Bridges to the Doctorate

North Carolina A&T State University Bridges-to-Doctorate (BTD) is specifically designed for students interested in pursuing a PhD in Biological, Biomedical, Bioinformatic and Computational Sciences. Students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in a related field will spend two years gaining and strengthening skills needed for competitive applications, entry and success in PhD programs. The program offers ample opportunities to connect and interact with faculty, students, and program directors at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, our bridge partners to help enrich this program. All BTD Scholars will earn a Master’s degree with the successful completion of the 2-year program.

The N.C. A&T BTD program will make sure you reach your PhD goals!


BTD Scholars will take a challenging graduate level curriculum that will be augmented with skill building sessions such as: application preparation, writing a quality personal statement, developing a resume/cv, how to give a scientific talk and interview preparation


North Carolina A&T State University has a rich tradition of training under-represented student populations in STEM research fields. N.C. A&T is the largest HBCU and is the largest producers of African American engineers as well as sought after biomedical-trained students. BTD Scholars will also have the opportunity to conduct research at UNC-Chapel Hill. UNC-Chapel Hill is one of the nation’s leading research universities. BTD Scholars will be paired with faculty mentors from both N.C. A&T and UNC-Chapel Hill to gain full-time, valuable research experience while conducting transformative research


Each BTD Scholar will be part of a supportive community of students, faculty and mentors with similar career interests and paths. Each scholar will have a peer-buddy at N.C. A&T and UNC. Regularly scheduled socials, luncheons, seminars, and other events provide regular opportunities for BTD Scholars to interact with one another and the greater NCAT and UNC-Chapel hill research community.


The North Carolina A&T State University Bridges-to-Doctorate program (R25 GM119987) is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The goal of the Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training program is to develop a diverse pool of scientists earning a Ph.D., who have the skills to successfully transition into careers in the biomedical research workforce.