriculture Research

Gregory D Goins
College of Ag & Environ Sciences

College of Ag & Environ Sciences

Barnes Hall G8
Ph.D.Crop Science / North Carolina State University
M.S.Crop Science / North Carolina State University
B.S.Biology / The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Dr. Gregory D. Goins is a Professor of Environmental Biology at North Carolina A&T State University. He is a former NSF Division of Undergraduate Education Program Officer with the IUSE, Noyce, and S-STEM programs. In 2015, he was 1 of 11 People recognized in the Nation by the White House as a Champion of Change for HBCUs. His research has been funded by USDA, NASA, NSF, and NIH. Presently, he is the Principal investigator on the NSF-sponsored INCLUDES Project Award # 1649263 titled the DISCUSSION Network. Using culturally relevant socio-environmental frameworks, DISCUSSION between Historically Black Colleges and Univ's.

Research Interests

Systems biology and dynamic modeling of ecological systems. The central themes of the research projects are high throughput data collection and ecosystem model predictions.

Recent Publications

  • Mohammad Kalan, Hassan Sis, Gregory Goins, Scott Harrison, Vinaya Kelkar, Mohammad Jafarabadi, Jian Han (2018). (The Identification of Risk Factors Associated with Patient and Healthcare System Delays in the Treatment of Tuberculosis in Tabriz, Iran). (1) 18, pp. 174. BMC Public Health.
  • Gregory Goins (2017). (STEM Communication through Socio-environmental Systems In and Out of Under-served Localities). (1) 1, pp. 1-2. Archives of Biology and Engineering.
  • Gregory Goins, Thomas Redd, Mingxiang Chen, Catherine White, Dominic Clemence (2016). (Forming a Biomathematical Learning Alliance Across Traditional Academic Departments). In Carissa Davies, (6) 4, pp. 16-23. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research.
  • Gregory Goins, Mingxiang Chen, Catherine White, Dominic Clemence, Thomas Redd, Vinaya Kelkar (2010). (An Initiative to Broaden Diversity in Undergraduate Biomathematics Training). In John Jungck, (3) 9, pp. 241-247. CBE LIfe Sciences Education.
  • Gregory Goins (2010). (An Initiative to Broaden Diversity in Undergraduate Biomathematics Training ). 9, pp. 241-247. CBE—Life Sciences Education.
  • H Kim, R Wheeler, J Sager, N Yorio, Gregory Goins (2005). (Light-emitting diodes as an illumination source for plants: a review of research at Kennedy Space Center.). (2) 10, pp. 71-8. Habitation (Elmsford, N.Y.).
  • G Stutte, O Monje, Gregory Goins, B Tripathy (2005). (Microgravity effects on thylakoid, single leaf, and whole canopy photosynthesis of dwarf wheat.). (1) 223, pp. 46-56. Planta.
  • H Kim, Gregory Goins, R Wheeler, J Sager (2004). (Green-light supplementation for enhanced lettuce growth under red- and blue-light-emitting diodes.). (7) 39, pp. 1617-22. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
  • Gregory Goins, N Yorio, R Wheeler (2004). (Influence of nitrogen nutrition management on biomass partitioning and nitrogen use efficiency indices in hydroponically grown potato.). (1) 129, pp. 134-40. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science.
  • H Kim, Gregory Goins, R Wheeler, J Sager (2004). (Stomatal conductance of lettuce grown under or exposed to different light qualities.). (5) 94, pp. 691-7. Annals of botany.
  • O Monje, G Stutte, Gregory Goins, D Porterfield, G Bingham (2003). (Farming in space: environmental and biophysical concerns.). (1) 31, pp. 151-67. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR).
  • N Yorio, Gregory Goins, H Kagie, R Wheeler, J Sager (2001). (Improving spinach, radish, and lettuce growth under red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with blue light supplementation.). (2) 36, pp. 380-3. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
  • T Tibbitts, J Croxdale, C Brown, R Wheeler, Gregory Goins (1999). (Ground-based studies and space experiment with potato leaf explants.). (2) 6, pp. 97-106. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space.
  • N Yorio, R Wheeler, Gregory Goins, M Sanwo-Lewandowski, C Mackowiak, C Brown, J Sager, G Stutte (1998). (Blue light requirements for crop plants used in bioregenerative life support systems.). (2) 5, pp. 119-28. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space.
  • Gregory Goins, N Yorio, M Sanwo-Lewandowski, C Brown (1998). (Life cycle experiments with Arabidopsis grown under red light-emitting diodes (LEDs).). (2) 5, pp. 143-9. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space.
  • Gregory Goins, N Yorio, M Sanwo, C Brown (1997). (Photomorphogenesis, photosynthesis, and seed yield of wheat plants grown under red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with and without supplemental blue lighting.). (312) 48, pp. 1407-13. Journal of experimental botany.