College of EducationDepartment
Ph.D.Marriage & Family Counseling / University of Florida
MEDMarriage and Family Counseling / The University of Florida
B.S.Zoology / The University of Florida
Research Interests
My research focuses on psychological and emotional effects of trauma on young children and their families. This exploration includes: (a) determining empirically tested culturally-sensitive clinical interventions for pediatric counseling, (b) addressing effects of cultural hegemony in education, (c) investigating the ecological impact of traumatic stress on diverse communities, and (d) the development of multicultural social justice competencies in research methodologies and procedures.
Recent Publications
- Michael Brooks, Jeff Wolfgang, Justin Adams, Kim Hughes (2021). (Perspectives on Counselor Education Collaborative Scholarship). (N/A) (2) 9, pp. 9. Action Research Sage.
- Michael Brooks, Jeff Wolfgang, Shirlene Smith, Yasmin Gay, Yvonne Ward (2019). (The Value and Impact of a Brief Study Abroad Experience on Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Counseling Students' Learning). (6) 7, pp. 42-50. International Journal of Social Science Studies.
- Cirecie West-Olatunji, Mi Yang, Jeff Wolfgang, Rachel Henesy, Eunhui Yoon (2017). (Highlighting the Challenges When Conducting Cross-National Studies: Use of Transcultural Theory). (4) 95, pp. 457-464. JOURNAL OF COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT (JCD).
- Linda Behar-Horenstein, Nadine Isaac, Charisse Southwell, Michael Hudson-Vassell, Lian Niu, Melissa Pratto, Kellie Roberts, Robert Wingfield, Jeff Wolfgang, Mueen Zafar (2016). (Promoting Academic Socialization through Service Learning Experiences.). (2) 28, pp. 158–167. 10p. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
- Cirecie West-Olatunji, Jeff Wolfgang, HeeDae Kim, Kaifang Zheng (2015). (School counseling in the United States: A Theory-building Case Study.). (4) 4, pp. 63-85. 23p. The Online Journal of Counseling & Education (TOJCE).
- Jeff Wolfgang, Cirecie West-Olatunji, Jeanine Overton, Bindi Shah, Cristina Coral (2015). (Stress and Coping in Higher Education: A Case Study of a Haitian American Woman Administrator.). Report No. 201 - The Center for Traumatic Stress Research. Retrieved from Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse – ERIC No: ED564039 http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED564039.pdf.
- Jeff Wolfgang (2013). (The longitudinal effect of traumatic stress and attachment difficulties on academic achievement for young children). pp. 191. University of Florida ProQuest LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation.
- Jeff Wolfgang, Cirecie West-Olatunji, Kimberly Frazier, Joseph Barrett (2012). (Culture-Centered Pediatric Counseling Interventions for Young Children). In G. R. Walz, J. C. Bleuer, & R. K. Yep, (VISTAS Online 2012. Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/vistas/culture-centered-pediatric-counseling-interventions.pdf?sfvrsn=4ec42e8e_12) pp. 11. Online Submission.
- Jeff Wolfgang, Kimberly Frazier, Cirecie West-Olatunji, Joe Barrett (2011). (Developing Cross Cultural Competence: Applying Development and Prevention Ideals to Counseling Young Children.). pp. 16. Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse – ERIC No: ED528898.
- Jeff Wolfgang (2011). (International Adoption in the U. S: Traumatic Stress and Normal Developmental Responses.). pp. 15. Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse – ERIC No: ED521515.