Chyi Lyi Liang

Kellogg Distinguish Professor

Chyi Lyi Liang
College of Ag & Environ Sciences

Agribusiness Econ Agriscience

Coltrane Hall 105 B
Ph.D.Agricultural Economics / Purdue University-West Lafayette Campus
M.S.Agricultural Economics / Purdue University-West Lafayette Campus
B.S.Agriculture / National Taiwan University


Dr. Liang is an award-winning scholar and founder of Dollar Enterprise, one of the best entrepreneurship curricula in the US. Dr. Liang has a significant record of publications, presentations, awards, and grants in entrepreneurship and community development.

Research Interests

multifunctional agriculture, entrepreneurship, rural development, food systems, food networks

Recent Publications

  • Bryan Collins, Chyi Lyi Liang (2024). (Using NetLogo to Build an Agent-Based Model for Teaching Purposes at the Graduate Student Level). Applied Economics Teaching Resources Journal, Published by the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association .
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2023). (Dollar Enterprise – From Theory to Reality and an Experiential Learning Exercise Applying Community Entrepreneurship to Plan and Operate a Small Venture on Campus). (8) Kendall Hunt.
  • Timothy Mulrooney, Chyi Lyi Liang, Lyubov Kurkalova, Christopher McGinn, Chima Okoli (2023). (Quantitatively defining and mapping rural: A case study of North Carolina). 97, pp. 47-56. Journal of Rural Studies.
  • , , , , , Chyi Lyi Liang (2023). (Recapping NACTA 2022 Experiential Learning Workshop Activity Virtual Pivot). (TT) 67, NACTA Journal.
  • , , , , Chyi Lyi Liang (2023). (Teaching Tip Highlights from the NACTA 2022 Experiential Learning Workshop). (TT) 67, NACTA Journal.
  • Arnab Bhowmik, Chyi Lyi Liang, Abolghasem Shahbazi (2022). (Hemp biochar impacts on selected biological soil health indicators across different soil types and moisture cycles). (2) 17, PLoS ONE .
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2022). (Interdisciplinary system and network perspectives in food and agricultural economics, Handbook of Agricultural Economics). In Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Elsevier.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang, Lyubov Kurkalova (2022). (Quantitatively Defining and Mapping Rural: A Case Study of North Carolina). 97, pp. 47-56. Journal of Rural Studies.
  • Asmamaw Gerehiwot, Leila Hashemi-Beni, Lyubov Kurkalova, Chyi Lyi Liang, Manoj Jha (2022). (Using ABM to study the potential of land use change for mitigation of food deserts.). 14, pp. 9715, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159715. Sustainability.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2021). (A collaborative approach to COVID-19 response: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems community-based food system initiatives). Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
  • I Demko, A.C. Sant'Anna, Chyi Lyi Liang (2021). (An overview of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and implications for agricultural enterprise recovery from COVID). Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development..
  • Chyi Liang, Lyubov Kurkalova, Leila Hashemi-Beni, Timothy Mulrooney, Manoj Jha, Haoran Miao, Greg Monty (2021). (Introducing an innovative design to examine human-environment dynamics of food deserts responding to COVID-19 challenges). (2) 10, pp. 1-11. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
  • Timothy Mulrooney, Richard Foster, Manoj Jha, Leila Hashemi-Beni, Lyubov Kurkalova, Liang, Haoran Miao, Greg Monty (2021). (Using geospatial networking tools to optimize source locations as applied to the study of food availability: a study in Guilford County, North Carolina). (102415) 128, Applied Geography.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2020). (A Proposed Logic Model to Examine Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Support/Enhance Long-Term Resilience and Social/Economic Mobility in Rural Communities). (5) 23, pp. 63-67. Agricultural Research & Technology.
  • Yaqeen Ashqer, Chyi Lyi Liang, Marwan Bikdash (2020). (A Structured Image Processing Operation Library to Automatically Isolate Weeds and Crops). pp. 1-7. IEEE.
  • Yaqeen Ashqer, Chyi Lyi Liang, Marwan Bikdash (2020). (Creating a Multivariate-Multifunctional Database for Weed Control to Support Organic Mixed Vegetable Production). World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science.
  • Salina Brown, Chyi Lyi Liang (2020). (Telefarming: When Push Comes to Shelve in Responding to COVID-19). (3) 9, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2019). (Creating A Successful and Effective Mentor-Protégé Relationship based on Empirical Studies). (2) 63, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal.
  • Jianmei Yu, N Mikiashvili, Chyi Lyi Liang (2019). (Deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A in North Carolina grown organic wheat grains). 39, Journal of Food Safety.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang, Amber Brown (2019). (Local food policy councils - Adopting social network theories to support food systems). (3) 22, Agricultural Research and Technology.
  • Werner S, Lemos S, McLeod A, Halstead J, Gabe T, Huang J, Chyi Lyi Liang, Shi W, Harris L, McConnon J (2019). (Prospects for New England Agriculture: Farm to Fork). (3) 48, pp. 473-504. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2018). (A New Paradigm to Understand the Role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Supporting Regional Food Networks (RFNS)). In https://juniperpublishers.com/artoaj/volume13-issue2-artoaj.php, (2) 13, Agricultural Research and Technology.
  • S Duncan, K Brekken, S Lurie, R Fiegener, S Sherry, Chyi Lyi Liang (2018). (Can Regional Food Networks and Entrepreneurial Strategies Enhance Food System Resilience?). (Quarter 2) Choices.
  • Mary Ahearn, Chyi Lyi Liang, Stephan Goetz (2018). (Farm business financial performance in local foods value chains). (2) 13, Agricultural Finance Review.
  • Mary Ahearn, Chyi Lyi Liang, Stephan Goetz (2018). (Farm Business Financial Performance in Local Foods Value Chains). Agricultural Finance Review.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2018). (Farm Incubators - Creating Entrepreneurial Relationships to Support Prosperous Food Networks). (Quarter 2) Choices.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2018). (Overview: The Linkages between Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Regional Food Networks). (Quarter 2) Choices.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2017). (Dollar Enterprise – From Theory to Reality and an Experiential Learning Exercise Applying Community Entrepreneurship to Plan and Operate a Small Venture on Campus). (7) Kendall Hunt.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2016). (Agri-entrepreneurship Enabling Program Design in Conflict Regions for Youth Development: Best Practices and Lessons Learned). In Catherine Chan, Brent S. Sipes and Tina Lee, Publisher CABI's assigns or successors in business as the case may be) of Nosworthy Way, Wallingford OX10 8DE.
  • C Liang, P Dunn (2016). (Understanding barriers for and information seeking strategies by agritourism entrepreneurs in New England). In Mary Jo Jackson, (2) 27, pp. 149-177. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship.
  • Chyi Lyi Liang (2015). (Dollar Enterprise). (6) Kendall Hunt.
  • C Liang (2015). (Dollar Enterprise – From Theory to Reality and an Experiential Learning Exercise Applying Community Entrepreneurship to Plan and Operate a Small Venture on Campus). (978-1-4652-8955-1) pp. 180. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
  • C Liang (2015). (Linking creative farming to economic mobility and rural development in New England). In Western Regional Rural Development Center, Fall, pp. 42-44. Rural Connections.
  • C Liang (2015). (What Policy Options Seem to Make the Most Sense for Local Food? ). In Mary Ahearn, (1) 30, Choices.