Muna Aryal

Assistant Professor

Muna Aryal
Google Scholar

College of Engineering

Chemical Biological & Bioengineerin

McNair Hall (College of Engineering), 1601 E Market St, Greensboro, NC 27401 Room 327
Ph.D.Physics / Boston College
M.S.Physics / Boston College
B.S.Physics / Tribhuvan University


Before joining NC A&T as an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering in Fall 2023, Dr. Aryal worked as an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Loyola University Chicago starting in 2021. During her time there, she was involved in teaching and overseeing her research lab. She specialized in Biomedical Engineering, particularly in low-intensity transcranial-focused ultrasound for brain drug delivery, refining her expertise through postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Texas, Austin (2014-2021). Additionally, she held research assistant positions in a Focused Ultrasound Laboratory at Harvard while pursuing her Ph.D. in Physics at Boston College (2008-2014). Before transitioning into the field of Biomedical Engineering, she laid a strong foundation in Mathematics and Physics during her bachelor's degree in Nepal in 2006.

Research Interests

Aryal's Lab centers its research on understanding ultrasound's influence on brain fluid dynamics, substance delivery, distribution, retention, clearance, and its impacts on the neuroimmune system. Subsequently, we apply ultrasound as a therapeutic approach, advancing its development through fundamental, applied, and translational research to expand its applications across diverse healthcare sectors.

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