College of EngineeringDepartment
Mechanical EngineeringEducation
Ph.D.Engineering Mechanics / Old Dominion University
M.S.Engineering / South Dakota State University
B.S.Mechanical Engineering / Pune University
Research Interests
Atomistic Modeling , Nano Engineered Materials, Eletrospinning, Molecular Dynamic Simulations, Nanotechnology, Multifunctional Materials, Crashworthiness, Low Cost Composite Manufacturing (VARTM Processing), Mechanical Characterization of Materials including Metals, Polymeric Composites (Tape and Textile), Ceramics and Ceramic Composites, Computer Aided Design and Modeling, Finite Element and Finite Difference Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Fatigue and Impact Modeling and Testing of Polymeric Composites, Ceramic Composites, Textile Composites, Micromechanics Modeling and Testing, Single Fiber Modeling and Testing
External URL
Recent Publications
- Dattaji Shinde, Ajit Kelkar (2023). (Atomistic modeling and molecular dynamic simulation of polymer nanocomposites for thermal and mechanical property characterization: A review). (2) 10, pp. 249-287. AIMS Materials Science.
- Shrikant Jadhav, Ajit Kelkar (2022). (EFFECT OF INTERLEAVED MWCNTS BUCKYPAPER ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NON-CRIMP CARBON FIBER COMPOSITES). 3, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE).
- A.E. Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2021). (EFFECT OF SURFACE MODIFICATIONS ON THE LAP SHEAR STRENGTH OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS). pp. 555-569. Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2021.
- Shrikant Jadhav, Ajit Kelkar (2020). (Effect of curing temperature on the fundamental properties of laminated composites fabricated using plain weave and non crimp fiber and epoxy resin). CAMX 2019 - Composites and Advanced Materials Expo.
- Lifeng Zhang, Spero Gbewonyo, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar (2019). (Development of Carbon Nanofibers from Electrospinning). In Mark J. Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Zhangzhang Yin, Marc Cahay, (Nanotube Superfiber Materials) pp. 867-878. Elsevier Inc.: Cambridge.
- Adrian Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2019). (Experimental Investigations of Ni Nanoparticle-Polyurethane Acrylic Composite for Electrical Conductivity Enhancement). (43) 4, pp. 2337-2344. MRS ADVANCES.
- Adrian Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2019). (Experimental Investigations of Ni Nanoparticle-Polyurethane Acrylic Composite for Electrical Conductivity Enhancement). (43) 4, pp. 2337-2344. MRS Advances.
- Haley Harrison, Jason Lamb, Kyle Nowlin, Andrew Guenthner, Kamran Ghiassi, Ajit Kelkar, Jeffrey Alston (2019). (Quantification of hexagonal boron nitride impurities in boron nitride nanotubes via FTIR spectroscopy). (5) 1, pp. 1693-1701. NANOSCALE ADVANCES.
- Haley Harrison, Jason Lamb, Kyle Nowlin, Kamran Ghiassi, Andrew Guenthner, Ajit Kelkar, Jeffrey Alston, (2019). (Quantification of hexagonal boron nitride impurities in boron nitride nanotubes via FTIR spectroscopy). Nanoscale Advances/RSC.
- Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2018). (Chemistry Research Summaries). In Lucille Monaco Cacioppo, 20, pp. 301-302. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- AKM Islam, Ajit Kelkar (2018). (Design, processing, and characterization of interlaminar response of a multi-layer carbon - Epoxy prepreg). 2018-May, International SAMPE Technical Conference.
- S. Woosley, N. Abuali Galehdari, Ajit Kelkar, Shyam Aravamudhan (2018). (Fused deposition modeling 3D printing of boron nitride composites for neutron radiation shielding). (22) 33, pp. 3657-3664. Journal of Materials Research.
- ABM Islam, Ajit Kelkar, James Ryan, Thomas Ryan (2018). (STEM Outreach Using In-House and Mobile Demonstrations). (4) 19, Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research.
- Q. Tian, D. Yu, Lifeng Zhang, A.D. Kelkar (2017). (Composite laminate prepared from boron nitride nanoparticle (BNNP) enhanced prepregs). pp. 125-144. Boron Nitride: Properties, Synthesis and Applications.
- Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Composite laminate prepared from boron nitride nanoparticle (BNNP) enhanced prepregs). In Eugene Moran, pp. 125-144. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Nasim Galehdari, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Effect of neutron radiation on the mechanical and thermophysical properties of nanoengineered polymer composites). 32, pp. 1–9. Journal of Materials Research.
- N. Abuali Galehdari, A.D. Kelkar (2017). (Effect of neutron radiation on the mechanical and thermophysical properties of nanoengineered polymer composites). (2) 32, pp. 426-434. Journal of Materials Research.
- Guolong Wang, Demei Yu, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2017). (Electrospun nanofiber: Emerging reinforcing filler in polymer matrix composite materials). 75, pp. 73-107. Progress in Polymer Science.
- G. Wang, D. Yu, A.D. Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2017). (Electrospun nanofiber: Emerging reinforcing filler in polymer matrix composite materials). 75, pp. 73-107. Progress in Polymer Science.
- A.I. Islam, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Fabrication and Characterization of Nanofiber Enhanced Prepregs). 2017, pp. pp–1. MRS Advances.
- ABM Islam, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Prospects and challenges of nanomaterial engineered prepregs for improving interlaminar properties of laminated composites—-a review). (MRS Communications, 1-7. doi:10.1557/mrc.2017.13) pp. 1–7. MRS Communications.
- A.B.M. Iftekharul Islam, A.D. Kelkar (2017). (Prospects and challenges of nanomaterial engineered prepregs for improving interlaminar properties of laminated composites - A review). (2) 7, pp. 102-108. MRS Communications.
- Nasim Galehdari, Thomas Ryan, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Functionally Graded Radiation Shielding Nanoengineered Sandwich Composites). (3) 11, pp. 480–484. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering.
- A.D. Kelkar, Q. Tian, D. Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136-142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Ajit Kelkar, Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136–142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Ajit Kelkar, Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136-142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Vinod Suryawanshi, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2016). (Effect of Silane Treated Electrospun SiO2 Nanofibers Interleaving on Mode I Fracture Toughness of Glass Epoxy Composites). (57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference) pp. 0663.
- Nasim Galehdari, Venkat Mani, Ajit Kelkar (2016). (Fabrication of Nanoengineered Radiation Shielding Multifunctional Polymeric Sandwich Composites). (3) 10, pp. 274–277. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
- Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Dennis LaJeunesse, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217–220. Materials Letters.
- Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Dennis LaJeunesse, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217-220. Materials Letters.
- N. Sirelkhatim, D. Lajeunesse, A.D. Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217-220. Materials Letters.
- S Baghaee-Ravari, M Ghazizadeh, AD Kelkar (2015). (Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Biomedical Applications: Challenges Ahead). (1) 3, pp. 1040. Austin J Nanomed Nanotechnol.
- Mahdi Ghazizadeh, Joseph Estevez, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Space Radiation Shielding). 4, pp. 1–2. Int J Nano Stud Technol.
- Vinod Suryawanshi, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Design and Development of Constant Stress Composite Cantilever Beam). (2) 9, pp. 117–121. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering.
- Vinod Suryawanshi, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Design and Development of Constant Stress Composite Cantilever Beam). In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, (No:2, 2015 ) Volume 9 , pp. 117-121. International Journal of Civil, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering .
- Alex Aboagye, Hytham Elbohy, Ajit Kelkar, Qiquan Qiao, Jiantao Zai, Xuefeng Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550-556. Nano Energy.
- Alex Aboagye, Hytham Elbohy, Ajit Kelkar, Qiquan Qiao, Jiantao Zai, Xuefeng Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550–556. Nano Energy.
- A. Aboagye, H. Elbohy, A.D. Kelkar, Q. Qiao, J. Zai, X. Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550-556. Nano Energy.
- RAVI TOMAR, MAHDI GHAZIZADEH, EARL MARTIN, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Low Velocity Impact Response of Bio-inspired Fiberglass Woven Composites). American Society of Composites-30th Technical Conference.
- Ram Mohan, Y Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayer Metallic Composites). (1) 12, pp. 60-69. J Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
- Ram Mohan, Y. Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical behavior of nanoscale multilayer metallic composites-dynamic crack propagation in nanoscale Ni-Al bilayer composite). (1) 12, pp. 60-69. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
- Ram Mohan, Y Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayer Metallic Composites-Dynamic Crack Propagation in Nanoscale Ni–Al Bilayer Composite). (1) 12, pp. 60–69. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
- US HVARTM (2015). (Patent Number 9,114,576, Ronnie L). Bolick, Ajit D. Kelkar.
- Vinaya Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Henook Shiferaw, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling - Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model). (9) 44, pp. 2251-2263. Communictions in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.
- V.A. Kelkar, R.V. Mohan, H. Shiferaw, A.D. Kelkar (2015). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling - Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model). (9) 44, pp. 2251-2263. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation.
- Vinaya Kelkar, Ram Mohan, H Shiferaw, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling–Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model). (9) 44, pp. 2251–2263. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation.
- Lifeng Zhang, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, Chuilin Lai, Hao Fong (2014). (A review: carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). (2) 49, pp. 463–480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Lifeng Zhang, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, Chuilin Lai, Hao Fong (2014). (A review: carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). 49, pp. 463-480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Lifeng Zhang, A. Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, C. Lai, H. Fong (2014). (A review: Carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). (2) 49, pp. 463-480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Dennis LaJeunesse, Adam Boseman, Kyle Nowlin, Alan Covell (2014). (Biological Nanostructures of Insect Cuticles: Formation, Function, and Potential Applications). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications) pp. 93–110. CRC Press.
- Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Bio-Nano Interfaces). pp. 331. CRC Press.
- G. Srinivas, R.V. Mohan, A.D. Kelkar (2014). (Computational modeling of nano-bio interfaces). pp. 185-197. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). In A. Kelkar, D. Herr, J. Ryan, (Chapter 13) CRC Press.
- Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). pp. 185. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering) pp. 185-198. CRC Press.
- Effat Zeidan, Stephen Vance, Marinella Sandros (2014). (Current Nanodelivery Systems for Imaging and). pp. 113. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Ram Mohan, V Jadhav, A Ahmed, J Rivas, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Effect of Plasticizer Additives on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Composite–A Molecular Dynamics Analysis). ( No:1, 2014 ) 8, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering .
- Ram Mohan, V Jadhav, Ahmed Ahmed, J Rivas, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Effect of Plasticizer Additives on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Composite–A Molecular Dynamics Analysis). (1) 8, pp. 84–88. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
- Dattaji Shinde, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Effect of TEOS Electrospun Nanofiber Modified Resin on Interlaminar Shear Strength of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composite). (1) 8, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014 .
- G.S. Chandekar, A.D. Kelkar (2014). (Experimental and numerical investigations of textile hybrid composites subjected to low velocity impact loadings). 2014, The Scientific World Journal.
- Gautam Chandekar, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Textile Hybrid Composites Subjected to Low Velocity Impact Loadings). 2014, The Scientific World Journal.
- M Kheirandish, S Borhani, this experiment Polystyrene, In (2014). (Green Prossesing of PS/Nanoparticle Fibers and Studying Morphology and Properties). (3) 8, pp. 192–195. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
- Ethan Taylor, Daniel Herr, James Ryan (2014). (Introduction: The Mechanical and Biological Paradigms). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications) pp. 1–10. CRC Press.
- Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, (2014). (Modeling a Nanoscale - Material Chemistry Level Modeling in Prcessing and Mechanics of Engineered Materials). In A. Kelkar, D. Herr, J. Ryan, (Chapter 10) CRC Press.
- R.V. Mohan, A.D. Kelkar (2014). (Modeling at nano scale: Material chemistry level modeling in processing and mechanics of engineered materials). pp. 167-184. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Modeling at Nano Scale: Material Chemistry Level Modeling in Processing and Mechanics of Engineered Materials). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering) pp. 167-184. CRC Press.
- A.D. Kelkar, D.J.C. Herr, J.G. Ryan (2014). (Nanoscience and nanoengineering: Advances and applications). pp. 1-299. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Ajit Kelkar, Daniel Herr, James Ryan (2014). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications). In A. Kelkar, D. Herr, J. Ryan, pp. 331. CRC Press.
- Ajit Kelkar, Daniel Herr, James Ryan (2014). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications). CRC press Taylor and Francis Group.
- Joseph Estevez, Mahdi Ghazizadeh, James Ryan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Simulation of hydrogenated boron nitride nanotube’s mechanical properties for radiation shielding applications). 8, pp. 63–67. Int. J. Chem. Sci. Eng.
- Joseph Estevez, Mahdi Ghazizadeh, James Ryan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Simulation of hydrogenated boron nitride nanotube’s mechanical properties for radiation shielding applications). 8, pp. 63–67. Int. J. Chem. Sci. Eng.
- VA Kelkar, RV Mohan, H Shiferaw, AD Kelkar (2014). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling–Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model.). (just-accepted) pp. 00–00. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation.
- Joseph Graves, Jr (2014). (The Safety of Nanomaterials). pp. 267. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
- Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, Mohan Srinivas, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (Computational Modeling of Peptide – Aptamer Binding in Biosensor Applications). pp. 639-642. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
- Polymer Transport (2013). (Delivery of Model Hydrophilic Components inside a Biological Lipid Vesicle: A Coarse-Grain Simulation Study Srinivas, Goundla; Mohan, Ram V.; Kelkar, Ajit D). (40) 117, pp. 12095–12104. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
- A Mohamed, Ram Mohan, J Rivas, A Rajendran, W Hodo, Kenneth Flurchick, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (MOLECULAR DYNAMICS MODELING OF HYDRATED CALCIUM-SILICATE-HYDRATE (CSH) CEMENT MOLECULAR STRUCTURE.). (2) 7, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technology.
- G Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (Polymer micelle assisted transport and delivery of model hydrophilic components inside a biological lipid vesicle: a coarse-grain simulation study.). (40) 117, pp. 12095-104. The journal of physical chemistry. B.
- G. Srinivas, R.V. Mohan, A.D. Kelkar (2013). (Polymer micelle assisted transport and delivery of model hydrophilic components inside a biological lipid vesicle: A coarse-grain simulation study). (40) 117, pp. 12095-12104. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
- AD Kelkar, Ram Mohan, M Ghazizadeh, E Kimbro (2013). (Progressive Failure Analysis of Hybrid Composite Laminates Under Static Tensile Loading). (1) 7, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technology.
- Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar, Z. Zhu, H. Fong (2012). (Electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers surface-functionalized with amidoxime groups and their applications). pp. 91-110. Nanofibers: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications.
- Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar, Zhengtao Zhu, Hao Fong (2012). (Electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers surface-functionalized with amidoxime groups and their applications). In Wei Dong Li and Xue Ping Wang, Nova Science Publisher, Inc..
- SW Tsai, G Bowers, Ajit Kelkar (2012). (Heated vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding for high-strength components). (2) pp. 10–11. Advanced Composites Bulletin.
- Ram Mohan, Elvis Fefey, Ajit Kelkar (2012). (Predictive Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF) cross-linked with Curing Agent W (DETDA) and SWCNT using MD Simulations–Effect of Carbon Vacancy Defects). (53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14th AIAA)
- Joseph Estevez, Mahdi Ghazizadeh, Ajit Kelkar (2012). (Property Prediction of Single-Walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes using Molecular Dynamics Simulation). AIAA.
- M Schulz, X Wang, M Gundmundsson, Katharina Schneider, Aditya Kelkar, AB Voitkiv, B Najjari, M Schöffler, L Schmidt, R Dörner, others (2012). (Strongly enhanced backward emission of electrons in transfer and ionization). (4) 108, pp. 043202. Physical review letters.
- Daniel Davis, Bradley Whelan (2011). (An experimental study of interlaminar shear fracture toughness of a nanotube reinforced composite). (1) 42, pp. 105–116. Composites Part B: Engineering.
- E.G. Fefey, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Computational study of the effect of carbon vacancy defects on the Young's modulus of (6, 6) single wall carbon nanotube). (9) 176, pp. 693-700. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
- Elvis Fefey, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Computational study of the effect of carbon vacancy defects on the Young’s modulus of (6, 6) single wall carbon nanotube). (9) 176, pp. 693–700. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
- Ram Mohan, Keith Schimmel, Ajit Kelkar, Vinaya Kelkar (2011). (INSTRUCT-Integrating NASA Science, Technology, and Research in Undergraduate Curriculum and Training). American Society for Engineering Education.
- Z Hesabi, A Kouchi, Y Beni, M Abadyan (2011). (Modeling fatigue behavior of quasi-isotropic laminates). 10, pp. 3764–3768. Procedia Engineering.
- Pravin Chopade, Dr Ram Mohan, Marwan Bikdash, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Modeling of Coupled Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in a Disc-Type Power Transformer to Optimize Hot Spots in Transformer Design with COMSOL).
- X Wang, K Schneider, Ajit Kelkar, M Schulz, Bennaceur Najjari, Alexander Voitkiv, Magnus Gundmundsson, Manfred Grieser, C Krantz, M Lestinsky, others (2011). (Mutual projectile and target ionization in 1-MeV/amu N 4+ and N 5++ He collisions). (2) 84, pp. 022707. Physical Review A.
- Francis Komuves, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Vinaya Kelkar (2011). (Prediction of Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF) cross-linked with Curing Agent W (DETDA) and SWCNT using MD Simulations). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- SN Patankar, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Ranji Vaidyanathan (2011). (Processing and characterization of epoxy resin dispersed with multi walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) derived from camphor). 529, pp. 253–256. Materials Science and Engineering: A.
- S.N. Patankar, Ram Mohan, A.D. Kelkar, R. Vaidyanathan (2011). (Processing and characterization of epoxy resin dispersed with multi walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) derived from camphor). (1) 529, pp. 253-256. Materials Science and Engineering A.
- Robert SKILLEN, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Processing bi-angle non-crimp fabrics). (68) pp. 64–65. JEC composites.
- R.S. Skillen, A.D. Kelkar (2011). (Processing bi-angle non-crimp fabrics). (68) 48, pp. 64-65. JEC Composites Magazine.
- Liping ZHANG, Qinfang HAO, Yuanming LIU, Na SONG, Danhao ZHANG, Xiaochen LI, Kun TAN, XiaoLi YANG (2011). (The result comparison research of the tacrolimus concentration by enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique and microparticle enzyme immunoassay [J]). 8, pp. 002. Laboratory Medicine.
- Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Narayanaswamy Radhakrishnan (2010). (Computational Science and Engineering Education, Research and Training at a HBCU- Experiences and Outcomes). American Society for Engineering Education.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, Sachin Shendokar (2010). (Effect of nanoparticles and nanofibers on Mode I fracture toughness of fiber glass reinforced polymeric matrix composites). (1) 168, pp. 85–89. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
- A.D. Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, S. Shendokar (2010). (Effect of nanoparticles and nanofibers on Mode I fracture toughness of fiber glass reinforced polymeric matrix composites). (1) 168, pp. 85-89. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
- Shyam Aravamudhan, Joseph Graves, Jr, Shanthi Iyer, Ajit Kelkar, Adam Hall, Christopher Kepley, Dennis LaJeunesse, James Ryan, Marinella Sandros, Joseph Starobin, others (2010). (Friday, March 18th, 2011. 2: 00 PM, Journal Club. Article “Direct differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into selective neurons on nanoscale ridge/groove pattern arrays”, Presented by Rabeah Rawashdeh). 31, pp. 4360–4366. Biomaterials.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, others (2010). (Materials Seienee and Engineering B).
- Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Oladapo Akinyede, Francis Komuves (2010). (MOLECULAR DYNAMICS MODELING IN HYBRID FIBRE POLYMER COMPOSITES).
- Gautam Chandekar, Bhushan Thatte, Ajit Kelkar (2010). (On the behavior of fiberglass epoxy composites under low velocity impact loading). 2010, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
- A.D. Kelkar, G.S. Chandekar, B.S. Thatte (2010). (On the behavior of fiberglass epoxy composites under low velocity impact loading). 2010, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
- Chandekar Gautam S, Thatte Bhushan S, Kelkar Ajit D, others (2010). (On the Behavior of Fiberglass Epoxy Composites under Low Velocity Impact Loading). 2010, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
- Francis Komuves, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Vinaya Kelkar (2010). (Prediction of Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF)-W (DETDA) using MD Simulations). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2010). (Processing and thermo-physical characterization of alumina particulate reinforced 3-phase hybrid composite material system). (3) 42, pp. 5–19. Journal of advanced materials.
- O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2010). (Processing and thermo-physical characterization of alumina particulate reinforced 3-phase hybrid composite material system). (3) 42, pp. 5-19. Journal of Advanced Materials.
- Oldapo Aknyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2010). (Static and Dynamic Loading Behavior of Hybrid Epoxy Composite with Alumina Nanoparticles). 16Th International conference on composite materials.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ronnie Bolick (2009). (AC 2009-1670: INTRODUCTION TO REENGINEERED MATERIALS). 14, pp. 1. age.
- A Duraphe, H Dukes, Jagannathan Sankar, Devdas Pai, S Yannolenko, AD Kelkar (2009). (Effect of temperature on fatigue properties of melt infiltrated ceramic composites). 238, pp. 347. 24th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures-A: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings.
- O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Erratum: Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles (Journal of Composite Materials (2009) 43:7 DOI: 10.1177/0021998309101294)). (26) 43, pp. 3325. Journal of Composite Materials.
- K Vaidyanathan, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, David Stinton, Mark Headinger (2009). (Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Chemically Vapor Infiltrated Ceramic Matrix Composites Under Pure Tension). (9-10) pp. 1016. 17th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials, Part 2 of 2: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 14.
- K Vaidyanathan, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, Bill Weaver (2009). (MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NEXTEL™ 312 FIBER-REINFORCED SIC MATRIX COMPOSITES IN TENSION). (4) pp. 251. 18th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials-A: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 15.
- Jitendra Tate, Ajit Kelkar, Vinaya Kelkar (2009). (Minimizing scatter in load-controlled fatigue test data of textile polymer matrix composites using statistical techniques). (2) 12, pp. 283–292. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics.
- J.S. Tate, A.D. Kelkar, V.A. Kelkar (2009). (Minimizing scatter in load-controlled fatigue test data of textile polymer matrix composites using statistical techniques). (2) 12, pp. 283-292. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics.
- K Vaidyanathan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Prediction of elastic properties of ceramic matrix composites using a plain weave classical laminate theory). (9-10) pp. 1066. 17th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials, Part 2 of 2: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 14.
- Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2009). (Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles). (7) 43, pp. 769–781. Journal of composite materials.
- O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles). (7) 43, pp. 769-781. Journal of Composite Materials.
- D Fischer, M Schulz, K Schneider, MF Ciappina, T Kirchner, Ajit Kelkar, S Hagman, M Grieser, K-U Kühnel, R Moshammer, others (2009). (Systematic analysis of double-ionization dynamics based on four-body Dalitz plots). (6) 80, pp. 062703. Physical Review A.
- S. Mall, D.W. Katwyk, R.L. Bolick, A.D. Kelkar, D.C. Davis (2009). (Tension-compression fatigue behavior of a H-VARTM manufactured unnotched and notched carbon/epoxy composite). (2) 90, pp. 201-207. Composite Structures.
- S Mall, DW Katwyk, RL Bolick, AD Kelkar, DC Davis (2009). (Tension–compression fatigue behavior of a H-VARTM manufactured unnotched and notched carbon/epoxy composite). (2) 90, pp. 201–207. Composite Structures.
- Rajeev Krishnan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Coated Fiber Composites). pp. 395–402. 23rd Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: B: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 20 Issue 4.
- Jesse Muchai, Klett, Ajit D Kelkar David E, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Thermal-mechanical stress analysis of a PSZ coated piston through finite element technique). 258, pp. 159. 26th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures-A: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings.
- A.D. Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, S. Shendokar (2008). (Effect of electrospun fibers on the interlaminar properties of woven composites). 47-50 PART 2, pp. 1031-1034. Advanced Materials Research.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, Sachin Shendokar (2008). (Effect of electrospun fibers on the Interlaminar properties of woven composites). 47, pp. 1031–1034. Advanced Materials Research.
- A. Duraphe, H. Dukes, Jagannathan Sankar, Devdas Pai, Sergey Yarmolenko, Ajit Kelkar, J. Lang, R. Bhatt (2008). (Effect of Temperature on Fatigue Properties of Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Composites). (24th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: A: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings) pp. 347-354. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Ram Mohan, Oladapo Akinyede, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2008). (Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Analysis of Material Interactions in Alumina Particulate Hybrid Composites). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- J.S. Tate, A.D. Kelkar (2008). (Stiffness degradation model for biaxial braided composites under fatigue loading). (3) 39, pp. 548-555. Composites Part B: Engineering.
- Jitendra Tate, Ajit Kelkar (2008). (Stiffness degradation model for biaxial braided composites under fatigue loading). (3) 39, pp. 548–555. Composites Part B: Engineering.
- Bhushan Thatte, Gautam Chandekar, Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar (2008). (Studies on Behavior of Carbon and Fiberglass Epoxy Composite Laminates under Low Velocity Impact Loading using LS-DYNA®). 10th International LS-DYNA User Conference, Detroit: Livermore Software Technology Corporation.
- Ronnie Bolick, Ajit Kelkar (2007). (Innovative composite processing by using H-VARTM method). Proceedings of the SAMPE Europe 28th International Conference.
- Jitendra Tate, Ajit Kelkar, Vinaya Kelkar (2007). (Minimizing scatter in load-controlled fatigue test data of textile polymeric composites using statistical techniques). International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics, Greensboro, NC.
- Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2007). (Static and Dynamic Loading Behavior of Hybrid Epoxy Composite with Alumina Nanoparticles). International Conference on Composite Materials, Kyoto, Japan.
- Ron Bolick, Ajit Kelkar (2007). (Statistical Fatigue Data Modeling of Stitched, Unstitched and Z-Pinned Textile Composites under Tension Compression Loading). International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics, Greensboro, NC.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ronnie Bolick, Vijay Krishnan, William Craft (2006). (2006-2052: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND AWARENESS BUILDING FOR TEACHERS IN THE AREA OF ADVANCED MATERIALS). 11, pp. 1. age.
- Cindy Waters, Sergey Yarmolenko, Jagannathan Sankar, Sudhir Neralla, Ajit Kelkar (2006). (20 Synthesis, Optimization, and Characterization of AlN/TiN Thin Film Heterostructures).
- Jitendra Tate, Ajit Kelkar, John Whitcomb (2006). (Effect of braid angle on fatigue performance of biaxial braided composites). (10) 28, pp. 1239–1247. International journal of fatigue.
- J.S. Tate, A.D. Kelkar, J.D. Whitcomb (2006). (Effect of braid angle on fatigue performance of biaxial braided composites). (10 SPEC. ISS.) 28, pp. 1239-1247. International Journal of Fatigue.
- Sadettin Ozturk, Wei-Shou Hu, CRC Boca (2006). (Materials and Polymers). 113, pp. 184–185. Journal of Controlled Release.
- Rahul Gupta, Ajit Kelkar (2006). (Nonlinear crash dynamics simulation of novel airbag based next generation energy absorbing barrier). (Proceedings of the 9th LSDYNA International User’s Conference)
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate, Pramod Chaphalkar (2006). (Performance evaluation of VARTM manufactured textile composites for the aerospace and defense applications). (1) 132, pp. 126–128. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
- A.D. Kelkar, J.S. Tate, P. Chaphalkar (2006). (Performance evaluation of VARTM manufactured textile composites for the aerospace and defense applications). (1-2) 132, pp. 126-128. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
- X. Tang, J.D. Whitcomb, A.D. Kelkar, J. Tate (2006). (Progressive failure analysis of 2 × 2 braided composites exhibiting multiscale heterogeneity). (14) 66, pp. 2580-2590. Composites Science and Technology.
- Xiaodong Tang, John Whitcomb, Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate (2006). (Progressive failure analysis of 2$$ 2 braided composites exhibiting multiscale heterogeneity). (14) 66, pp. 2580–2590. Composites Science and Technology.
- A.D. Kelkar, J.S. Tate, Ronnie Bolick (2006). (Structural integrity of aerospace textile composites under fatigue loading). (1-2) 132, pp. 79-84. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate, Ronnie Bolick (2006). (Structural integrity of aerospace textile composites under fatigue loading). (1) 132, pp. 79–84. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
- Kin-tak Lau, Jagannathan Sankar, David Hui (2005). (14 Enhancement of the Mechanical Strength of Polymer-Based Composites Using Carbon Nanotubes).
- Vesselin Shanov, Atul Miskin, Sachin Jain, Peng He, Mark Schulz (2005). (Advances in chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Han Chae, Tetsuya Uchida, Satish Kumar (2005). (Carbon Nanofiber and Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composite Fibers and Films). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Milded Dresselhaus, Ado Jorio, Oded Rabin (2005). (Carbon Nanotubes and Bismuth Nanowires). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- J.D. Schall, D.W. Brenner, A.D. Kelkar, R. Gupta (2005). (Continuum and atomistic modeling of thin films subjected to nanoindentation). pp. 501-527. Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials.
- J Schall, Donald Brenner, Ajit Kelkar, Rahul Gupta (2005). (Continuum and Atomistic Modeling of Thin Films Subjected to Nanoindentation). 19, Chapter.
- Debasish Banerjee, Jingyu Lao, Zhifeng Ren (2005). (Design of nanostructured materials). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- D. Goyal, X. Tang, J.D. Whitcomb, A.D. Kelkar (2005). (Effect of various parameters on effective engineering properties of 2 × 2 braided composites). (2) 12, pp. 113-128. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.
- Deepak Goyal, Xiaodong Tang, John Whitcomb, Ajit Kelkar (2005). (Effect of various parameters on effective engineering properties of 2$$ 2 braided composites). (2) 12, pp. 113–128. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.
- RL Bolick, AD Kelkar, JA Taylor, JS Tate (2005). (IMECE2005-81053 Performance Evaluation of Unstitched, Stitched and Z-Pinned Textile Composites Under Static Loading). 493, pp. 103. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Guoqing Tang, N Radhakrishnan, Kenneth Murray (2005). (Innovative graduate program in computational science and engineering). 10, pp. 1. age.
- Christianne R. Anderson, Kumar Tamma (2005). (Introduction to Nanoscale, Microscale, and Macroscale Heat Transport). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Ajit Kelkar, N Radhakrishnan, Kenneth Murray, others (2005). (Learning across the boundaries between engineering, science, technology and business). Australasian Association of Engineering Education.
- Virginia Davis, Matteo Pasquali (2005). (Macroscopic Fibers of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Samit Roy, Kalivarathan Vengadassalam, Farzana Hussain, Hongbing Lu (2005). (Manufacturing, mechanical characterization, and modeling of a pultruded thermoplastic nanocomposite). (Nanoengineering of structural, functional and smart materials) CRC Press.
- Gregory Odegard (2005). (Modeling of carbon nanotube/polymer composites). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Vesselin Yamakov, Dawn Phillips, E Seather, Edward Glaessgen (2005). (Multiscale modelling of stress localization and fracture in nanocrystalline metallic materials). Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials. Ed. MJ Schlz.
- Mark Schulz, Ajit Kelkar, Mannur Sundaresan (2005). (Nanoengineering of structural, functional and smart materials). CRC Press.
- M.J. Schulz, A.D. Kelkar, M.J. Sundaresan (2005). (Nanoengineering of structural, functional, and smart materials). pp. 1-712. Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials.
- Young Kwon (2005). (Nanomechanics). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Yun Yeo-Heung, Inpil Kang, Sachin Jain, Atul Miskin, Suhasini Narasimhadevara, Goutham Kirkeria, Vishal Shinde, SriLaxmi Pammi, Saurabh Datta, Peng He, others (2005). (Nanoscale Intelligent Materials and Structures). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Peng He, Donglu Shi (2005). (Plasma Deposition of Ultra-Thin Functional Films on Nanoscale Materials). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Serge Nakhmanson, Vincent Meunier (2005). (Polarization in Nanotubes and Nanotubular Structures). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Ashutosh Tiwari, Jagdish Narayan (2005). (Self-Assembled Au Nanodots in a ZnO Matrix). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Lakshmi Supriya, Richard Claus (2005). (Surface Patterning Using Self-Assembled Monolayers). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Ying Chen, Jim Williams (2005). (Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Using a Ball-Milling and Annealing Method). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- C.K. Waters, Sergey Yarmolenko, Jagannathan Sankar, S. Neralla, A.D. Kelkar (2005). (Synthesis, optimization, and characterization of AlN/TiN thin film heterostructures). pp. 529-584. Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials.
- Joseph Koo, Louis Pilato (2005). (Thermal properties and microstructures of polymer nanostructured materials). (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials) CRC Press.
- Vijay Krishnan, Ajit Kelkar, Kunigal Shivakumar (2004). (Comparative study of woven-roving and stitch-bonded composites under low velocity impact loads). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Ajit Kelkar, Joseph Monroe, Devdas Pai, Kenneth Roberts, Sid Wang (2004). (Integration of nasa research into undergraduate education in mathematics, science, engineering and technology). 9, pp. 2. age.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate (2004). (Low cost manufacturing of textile composites using Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding). 1, Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Research.
- Xiaodong Tang, John Whitcomb, Deepak Goyal, Ajit Kelkar (2003). (Effect of braid angle and waviness ratio on effective moduli of 2 x 2 biaxial braided composites). Proceedings of the 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS structures, structural dynamics, and materials conference.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate (2003). (Effect of Fatigue Loading on the Stiffness Degradation of VARTM Manufactured Biaxial Braided Composites). Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM9), PALEXPO Congress Center, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Jitendra Tate, Ajit Kelkar, John Rice (2003). (Feasibility study of VARTM manufacturing of carbon biaxial braided composites using EPON 9504 epoxy resin system). 2, pp. 1145–1148. PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN INTERNATIONAL SAMPE SYMPOSIUM.
- Joseph Monroe, Ajit Kelkar (2003). (Integration of NASA Research into Undergraduate Education in Math, Science, Engineering and Technology at North Carolina A&T State University).
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate, Ron Bolick (2003). (Introduction to low cost manufacturing of composite laminates). ASEE 2003 Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, USA.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jitendra Tate, John Whitcomb, Xiaodong Tang (2003). (Performance evaluation and modeling of braided composites). 1475, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 44th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference.
- Ajit Kelkar, Arlene Williams (2002). (Aircraft survivability of affordable composites). 1616, Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, AIAA Paper.
- AD Kelkar (2002). (IMECE2002-32306 Behavior of Thin, Moderately Thick and Thick Woven Composites Subjected to Low Velocity Impact Loads). 451, pp. 151–156. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Ajit Kelkar, Ronnie Bolick (2002). (Introduction to fatigue in riveted joints and adhesively bonded joints). 7, pp. 1. age.
- Howard Chung, Young Kwon (2002). (Recent Advances in Solids and Structures). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Joseph Monroe (2002). (Ronald E. McNair Graduate Student Researchers Program).
- Jesse Muchai, Ajit Kelkar, David Klett, Jagannathan Sankar (2002). (Thermal-Mechanical Effects of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings on Diesel Engine Piston). 697, pp. 317–322. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings.
- Ajit Kelkar, Hassan Mhafuz, Shaik Jeelani (2001). (Axial and Flexural Fatigue Behavior of Woven Composites). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials”, Beijing, China.
- Ajit Kelkar, Sunil Shenoy, X Tang (2001). (Behavior of plain woven textile composites subjected to uniaxial tensile loading). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Pramod Chaphalkar, Ajit Kelkar (2001). (Classical laminate theory model for twill weave fabric composites). (9) 32, pp. 1281–1289. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.
- P. Chaphalkar, A.D. Kelkar (2001). (Classical laminate theory model for twill weave fabric composites). (9) 32, pp. 1281-1289. Composites - Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.
- Devdas Pai, Ajit Kelkar (2001). (Introduction to low-cost manufacturing of polymeric composites). 6, pp. 1. age.
- X Tang, JD Whitcomb, AD Kelkar (2001). (Micromechanics analysis of plasticity-induced nonlinear behavior in woven composites.). pp. 2001. Sixteenth Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites.
- Kenneth Roberts, Ajit Kelkar, Samuel Owusu-Ofori, Eric Cheek, Joseph Monroe (2001). (NASA-SURE program at north carolina A&T state university for engineering recruitment and training). 6, pp. 1. age.
- P Chaphalkar, AD Kelkar (2001). (Semi-analytical modeling of progressive damage in Twill woven textile composites). 432, pp. 101–106. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Mr PramodChaphalkar, Mr BhushanS (2001). (Thatte, Mr). pp. 9–43. Gautam S. Chandekar, and Mr. Ajit D. Kelkar,“studies on Behaviour of Carbon and Fibreglass Epoxy Composite laminates under Low Velocity Impact Loading using LS-DYNA.
- Jesse Muchai, Ajit Kelkar, David Klett, Jagannathan Sankar (2001). (Thermal-mechanical effects of ceramic thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine piston). 697, pp. P8–10. MRS Proceedings.
- Ajit Kelkar, Sunil Shenoy (2000). (Comparative study of S2 glass plain and twill woven composites under fatigue loading). 415, pp. 73–80. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Ajit Kelkar, Sunil Shenoy (2000). (Comparative Study of S2 Glass Plain and Twill Woven Composites Under Fatigue Loading). 415, pp. 73–80. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Ajit Kelkar, Peter Stevenson, Todd Skochdopole, Sergey Yarmolenko (2000). (Effect of gage length and test speed on the measured tensile properties of geosynthetic reinforcements). (Grips, Clamps, Clamping Techniques, and Strain Measurement for Testing of Geosynthetics) ASTM International.
- Ajit Kelkar, SHENOY SUNH (2000). (Finite Element Modeling of Progressive Damage in Textile Composites). pp. 175. Advances in Computational & Engineering Sciences.
- Ajit Kelkar, SHENOY SUNH (2000). (Finite Element Modeling of Progressive Damage in Textile Composites). pp. 175. Advances in Computational & Engineering Sciences.
- L Russell, Jagannathan Sankar, Q Wei, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Microstructure and mechanical evaluations of sintered Si3N4). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- L Russell, Jagannathan Sankar, Q Wei, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Microstructure and mechanical evaluations of sintered Si 3 N 4). AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, 41 st, Atlanta, GA.
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar (2000). (Performance evaluation and modeling of RTM/VARIM manufactured thick woven composites). pp. 582–596. ACUN-2: International Composites Conference on Composites in the Transportation Industry.
- Pramod Chaphalkar, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Semi-analytical modeling of progressive damage in Twill woven textile composites).
- Devdas Pai, William Craft, Ajit Kelkar, Sunil Shenoy, Ronald Bolick (2000). (Show Me: Making An Impact With Sandwiches). 5, pp. 1. age.
- Devdas Pai, William Craft, Ajit Kelkar, Sunil Shenoy, Ronald Bolick (2000). (Show Me: Making An Impact With Sandwiches). 2000 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition: Engineering Education Beyond the Millennium.
- P.E. Stevenson, T.R. Skochdopole, L. Cassady, D. Pihs, A.D. Kelkar (2000). (Testing of high strength fabrics: Reporting modulus, low strain properties, and ultimate tensile strength). (4) 29, pp. 259-272. Journal of Industrial Textiles.
- Peter Stevenson, Todd Skochdopole, L Cassady, Dennis Pihs, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Testing of High Strength Fabrics: Reporting Modulus, Low Strain Properties, and Ultimate Tensile Strength). (4) 29, pp. 259–272. Journal of Industrial Textiles.
- Peter Stevenson, Todd Skochdopole, L Cassady, Dennis Pihs, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Testing of High Strength Fabrics: Reporting Modulus, Low Strain Properties, and Ultimate Tensile Strength). (4) 29, pp. 259–272. Journal of Coated Fabrics.
- Pramod Chaphalkar, Ajit Kelkar (2000). (Three dimensional finite element analysis of twill woven composite laminates). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Jag Sankar, Gautam Choudhury, Quiming Wei, Varun Vijayrao, Ajit Kelkar (1999). (A Comparative Study of the Tensile, Fatigue, and Creep Properties of Sintered (SNW-1000 & GS-44) and Hiped (PY-6) Silicon Nitride Ceramics). pp. 133–144. 23rd Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: B: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 20 Issue 4.
- R Krishnan, AD Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Advanced Synthesis and Processing: Materials Behavior Under Extreme Conditions-Plasma/CVD/CVI-Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Coated Fiber Composites). (4) 20, pp. 395–402. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings.
- Pramod Chaphalkar, Ajit Kelkar (1999). (Analytical and experimental elastic behavior of twill woven laminate). Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Composite Materials.
- C Grace, AD Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Damage tolerance design of graphite/epoxy composite laminates based on indentation and impact energy). pp. 1999. 1999 ASME Mechanics & Materials Conference.
- Ajit Kelkar, K Rajeev, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Effect of fiber coating on transverse mechanical properties of ceramic composites). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Fatigue behavior of resin infusion and resin transfer molding S 2-glass twill-woven composites). pp. 2003–2008. AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, 40 th, St. Louis, MO.
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Fatigue behavior of resin infusion and resin transfer molding S2-glass twill-woven composites). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Ajit Kelkar, Uday Vaidya (1999). (Low cost manufacturing of composite integral armor using resin transfer and resin infusion molding processes). Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite, 12th-14th July.
- Q. Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, A.D. Kelkar, J. Narayan (1999). (Microstructure evolution accompanying high temperature; uniaxial tensile creep of self-reinforced silicon nitride ceramics). (2) 272, pp. 380-388. Materials Science and Engineering A.
- Q Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, J Narayan (1999). (Microstructure evolution accompanying high temperature; uniaxial tensile creep of self-reinforced silicon nitride ceramics). (2) 272, pp. 380–388. Materials Science and Engineering: A.
- Q Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, J Narayan (1999). (Microstructure evolution accompanying high temperature; uniaxial tensile creep of self-reinforced silicon nitride ceramics). (2) 272, pp. 380–388. Materials Science and Engineering: A.
- Young Kwon, Howard Chung (1999). (Recent Advances in Solids and Structures). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Rajeev Krishnan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Coated Fiber Composites). pp. 395–402. 23rd Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: B: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 20 Issue 4.
- Ajit Kelkar, Christopher Grace, Jagannathan Sankar (1999). (Threshold damage criteria for thin and thick laminates subjected to low velocity impact loads). 11, International Conference on Composites Materials ICCM.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar, K Rajeev, Roger Aschenbrenner, Gregory Schoeppner (1998). (Analysis of tensile preloaded composites subjected to low-velocity impact loads). (1944) 98, pp. 1978–1987. AIAA Journal.
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1998). (Development of tensile coupons for thick composites using finite element method). 19, pp. 590–597. Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics..
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1998). (Development of tensile coupons for thick composites using finite element method). 19, pp. 590–597. Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics..
- Jametta McRae, Ajit Kelkar, Christopher Grace, William Craft, Tony Giamei (1998). (Impact damage resistance of aluminum alloy foams). 381, pp. 71–77. ASME PRESSURE VESSELS PIPING DIV PUBL PVP.
- Jametta McRae, Ajit Kelkar, Christopher Grace, William Craft, Tony Giamei (1998). (Impact damage resistance of aluminum alloy foams). 381, pp. 71–77. ASME PRESSURE VESSELS PIPING DIV PUBL PVP.
- J Lang, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, RT Bhatt, G Baaklini, J Lua (1998). (Mechanical behavior and analytical modeling of melt-infiltrated SiC/SiC woven composite).
- J Lang, Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, RT Bhatt, G Baaklini, J Lua (1998). (Mechanical Behavior and Analytical Modeling of Melt-Infiltrated SiC/SiC Woven Composite).
- Christopher Tuan (1998). (Ponding on circular membranes). (3-4) 35, pp. 269–283. International journal of solids and structures.
- Q Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, J Narayan, Ajit Kelkar (1998). (Transmission electron microscopy of the microstructural changes of a sintered Si 3 N 4 associated with high temperature soaking in air). pp. 1721–1729. AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, 39 th, and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum, Long Beach, CA.
- Q Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, J Narayan, Ajit Kelkar (1998). (Transmission electron microscopy of the microstructural changes of a sintered Si3N4 associated with high temperature soaking in air). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
- Devdas Pai, Ajit Kelkar, R Layton, Mark Schulz, DeRome Dunn, Samuel Owusu-Ofori, Abhijit Duraphe (1998). (Vertical integration of the undergraduate learning experience). proc. of ASEE Annual Conference, Seattle.
- Devdas Pai, Ajit Kelkar, Richard Layton, Mark Schulz, DeRome Dunn, Samuel Owusu-Ofori, Abhijit Duraphe (1998). (Vertical integration of the undergraduate learning experience). 3, pp. 1. age.
- J Lang, Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, RT Bhatt, M Singh, J Lua (1997). (An investigation of SiC/SiC woven composite under monotonic and cyclic loading).
- J Lang, Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, RT Bhatt, M Singh, J Lua (1997). (An investigation of SiC/SiC woven composite under monotonic and cyclic loading).
- Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar, C Grace, Roger Aschenbrenner, Gregory Schoeppner (1997). (Behavior of tensile preloaded composites subjected to low-velocity impact loads). PVP- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Newsletter.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar, C Grace, Roger Aschenbrenner, Gregory Schoeppner (1997). (Behavior of tensile preloaded composites subjected to low-velocity impact loads). PVP- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Newsletter.
- Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar, Pramod Chaphalkar, C Grace, SN Yarmolenko, Shankar Mall, UK Vaidya (1997). (Fatigue behavior of resin infusion processed S2-Glass woven composites). 24, pp. 243–246. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Noise Control and Acoustics Division (Publication) NCA.
- J Lang, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, RT Bhatt, M Singh, J Lua (1997). (Investigation of SiC/SiC Woven Composite Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading).
- Q Wei, Jagannathan Sankar, J Narayan, AD Kelkar (1997). (Morphology changes accompanying creep of sintered Si3N4 for hot turbine engine application). pp. 978–987. Proceedings of 38th AIAA SDM Conference.
- Young Kwon (1997). (Recent Advances in Solids/structures and Application of Metallic Materials). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, Q Wei (1997). (Testing and evaluation of advanced ceramics at high temperature). pp. 143–150. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Heavy Vehicle Propulsion System Materials Program: Semiannual Progress Report for October 1996 Through March 1997(USA), 1997,.
- J Neogi, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar (1996). (Effect of sample test volume and geometry of the tensile mechanical behavior of SiC/SiC continuous fiber ceramics composites). (96-1376) AIAA Paper.
- Ajit Kelkar, Pramod Chaphalkar, Jagannathan Sankar (1996). (Finite Element Analysis of a Biaxially Loaded Woven Fabric Composite Laminate With a Central Hole). 342, pp. 27–34. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- A.D. Kelkar, M.J. Schulz, P. Chaphalkar, S.M. Summers (1996). (Simulation of a Car Frontal Offset Impact into a Fixed Deformable Barrier). (October) 1996-October, SAE Technical Papers.
- Anirudha Takle, William Craft, Ajit Kelkar (1995). (A Three Dimensional Finite Element Structural Model of Textile Composites). 321, pp. 39–44. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- AD Kelkar, F Sandow, LG Bates, DF Cook (1995). (Effect of Low-velocity Impact Damage on the Compressive Strength of Thin and Thick Graphite-epoxy Laminates). 321, pp. 11–18. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, J Neogi (1995). (Fatigue, creep and fracture behavior of silicon nitride ceramics). pp. 207–223. Fatigue and fracture at elevated temperatures.
- J Neogi, S Krishnaraj, Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar (1995). (Mechanical properties investigation of Si 3 N 4 ceramics). (Science and technology alliance–Materials conference’93)
- Ajit Kelkar, Forrest Sandow, Larry Bates, Donald Cook (1995). (PVP-Vol. 321/NE-Vol. 18, Recent Advances in Solids and Structures ASME 1995 EFFECT OF LOW-VELOCITY IMPACT DAMAGE ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF THIN AND THICK GRAPHTTE-EPOXY LAMINATES). pp. 11. Recent Advances in Solids and Structures.
- Jagannathan Sankar, Srikanth Krishnaraj, Ranji Vaidyanathan, Ajit Kelkar (1994). (Elevated temperature behavior of sintered silicon nitride under pure tension, creep, and fatigue). 1201, pp. 19–19. ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION.
- Ajit Kelkar, MP Takale, Jagannathan Sankar (1994). (Three-Dimensional Finite Element Micromechanical Analysis of Unidirectional Composites). 295, pp. 87–87. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- K Vaidyanathan, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, David Stinton, Mark Headinger (1993). (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings). John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- AD Kelkar, MP Takale, Jagannathan Sankar (1993). (Effect of Uneven Fiber Spacing on the Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Composites by Using the Finite Element Micromechanical Analysis). pp. 673–673. PROCEEDINGS-AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR COMPOSITES.
- Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, R Vaidyanathan (1993). (Investigation of forced and isothermal chemical vapor infiltrated SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites).
- Howard Chung, Young Kwon (1993). (Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics, 1993: Presented at the 1993 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 28-December 3, 1993). 269, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Ajit Kelkar, William Craft, RS Sandhu (1993). (Study of Progressive Damage in Thin and Thick Composite Laminates Subjected to Low Velocity Impact Loading). 269, pp. 67–67. ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP.
- Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, R Vaidyanathan, J Gao (1992). (Creep testing of SNW-1000 sintered silicon nitride). pp. 293–293. SAE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS P.
- Ajit Kelkar, Robert Brown, IS Raju (1992). (Evaluation of transverse mechanical properties of unidirectional composites by using finite element micromechanical analysis). pp. 145–153. Recent advances in structural mechanics- 1992.
- Ajit Kelkar, Z Bo, Jagannathan Sankar (1990). (EFFECT OF DELAMINATIONS ON THE FLEXURAL BEHAVIOUR OF CIRCULAR QUASI-ISOTROPIC LAMINATES UNDER POINT LOADING). 1, pp. 17. Advances in structural testing, analysis & design: ICSTAD proceedings, July 29-August 3, 1990, Bangalore, India.
- F.W. Workman, J. D'Costa, A.D. Kelkar (1988). (Nonlinear deformations of clamped annular membranes subjected to uniformly distributed axisymmetric loading). (C) 11, pp. 1028-1034. Mathematical and Computer Modelling.
- FW Workman, Joseph D’Costa, Ajit Kelkar (1988). (Nonlinear deformations of clamped annular membranes subjected to uniformly distributed axisymmetric loading). 11, pp. 1028–1034. Mathematical and Computer Modelling.
- Jagannathan Sankar, AD Kelkar, A Sinha, R Vaidyanathan (1988). (Room and Elevated Temperature Fractography of Si sub 3 N sub 4 Tested Under Pure Tension). pp. 343–353. ISTFA/88. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis.
- VS Avva, Jagannathan Sankar, Ajit Kelkar, P Chander (1987). (Effect of Fatigue Loading on Graphite Fiber-Reinforced Glass Matrix Composite Material). pp. 1987. International Conference on Analytical and Testing Methodologies for Design With Advanced Materials. ATMAM 87.
- Ajit Kelkar, W. Elber, I.S. Raju (1987). (Large deflection behavior of circular quasi-isotropic laminates under point loading). (1) 25, pp. 99-106. AIAA Journal.
- Ajit Kelkar, W Elber, IS Raju (1987). (Large deflection behavior of circular quasi-isotropic laminates under point loading). (1) 25, pp. 99–106. AIAA journal.
- AD Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar, VS Avva, A Sinha (1987). (Nonlinear Flexural Response of Graphite Fiber Reinforced Glass Matrix Composite Beams). pp. 1987. International Conference on Analytical and Testing Methodologies for Design With Advanced Materials. ATMAM 87.
- Ajit Kelkar, W Elber, IS Raju (1985). (85-0723 LARGE DEFLECTION BEHAVIOR OF QUASI-ISOTROPIC LAMINATES UNDER LOW-VELOCITY IMPACT TYPE POINT LOADING). 1, pp. 432. 26th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference: a collection of technical papers: Orlando, Florida, April 15-17, 1985.
- Ramamurthy Prabhakaran, Ajit Kelkar (1985). (Failure Analysis of a Composite Plate Under Low Velocity Impact). Old Dominion University Research Foundation.
- Ajit Kelkar, W. Elber, I.S. Raju (1985). (Large deflections of circular isotropic membranes subjected to arbitrary axisymmetric loading). (3) 21, pp. 413-421. Computers and Structures.
- Ajit Kelkar, Wolf Elber, IS Raju (1985). (Large deflections of circular isotropic membranes subjected to arbitrary axisymmetric loading). (3) 21, pp. 413–421. Computers & structures.
- Ajit Kelkar (1984). (Analyses of quasi-isotropic composite plates under quasi-static point loads simulating low-velocity impact phenomena).
- Ajit Kelkar, Wolf Elber, IS Raju (1984). (Large deflections of circular isotropic membranes subjected to arbitrary axisymmetric loading).