About Aggie Academy
Aggie Academy is a public, free lab school serving 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in Guilford County, North Carolina. Aggie Academy primarily serves students who live in East Greensboro.
As we prepare to open for our first academic year late this summer, we hope you will visit our website often to get the latest news on Aggie Academy, our first classes and our goals and vision

for the future. We not only want you to know about them, we want you and your family to be part of them. Because at Aggie Academy, we value community, relationships and belonging.
Aggie Academy was established in 2021-22 by votes of the North Carolina A&T Board of Trustees, the University of North Carolina System Board of Governors and the state Board of Education. We also have a partnership with Guilford County Schools, which provides transportation, meals and support services at Aggie Academy. It's great to have so many supporters and partners invested in the success of our school and our students!
Other resources may be helpful in understanding Aggie Academy:
- Laboratory Schools in North Carolina from the UNC System Lab School Handbook 2021-22
- Mission and Commitment Statement for Aggie Academy
- Benefits of Choosing Aggie Academy
We hope you will keep up with all the progress that Aggie Academy is making toward 2022-23, our first school year. Check our site often for updates.
NC School Report Card
North Carolina’s school report cards are an important resource for parents, educators, state leaders, researchers, and others, providing information about school- and district-level data in a number of areas. These include student performance and academic growth, school and student characteristics, and many other details.
Report cards are provided for all North Carolina public schools, including charter and alternative schools. North Carolina's School Report Cards are in an interactive, easy-to-navigate section available here. This user-friendly website addresses the need for quick reference on topics that are most important to parents and educators.
Parents and others should note that the information in the School Report Card, while important, cannot tell you the entire story about a school. Other important factors — the extra hours put in by teachers preparing for class and grading assignments, the school spirit felt by families, the involvement in sports, arts, or other extracurriculars - are crucial aspects of a school community, but are not reflected on the Report Card.
What is a “timeline?” A timeline is a list of important things that have already happened or that we think will happen in the future. Many important things are listed on the Aggie Academy timeline below in chronological [kron-uh-LODGE-uh-cull] order, which means “the order in which they happened.” Read it to see all the special things that are taking place and all the work that's underway to create an academy that we will all be proud of!