Leonard C. Uitenham

Part-Time Instructor

Leonard C. Uitenham
College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

McNair Hall 331A
M.S.Strategics Studies / Army War College
Ph.D.Macromolecular Science / Case Western Reserve University
M.S.Macromolecular Science / Case Western Reserve University
B.S.Polymer Science & Engineering / Case Western Reserve University

Research Interests

Aircraft Performance and Polymer Properties structure relationships

Recent Publications

  • Parakalan Krishnamachari, Jian Zhang, Jianzhong Lou, Jizhong Yan, Leonard Uitenham (2009). (Biodegradable Poly(Lactic Acid)/Clay Nanocomposites by Melt Intercalation: A Study of Morphological, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties). (4) 14, pp. 336-350. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION.
  • Parakalan Krishnamachari, Jian Zhang, Jianzhong Lou, Jizhong Yan, Leonard Uitenham (2009). (Biodegradable Poly(Lactic Acid)/Clay Nanocomposites by Melt Intercalation: A Study of Morphological, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties). (4) 14, pp. 336-350. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization.
  • Jian Zhang, Jizhong Yan, Leonard Uitenham, Jianzhong Lou (2009). (Study of the Molecular Weight Dependence of Glass Transition Temperature for Amorphous Poly(L-Lactide) by Molecular Dynamics Simulation). (Proceedings of the 2007 National Conference on Environmental Science and Technology) pp. 339-344. Springer New York.
  • Keith Schimmel, Jianzhong Lou, Pfumai Kuzviwanza, Arvind Harinath, Leonard Uitenham (2004). (Biodegradable Polymer Characterization Laboratory Unit).