Research in Department of Physics
As physics is not bound by the objects of study, physics research also includes all sorts of objects that you can find in nature. In our department, the objects of our inquiry span scale from sub-atomic particles (Nuclear Physics) to astrophysical jets (Astrophysics), from weather and climate sciences (Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology) to fundametal behavior materials (Condensed Matter Physics) and to brain and behavior (Biological Physics).
The wide range of our research areas allows students to apply physics skills in a variety of ways and opens a wide range of career opportunities. Our alumni have gone on to work with government agencies (NASA, NOAA, EPA, Institute for Defense Analyses, and U.S. Space Force), industries (Lockheed Martin, Intel, Boeing, General Electric, IBM), several high schools and universities, and even in media and TV stations.
Below you will find information about how to get involved in research in our department. Contact us for more information.
As physics is not bound by the objects of study, physics research also includes all sorts of objects that you can find in nature. In our department, the objects of our inquiry span scale from sub-atomic particles (Nuclear Physics) to astrophysical jets (Astrophysics), from weather and climate sciences (Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology) to fundametal behavior materials (Condensed Matter Physics) and to brain and behavior (Biological Physics).
The wide range of our research areas allows students to apply physics skills in a variety of ways and opens a wide range of career opportunities. Our alumni have gone on to work with government agencies (NASA, NOAA, EPA, Institute for Defense Analyses, and U.S. Space Force), industries (Lockheed Martin, Intel, Boeing, General Electric, IBM), several high schools and universities, and even in media and TV stations.
Below you will find information about how to get involved in research in our department. Contact us for more information.
Research Areas

Astrophysics Faculty:
- Athina Meli
Atmospheric Science and Meteorology
How does burning biomass affect our atmosphere? How do you use basic physics and numerical modeling to understand and predict climate change?
Research in Dr. Bililign's group involves the use of Spectroscopic Techniques and theoretical methods for atmospheric applications: The focus is measuring the optical and physio-chemical properties of Biomass Burning (BB) aerosols and understanding the role of BB Aerosols on climate, regional weather, air quality, and health. Students with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, environmental sciences, and chemical engineering can apply.
Dr. Jing Zhang’s research interests focus on regional climate and weather studies by the means of numerical modeling and data analysis, particularly for the polar regions.
Dr. Yuh-Lang Lin’s research includes Tropical Wave and Cyclone Dynamics, Mountain Meteorology, Wildfire Dynamics and Modeling, Storm Dynamics, Numerical Weather Prediction, Cloud Microphysics Parameterization, Climate Change, Gravity Wave Dynamics, and Moist Convection.Atmospheric Science and Meteorology Faculty:
Biological Physics
How does the human body work? What is the fundamental physics at work within us?

Dr. Tung is using microfabricated devices to experimentally study how sperm interact with a complicated physical environment and using many-body physics (such as thermodynamics) to understand the collective dynamics and propulsion of active matter systems.
Biological Physics Faculty:
Nuclear Physics
What is the radius of the proton, really?

Drs. Gasparian and Pedroni led a large collaboration effort including Duke University and the University of Virginia to design and perform a novel experiment at Jefferson Laboratory to address the current problem of the proton charge radius in physics. The results were published recently in Nature, after which followed interviews and news releases.
Nuclear Physics Faculty:
Condensed Matter Physics
We conduct a multi-disciplinary research effort develop fundamental experimental research into the physical properties of amorphous, ordered, and nanostructured solids. Materials being investigated include metals, insulators, semiconductors and amorphous solids. The Phenomena of interest include phase transitions, localization, electronic, magnetic, and lattice structure of solids. In particular emphasis is given to high temperature superconductors, heavy fermion systems and Kondo insulators. The research effort will focus on: Synthesis, characterization, and analysis of new materials by novel methods and establishing the optimum processing parameters to produce high quality single crystal and bulk materials.
High Temperature Superconductivity Research
The central focus will be understanding the basic mechanism of high temperature superconductivity in cuprates. Some of the research areas include interaction between superconductivity and magnetism, improvement of the critical current density, theoretical and experimental investigation of the static and dynamic behavior of magnetic flux lines and pinning mechanisms, and identification of the superconducting order parameters. These topics are investigated under a variety of materials configurations such as thin and thick films, single crystals, melt processed and magnetically aligned specimens.
D and F-electron systems
The emphasis will be on the intrinsic anistropic superconducting and normal state properties on single crystals and search for a multi component order parameter and possible multiple superconducting transitions. The competition between the local spin fluctuations and the spin intersite coupling in d- and f-electron systems is the key to understand their magnetic properties. Moreover, with the recent discovery of materials having a small semiconducting-like gap (a few meV), such as RB6(rare-earth hexaboride). In this research we study the energy gap as a function applied magnetic fields.
Microstructure and Transport Studies of Functionalized Graphene
The microstructure and transport studies of fuctionalized graphene reveal that the minimum conductivity is sample dependent. It is also within the range (2-12) e2/h independent of gate voltage. The variation of the minimum conductivity is attributed to sample impurities, apparent in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Raman Spectroscopy. The Raman peaks are in general consistent with graphene, but show shifts in the G and 2D peaks. These shifts are associated with strain and doping. The dependence of the current (I) on the bias voltage (VSD) is linear for most samples. However the dI/dVSD versus VSD shows oscillatory behavior. Whether or not this behavior is intrinsic is not known. The current dependence on gate voltage (Vg) curves shows asymmetric behavior, indicating the imbalance between the hole and electron carriers. A 16 Å deposition of Fe leads to a significant modification in the transport properties due mostly the formation of iron oxide. In this study we plan to use a variety of transition metals in place of Fe, and identify the effects of the functionality of graphene
Studies of Magnetic Refrigeration in TiN/Fe nanostructures
Magnetic refrigeration is a promising alternative in the modern-day quest for sustainable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly cooling technology. It is based on a physical phenomenon called the magnetocaloric effect (MCE). Most of the work on the MCE is focused on bulk MCMs containing rare earth elements since the entropy change scales with magnetic moment per atom, which is high for rare earth elements. But with limited availability and high cost, many efforts are being taken to explore rare earth-free MCMs. Besides, rare-earth-based materials exhibit a narrow working temperature span and require a large, applied field to acquire reasonable MCE. Hence, we have designed a rare earth-free magnetic material system capable of exhibiting the MCE at a relatively broad range of temperatures. The present study is focused on the MCE properties of superparamagnetic Fe nanoparticles embedded in TiN thin film grown on a c-plane aluminum oxide substrate using pulsed laser deposition. The TiN thin film matrix was chosen as a spacer layer since it is non-magnetic, highly corrosion resistive, and can serve as an excellent conduit for extracting heat due to its high thermal conductivity (11 W/mK). This work reports the isothermal entropy change behaviors of the superparamagnetic Fe nanoparticles above their blocking transitions.
Marc N. Fiddler, Chelia Thompson, Rudra P. Pokhrel, Francesca Majluf, Manjula Canagaratna, Edward C. Fortner, Conner Daube, Joseph R. Roscioli, Tara I. Yacovitch, Scott C. Herndon, Solomon Bililign. (2024). Emission factors from wildfires in the Western US: An investigation of burning state, ground versus air, and diurnal dependencies during the FIREX-AQ 2019 campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2022JD038460.
Vaios Moschos, Cade Christensen, Megan Mouton, Marc N. Fiddler, Tommaso Isolabella, Federico Mazzei, Dario Massabò, Barbara J. Turpin, Solomon Bililign, and Jason D. Surratt. Quantifying the Light-Absorption Properties and Molecular Composition of Brown Carbon Aerosol from Sub-Saharan African Biomass Combustion. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.3c09378
Solomon Bililign, Steven S. Brown, Daniel M. Westervelt, Rajesh Kumar, Wenfu Tang, Frank Flocke, William Vizuete, Kassahun Ture, Francis D. Pope, Belay Demoz, Akua Asa- Awuku, Pieternel F. Levelt, Egide Kalisa, Alex Ndyabakira, East African Megacity Air Quality (EAMAQ): (2024) Rationale and Framework for a Measurement and Modeling Program, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, In Press
Abhishek Anand, N’Datchoh Evelyne Touré, Julien Bahino, Sylvain Gnamien, Allison Felix Hughes, Raphael E Arku, Victoria Owusu Tawiah, Araya Asfaw, Tesfaye Mamo, Sina Hasheminassab, Solomon Bililign, Vaios Moschos, Daniel M. Westervelt Albert A. Presto* (2024) Low-Cost Hourly Ambient Black Carbon Measurements at Multiple Cities in Africa, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 28, 12575–12584,
The Effects of Trash, Residential Biofuel, and Open Biomass Burning Emissions on Local and Transported PM2.5 and its Attributed Mortality in Africa. GeoHealth. 2023; 7, e2022GH000673., , , , , , &
Honablew T, Fiddler MN, Pokhrel RP, Bililign S. Fractal Dimensions of Biomass Burning Aerosols from TEM Images Using the Box-Grid and Nested Squares Methods. Atmosphere. 2023; 14(2):221.
- Jing Zhang, Xiangdong Zhang, John E Walsh, Erika Roesler and Benjamin Hillman. Concurrence of blowing snow and polynya enhances arctic surface–atmosphere interaction: a modeling study with an extreme wind event in 2018. Environmental Research: Climate, 2 011004; 2023.
- Megan Mouton, Kotiba A. Malek, Markie’Sha James, Rudra Pokhrel, Marc N. Fiddler, Akua A. Asa-Awuku, and Solomon Bililign, (2023) The Hygroscopic Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Biomass Fuels-Eucalyptus and Dung under Different Combustion Conditions. Aerosol Science and technology; 2023.
- Zhang, X., H. Tang, J. Zhang, J. Walsh, E. Roesler, B. Hillman, T. Ballinger, & W. Weijer, 2023, Arctic Cyclones Have Become More Intense and Longer-lived Over the Past Seven Decades, Nature Communications Earth & Environment,
- Ising, J., M. L. Kaplan, and Y.-L. Lin. Effects of density current, diurnal heating, and local terrain on the mesoscale environment conducive to the Yarnell Hill Fire. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(2), 215;
- V Singh, J Burge, D Brainard. Equivalent Noise Characterization of Human Lightness Constancy. Journal of Vision April 2022, Vol.22, 2.
- J Shuman, ..., S Bililign, et al. Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene. PNAS Nexus August 2022.
- Luo, L., and J. Zhang. Blowing snow contributes to positive surface energy budget and negative surface mass balance during a melting season of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022,
- Shiva Phuyal, Susan Suarez, Chih Kuan Tung. Biological benefits of collective swimming of sperm in a viscoelastic fluid. Front. Cell Dev. Biol.10, pp. 921623. (2022).
- Christina Isaxon, Asmamaw Abera, Araya Asfaw, Solomon Bililign, Axel Eriksson, Ebba Malmqvist, Kedir Roba. A call for action: Air Pollution, a serious health and economic hazard suffocating Africa. Clean Air Journal, 32(2).
- Luo, L., Zhang, J., Hock, R., & Yao, Y. (2021). Case study of blowing snow impacts on the Antarctic Peninsula lower atmosphere and surface simulated with a snow/ice enhanced WRF model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, 2020JD033936.
- Green, J. R., Fiddler, M. N., Fibiger, D. L., McDuffie, E. E., Aquino, J., Campos, T., ... Bililign, S. & Brown, S. S (2021). Wintertime Formaldehyde: Airborne Observations and Source Apportionment over the Eastern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,Volume 126, issue 5, e2020JD033518.
- Rudra Pokhrel, Janica Gordon Marc N Fiddler, Solomon Bililign (2021), “Impact of Combustion Conditions on Physical and Morphological Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol” Aerosol Science and Technology, Volume 55, issue 1-
Zhou, J., Khachatryan, ..., Gasparian A., ... & Xiong, W. (2021). Advanced extraction of the deuteron charge radius from electron-deuteron scattering data. Physical Review C, 103(2), 024002.
Adhikari, S., ..., Gasparian A., ... & GlueX Collaboration. (2021). Measurement of beam asymmetry for π− Δ++ photoproduction on the proton at E γ= 8.5 GeV. Physical Review C, 103(2), L022201.
Gogami, T., ..., Ahmidouch, A., ..., Gasparian A., ..., & Zhu, L. (2021). Spectroscopy of A= 9 hyperlithium with the (e, e′ K+) reaction. Physical Review C, 103(4), L041301.
Adhikari, S., Akondi, C. S., ..., Gasparian A., ... & Shen, X. (2021). The GlueX beamline and detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 987, 164807.
Tchouaso, M. T. (2021). Efficiency limitation of thin film coated planar semiconductor thermal neutron detector. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 109716.
Powers, J. G., K. K. Werner, D. O. Gill, Y.-L. Lin, & R. S. Schmacher, (2021): Cloud Computing Effects for the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. BAMS, DOI 10.1175?BAMS-D-20-0219.1
Karim, M.S. S., & Y.-L. Lin (2021): A study of track deflection associated with the landfall of Tropical Cyclone Sidr (2007) over the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh. Dyn. Atmos. Ocean,
Rostom, R., & Y.-L. Lin (2021): Common Ingredients and Orographic Rain Index (ORI) for Heavy Precipitation Associated with Tropical Cyclones Passing over the Appalachian Mountains. Earth Sci. Research, Vol. 10, No. 1. doi:10.5539/esr.v10n1p32,
- Singh, V., Tchernookov, M., Balasubramanian, V (2021): What the odor is not: Estimation by elimination. Physical Review E, 104, 02415. doi:
- Pokhrel, R. P., Gordon, J., Fiddler, M. N., Bililign, S. (2021): Determination of Emission Factors of Pollutants From Biomass Burning of African Fuels in Laboratory Measurements. JGR Atmospheres, 126, 29. doi:
Zhang, C., Zhang, J., and Wu, Q. (2021): Antarctic Peninsula Regional Circulation and Its Impact on the Surface Melt of Larsen C Ice Shelf. Journal of climate, 34, 17. doi:
Chih Kuan Tung, Susan Suarez. Co-adaptation of Physical Attributes of the Mammalian Female Reproductive Tract and Sperm to Facilitate Fertilization. Cells 10, pp. 1297, (2021).
- Hammond, R. T. (2020). Gravitational dipole moment from an exact solution with torsion. New Journal of Physics, 22(9), 093011.
- Rudra P. Pokhrel, Janica Gordon, Marc N. Fiddler & Solomon Bililign (2020) Impact of Combustion Conditions on Physical and Morphological Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol, Aerosol Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2020.1822512
- Smith, D. M., Fiddler, M. N., Pokhrel, R. P., and Bililign, S.: Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosol emitted from east African biomass fuels – Part 1: Optical properties, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 10149–10168,, 2020.
Smith, D. M., Cui, T., Fiddler, M. N., Pokhrel, R. P., Surratt, J. D., and Bililign, S.: Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosol emitted from east African biomass fuels – Part 2: Chemical properties and characterization, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 10169–10191,, 2020.
- Walker, B. J., Phuyal, S., Ishimoto, K., Tung, C.-K., & Gaffney, E. A. (2020). Computer-assisted beat-pattern analysis and the flagellar waveforms of bovine spermatozoa. Royal Society Open Science, 7(6), 200769. doi:10.1098/rsos.200769
- Lassman, J.R. Pierce, Bangs, A. P. Sullivan, B. Ford, G. Mengistu Tsidu, J.P. Sherman, J. L. Collette, S. Bililign, (2020) “Using low-cost measurement systems to investigate air quality: a case study in Palapye, Botswana” Atmosphere, 11(6) 583
- E. Kunkel, D.R. Easterling, A. Ballinger, S. Bililign, S.M. Champion, D.R. Corbett, K. D. Dello, J. Dissen, G. M. Lackmann, R. A. Luettich, Jr., L.B. Perry, W.A. Robinson, L.E. Stevens, B. C. Stewart, and A. J. Terando, 2020: North Carolina Climate Science Report. North Carolina Institute of Climate Studies, 233PP.
- “Precision Measurement of the pi0 Lifetime” Larin, Y. Zhang, A. Gasparian, et al., Science, vol. 368, issue 6490, pp. 506-509, May 2020.
- Adhikari, … A. Gasparian, et al., “Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in gp at Eg = 8.5 GeV” arXiv:2003.08038, 2020.
- Lin, Y.-L., Agyakwah, J. G. Riley, H.-H. Hsu, and L.-C. Jiang, 2020: Orographic effects on the propagation and rainfall of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) 2007-08 over New Guinea Highland. In press.
- Bissoli, P., C. Ganter, T. Li, A. Mekonnen, and A. Sánchez-Lugo, Eds., 2020: Regional Climates [in “State of the Climate in 2019"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101 (7), (in press), doi:10.1175/2020BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- B. D. Enyew* and A. Mekonnen, 2020: Africa [in “State of the Climate in 2019"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101 (7), (in press), doi:10.1175/2020BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- Mekonnen, A., C. J. Schreck, and B. D. Enyew*, 2020: “The impact of Kelvin waves during dry and wet African rainfall years”, Atmosphere, 11(6), 568.
- L. Y. Worku*, A. Mekonnen, and C. J Schreck, 2020: “The Impact of MJO, Kelvin, and Equatorial Rossby Waves on the Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent”, Atmosphere, 11(7), 711.
- Singh, V., & Nemenman, I. (2020). Universal properties of concentration sensing in large ligand-receptor networks. Physical review letters, 124(2), 028101.
- Singh, V., Murphy, N. R., Balasubramanian, V., & Mainland, J. D. (2019). Competitive binding predicts nonlinear responses of olfactory receptors to complex mixtures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(19), 9598-9603.
- Worku*, L. Y., A. Mekonnen, C. J. Schreck, 2019: “The role of diurnal cycle over the Maritime continent: Part I”, Int. J. Climatol. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6121
- Garcia-Rivera, J. M., and Y.-L. Lin, 2019: On the coupling of convective updrafts prior to secondary eyewall formation in Hurricane Katrina (2005). Meteor. and Atmos. Phys. (MAAP), 131 (1), pp. 29-53 (doi: 10.1007/s.00703-017-0557-2).
- Oldaker, G. IV, L. Liu and Y.-L., Lin, 2019: Influence of Appalachian orography on heavy rainfall and rainfall variability associated with the passage of Hurricane Isabel by ensemble simulations. Meteor. Atmos. Phys. (MAAP), 131 (3), 329-350. (doi: 10.1007/s00703-017-0562-5).
- “A Small Proton Charge Radius from an Electron-Proton Scattering Experiment” Ziong, A. Gasparian, et al., Nature 575, 145 – 150 (2019).
- “High Precision Measurement of Compton Scattering in the 5 GeV Region” Ambrazowich, … A. Gasparian, et al., Phys. Lett. B v. 797 (2019), 134884.
- “First Measurement of Near-Threshold J/Y” Exclusive Photoproduction off the Proton”, Ali, … Gasparian, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019), No. 7 072001.
- “Measurements of Non-Singlet Moments of the Nucleon Structure Functions and Comparison to Predictions from Lattice QCD for Q2 = 4 GeV2”, PAlbayrak, … Gasparian, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019), No. 2, 022501.
- Damon Smith, Rudra Pokherl, Marc N Fiddler, Solomon Bililign (2019) “Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosols emitted from sub-Saharan Africa biomass fuels- PART 1-Optical properties”, Chem. Phys. Disc. Now accepted for APC
- Damon Smith, Marc N Fiddler, Cui Tianqu, Rudra Pokherl, Jason Surratt, Solomon Bililign (2019) “Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosols emitted from sub-Saharan Africa biomass fuels-PART II- Chemical properties and characterization.” Chem. Phys. Disc.
- Emmanuel Sarpong, Damon Smith,Marc N Fiddler, and Solomon Bililign, (2019) “Refractive Indices of Biomass Burning Aerosols Obtained from African Biomass Fuels using RDG Approximations,” Atmosphere 2020, 11(1), 62;
- D. Haskins, …, Jaime R. Greene, …, Solomon. Bililign, …, J.A.Thornton (2019) “Anthropogenic control over wintertime oxidation of atmospheric pollutants”, Geophysical Research Letter 46 (24)
- Solomon Bililign, (2019) “Building Capacity in Geosciences at HBCU’s”, Journal of Geosciences Education, 67; 4 351-356
- Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Kenneth Sexton, Solomon Bililign, (2018)” Construction and Characterization of an indoor Smog Chamber for Measurement of the Optical and Physicochemical Properties of Aging Biomass Burning Aerosols,” Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, 3, 467-483
- Jaime R. Green, …, SolomonBililign, Brown, (2019). “Rates of Wintertime Atmospheric SO2 Oxidation based on Aircraft Observations during Clear Sky Conditions over the Eastern U.S”. Special Issue -WINTER Campaign (12, 124, pp. 6630-6649). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 124, 12, 6630-6649.
Bliss, A., R. Hock, G. Wolken, E. Whorton, C. Aubry-Wake, J. Braun, A. Gusmeroli, W. Harrison, A. Hoffman, A. Liljedahl, and J. Zhang, 2019, Glaciers and Climate of the Upper Susitna Basin, Alaska, Earth System Science Data, doi:
- Singh, V., Cottaris, N. P., Heasly, B. S., Brainard, D. H., & Burge, J. (2018). Computational luminance constancy from naturalistic images. Journal of vision, 18(13), 19-19.
- Huang, Y.-C., and -L. Lin, 2018: Looping tracks associated with tropical cyclones approaching an isolated mountian. Part I; Essential parameters. Meteor. Atmos. Phys. (MAAP), 130 (3), 333-348. (doi: 10.1007/s00703-017-0533-x).
- “Robust Extraction of the Proton Charge Radius from Electron-Proton scattering Data” Yan, … A. Gasparian, et al.,Phys. Rev. C98, 025204 (2018).
- Direct measurements of the lifetime of medium-heavy hypernuclei”, Qiu, … A. Gasparian, et al., Nucl. Phys. A973 (2018), 116-148.
- Lee, …, Jaime R Greene, …, Solomon Bililign, J.…, J. Thornton, (2018). “Airborne observations of reactive inorganic chlorine and bromine species in the exhaust of coal-fired power plants”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 19, 123, 11225-11237
- Lee, P…, Jaime R. Greene, …, Solomon Bililign, …, J. Thornton ( 2018). “Flight deployment of a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer: observations of reactive halogen and nitrogen oxide species.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,14, 123; 7670-7686
- Viral Shah, …, Jaime Green, …, SolomonBililign, Brown, Steven (2018) “Chemical Feedbacks Suppress the Wintertime Response of Atmospheric Particulate Sulfate and Nitrate to Emissions Reductions over Eastern U.S”. Nat. Acad. Sci. 32, 115, 8110-8115USA,
- Dorothy L. Fibige, …, Jaime R. Green, …, Solomon Bililign, …, Steven S. Brown. (2018). “Wintertime overnight Nox removal in a coal-fired power plant plume and its implications for understanding winter Nox processing” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 1412–1425.
Zhang, J., S. Stegall, and X. Zhang, 2018, Wind-SST-Sea Ice Relations in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas, Environmental Research Letters, doi:
Gian Villamil-Otero, J. Zhang, J. He, and X. Zhang, 2018, Role of Extratropical Cyclones in the Recently Observed Increase in Poleward Moisture Transport into the Arctic Ocean, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-017-7116-0.
- Singh, V., & Nemenman, I. (2017). Simple biochemical networks allow accurate sensing of multiple ligands with a single receptor. PLoS computational biology, 13(4), e1005490.
- Lin, Y.-L., Spinks, and B.-W. Shen, 2017: Formation and maintenance of an African easterly wave-mesoscale convective system in 2004 over East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Ch. 1 (pp.1-34) of the “North Africa Soc., Env. and Political Issues” (Ed. S. Fuller), Nova Scientific Publishers, Inc., New York, 102pp. (ISBN: 978-1-53612-984-7).
- Taylor, S. M., M. L. Kaplan, and -L. Lin, 2017: Multi-scale dynamics of the 11-12 February 2010 Deep South U.S. Snowstorm event. Adv. in Meteor.,vol. 2017, Article ID 6301026 (
- Yang, Q., L. R. Leung, J. Lu, -L. Lin, S. Hagos, K. Sakaguchi, and Y. Gao, 2017: Exploring the effects of nonhydrostatic dynamics in high-resolution aquaplanet simulations. J. Geophys. Res., D. (Atmosphere), 122(6):3245-3265. (doi:10.1002/2016JD025287)
- Sever, G., and -L. Lin, 2017: Dynamical and Physical processes associated with orographic precipitation in a conditionally unstable uniform flow: Variation in basic wind speed. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 449-466.
- “Measurement of the beam asymmetry Σ for π0 and η photoproduction on the proton at Eγ = 9 GeV”, H. Al Ghoual, … Gasparian, et al., Phys. Rev. C95 (2017), no. 4, 042201, 2017.
- Samin Poudel,Marc Fiddler, Damon Smith, K.M Flurchick, and Solomon Bililign. (2017) “Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols: Comparison of Experimental Measurements and T-matrix Calculations.” Atmosphere, 8, 11, 228.
Tao, W., J. Zhang, Y. Fu, and X. Zhang, 2017, Driving Roles of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Thermal Anomalies in the Intensification and Persistence of 2012 Arctic Superstorm, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2017GL074778.
- Tao, W., J. Zhang, X. Zhang, 2017, The Role of Stratosphere Vortex Downward Intrusion in a Long-lasting Late-summer Arctic Storm. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. doi: 10.1002/qj.3055.
- Bieniek, P. A., U. S. Bhatt, J. E. Walsh, T. S. Rupp, J. Zhang, J. R. Krieger, and R. Lader, 2016, Dynamical downscaling of ERA-Interim temperature and precipitation for Alaska, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi:
- Singh, V., Tchernookov, M., & Nemenman, I. (2016). Effects of receptor correlations on molecular information transmission. Physical Review E, 94(2), 022425.
- Lin, Y.-L.,-H. Chen, and L. Liu, 2016:Orographic effects on track deflection of an idealized tropical cyclone passing over a mesoscale mountain range. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 3951-3974.
- Arivelo, T. A., and -L. Lin, 2016: Climatology of heavy orographic rainfall induced by tropical cyclones over Madagascar: From synoptic to mesoscale perspectives. Earth Science Research, 5(2), 146-161.
- Lin, Y.-L., 2016: Instabilities conducive to aviation turbulence. Ch. 3 (pp. 59-82) of the "Aviation Turbulence - Porcesses, Detection, Prediction" (Eds: R. D. Sharman and T. P. Lane), Springer, 523pp. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23630-8_3)
- Smith, G. M., -L. Lin, and Y. Rastigejev, 2016:Orographic effects on supercell: Development and structure, intensity and tracking. Environ. Nat. Resources Res., 6(2), doi:10.5539/enrr.v6n2p76-91.
- Lin, Y.-L.,-Y. Lee, C.-S. Chen, F.-Y. Cheng, P.-L. Lin, J.-H. Teng, and C.-L. Liu, 2016:Initiation and maintenenance mechanisms for heavy precipitation systems over a mountainous island under a prevailing monsoon current. Earth Sci. Research, 5(2), 90-104, doi:10.5539/esr.v5n2p90.
- Liu, L., -L. Lin, and S.-H. Chen, 2016: Effects of Landfall Location and Approach Angle of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone over a Long Mountain Range. Front. Earth Sci. 4:14. doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00014
- Jung, Y., and -L. Lin, 2016:Assessment of a regional-scale weather model for hydrological applications in South Korea. Environ. Nat. Resources Res., 6 (2), doi:10.5539/enrr.v6n2p28-41.
- Garcia-Rivera, J., -L. Lin, and Y. Rastigejev, 2016: Cold-air damming - tropical cyclone interaction: A numerical case study of Tropical Storm Kyle (2002) and its influence on heavy rain in the North Carolinas. Meteor. and Atmos. Phys. (MAAP), 128, 347-372. doi:10.1007/s00703-015-0421-1)
- Sujeeth Singh, Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign, (2016) Measurement of size dependent single Scattering albedo of fresh biomass burning aerosols using the extinction-minus-scattering technique with a combination of cavity ring-down spectroscopy and nephelometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 13491-13507.
Ziemen, F. A., R. Hock, A. Aschwanden, C. Khroulev, C. Kienholz, A. Melkonian, J. Zhang, 2016, Modeling the evolution of the Juneau Icefield using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM), Journal of Glaciology, doi:
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