Title III HBGI PhD Supplementary Award Program
Program Summary
The Title III HBGI PhD Supplementary Award is a prestigious award offered to qualified Ph.D. students enrolled in STEM disciplines at North Carolina A&T State University. The purpose of the Supplementary Award is to increase the number of Ph.D. degrees in STEM disciplines through a program of financial assistance. The Supplementary Award, consisting of a stipend and additional benefits, is funded through a Title III HBGI grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Supplementary Awards are made for one academic year at a time and are renewable for up to four years contingent upon the student’s academic progress and the availability of funds. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Supplementary Award program can result in termination of the award at any time.
Each Supplementary Award will be in the amount of $15,000 for 12 months.
Eligibility Requirements
Anyone who plans to apply for the Supplementary Award must:
- Be a US citizen
- Either be enrolled in or intend to pursue a PhD program in a STEM discipline at North Carolina A&T State University
- Have completed no more than two semesters of doctoral study prior to the semester when the Supplementary Award will begin
- Meet all other eligibility requirements as set forth in the Supplementary Award announcement
- Have a Graduate Research Assistantship with a stipend of at least $15,000 per year and in-state tuition
Application/Initial award
The initial award of the Supplementary Award will be based on an evaluation of an application package consisting of the following:
- Application form
- Letters of recommendation
- Personal statement
- Research abstract
- Copy of the student’s academic transcripts
- Confirmation of admission by the Graduate School
- Copy of FAFSA or previous year’s income tax return
- Copy of GRA appointment contract, assistantship salary authorization, and in-state tuition award
Recommendation letters
Submit three recommendation letters, at least one should be written by a faculty member who has taught and/or advised the student previously. The letters should be on official letterhead, and should include the following information: Name and Title of reference writer, department, and institution or organization. Each letter should provide details explaining the nature of the relationship to the applicant, comments on the applicant's potential and prior research experiences, statements about the applicant's academic potential and prior research experiences, statements about the applicant's proposed research, and any other information to enable the Supplementary Award committee to evaluate the application.
Personal statement
In approximately 500 words, describe your personal, educational and/or professional experiences that motivate your decision to pursue advanced study in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). Include specific examples of any research and/or professional activities in which you have participated. Present a concise description of the activities, highlight the results and discuss how these activities have prepared you to seek an advanced graduate degree. Specify your role in the activity including the extent to which you worked independently and/or as part of a team. Describe the contributions of your activity to advancing knowledge in STEM fields as well as the potential for broader societal impacts
Research abstract
In approximately 500 words, present an original research topic that you may want to pursue or are pursuing in graduate school. It is understood that, in consultation with his/her advisor, the student will likely identify a different research topic for his/her dissertation. Describe the research idea, your general approach, as well as any unique resources that may be needed for accomplishing the research goal (i.e., access to national facilities or collections, collaborations, overseas work, etc.). You may choose to include important literature citations. Address the potential of the research to advancing knowledge and understanding within the field of study as well as broader impacts on society.
Award Committee
The Supplementary Award Committee will be responsible for selecting Supplementary Award awardees based on applications received by the posted deadline. The committee will consist of one member from each college that offers STEM PhD programs. The committee will make decisions on awards within two weeks after the application deadline. Selected awardees will be notified by the Graduate School with copies to the advisor, graduate coordinator, department chair and the Title III office.
Application Deadline
Completed applications for initial award must be submitted to the Graduate School office by the following deadlines:
- Feb 1: for awards starting in fall
- Aug 1: for awards staring in spring
Award Renewal Criteria
Each Fellow will be required to maintain the following standards to continue to receive the award:
- Maintain 3.3 or higher Cumulative GPA
- Maintain full academic load, not including courses receiving C, F, W, I grades or Audits
- File Plan of Study with Graduate School and Title III office by end of 1st semester
- Ensure all courses taken according to the approved Plan of Study.
- Pass Qualifying Exam within 3 semesters of start of PhD program.
- Pass Preliminary Exam within 5 semesters of start of Ph.D. program.
- Positive recommendation from Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, and Department Chair. Alternately, no adverse report from department.
- Not concurrently hold another Supplementary Award or internship
- Not be employed or receive any other source of funds
- Attend all Title III meetings
- Attend special workshops and conferences arranged on campus and recommended by Title III office
- Maintain high ethical standards and maintain compliance with the university’s honor code
Any adverse finding during any academic year can lead to discontinuation of the award in mid-year. The award will be renewed for a maximum of 4 academic years or 8 semesters.
Renewal beyond 4 years
Students who entered the PhD program after a BS degree may receive an extension of 1 year based on the following conditions:
- Student has satisfied all the requirements listed under “Award Renewal Criteria”
- Completion of all course work, qualifying exam and preliminary exam
- Advisor submits request with an endorsement from the dissertation committee and department chair.
All other award extensions will be carefully reviewed by the Award Committee. In limited situations, an award extension may be provided under the following conditions:
- Student has satisfied all the requirements listed under “Award Renewal Criteria”
- Completion of all course work, qualifying exam and preliminary exam
- Advisor submits request (with endorsement from dissertation committee and department chair) indicating remaining work and milestones for accomplishing it
- All dissertation committee members vote favorably to extend the Supplementary Award
If an extension is approved, the Award will only pay for the minimum tuition/fees required by the graduate school (1 credit hour) and the Award stipend may be reduced. Furthermore, the advisor and student will be required to provide periodic updates regarding the completion of the dissertation as stated in the request for extension
The Title III Ph.D. Supplementary Award provides a competitive stipend for the academic year. The amount of the stipend can change every year based on availability of funds and program objectives. Any change in the stipend amount for the next academic year will be decided by the Award committee at least six months before the start of the academic year. The differential out-of-state tuition, required fees and health insurance at current university rates are also covered. All stipends are subject to availability of funds.
For more information
For further information, please contact Ms. Anita Sanders at 336-285-2369 or via e-mail at asanders@ncat.edu.