Dr. Parker is a health disparities researcher examining the structural, social, behavioral, and biological factors influencing the transmission of infectious diseases with a primary focus on HIV among African Americans and other vulnerable populations. She examines the interconnectedness of HIV, concurrent sexual relationships, substance abuse, intimate partner violence, and gender inequality among criminal justice involved individuals and other high-risk populations.
Research Interests
Dr. Parker’s primary interest is infectious diseases. For several years she has been engaged in randomized control trials funded by the NIH and the CDC. She engages in a multidisciplinary approach in the areas of both research and clinical practice. Translational research is incorporated into her work in order to improve the health outcomes of vulnerable populations. Dr. Parker is engaged in biomedical research examining the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) with men who have sex with men (MSM) and heterosexual women to reduce the transmission of HIV among high-risk populations.
Recent Publications
- Jeannette Wade, Helyne Frederick, Sharon Parker, Brianna Wiley, Hannah Dillon, Dorrian Wilson, Kwani Taylor (2022). (A Black Feminist Analysis of Patient Provider Concordance in Sexual Health Care). Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.
- Jeannette Wade, Helyne Frederick, Sharon Parker, Hannah Dillon, Britney Williams (2022). ( A Black Feminist Examination of Sexual Liberation and Sexual Stereotypes: Perspectives from Black Female College Students ). (1-2) 9, pp. 19-41. Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships.
- Helyne Frederick , Jeannette Wade, Sharon Parker, Dorrian Wilson, Brianna Wiley , Kwani Taylor (2021). (Understanding Openness to Involvement in Sexual Health Care Research: Narratives from a Sample of Black College Women in the United States). The Journal of Sex Research .
- Jeannette Wade, Ramine Alexander, Cheryl Woods Giscombe, Daniel Keegan , Sharon Parker, Katia Jackson, Jasmine Gibbs, Asha McElroy, JaVae Ferguson (2021). (Using Black Feminist Theory and Methods to Uncover Best Practices in Health Promotion Programming). (3) 32, pp. 581. Qualitative Health Research.
- Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Emily Dauria, Marina Tolou-Shams, Katerina Christopoulous, Phillip Chan, Sharon Parker, Jaimie Meyer (2018). (The Path to Implementation of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for People Involved in Criminal Justice Systems). Current HIV/AIDS Reports.
- Carol Golin, Oluwakemi , Dardick , Brooke , Bishop , Sharon Parker, Owens (2017). (Poverty, personal experiences of violence, and mental health: Understanding their complex intersections among low-income women). (Poverty in the United States ) Springer.
- Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Sharon Parker, Annie Gjelsvik, Leandro Mena, Philip Chan, Julia Harvey, Brandon Marshall, Curt Beckwith, Reginald Riggins, Trisha Arnold, Amy Nunn (2016). ("Condom Use and Incarceration among STD Clinic Attendees in the Deep South). (DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-3590-z) 16, pp. 971-979. BMC-Public Health.
- Chandra Story , Ann Kirkwood, Sharon Parker, Bridget Weller (2016). (Evaluation of the Better Todays/Better Tomorrows Youth Suicide prevention program: Increasing mental health literacy in rural communities, Best Practices in Mental Health,). (1) 12, pp. 14-25. Best Practices in Mental Health.
- Philip Chan, Leandro Mena , Rupa Ingram Fogel, Catherine Oldenburg, Laura Beauchamps, Amaya Perez-Brumer, Sharon Parker, Kenneth Mayer, Matthew Mimiaga, Amy Nunn (2016). (Retention in care outcomes for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation programmes among men who have sex with men in three US Cities ). Journal of the International AIDS Society .
- Jeffery Herbst, Olivia Branscomb-Burgess, Deborah Gelaude, Seth Peth, Sharon Parker, Catherine Fogel (2016). (Risk Profiles of Women Experiencing Initial and Repeat Incarcerations: Implications for Prevention Programs). (4) 28, pp. 299-311. AIDS Education and Prevention.
- Amy Nunn, Caitlin Towey, Phillip Chan, Sharon Parker, Emily Nichols, Patrick Oleskey, AnnaJane Yolken, Julia Harvey, Geetanjoli Banerjee, Thomas Stopka, Stacey Trooskin (2016). (Routine HIV Screening in an Urban Community Health Center: Results from a Geographically Focused Implementation Science Program). (Supplement 1) 131, pp. 30-40. Public Health Reports.
- Brandon Marshall, Amaya Perez-Brummer, Sarah MacCarthy, Leandro Mena, Philip Chan, Caitlin Towey, Nancy Barnett, Sharon Parker, Arti Barnes, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein , Jennifer Rose, Amy Nunn (2015). (Individual and partner level-factors associated with condom non-use among African American STI clinic attendees in the deep South: An event-level analysis). AIDS and Behavior.
- Danielle Haley, Carol Golin, Clarie Farel , David Wohl , Anna Scheyett, Jenna Garrett, David Rosen, Sharon Parker (2014). (Multilevel challenges to engagement in HIV care after prison release: a theory-informed qualitative study comparing prisoners' perspectives before and after community reentry). (1253) 14, pp. 15. BMC Public Health.
- Amy Nunn, Sarah MacCarthy, Nancy Barnett, Jennifer Rose, Philip Chan, Annajane Yolken, Alexandra Cornwall, Nicholas Chamberlain, Arti Barnes, Reginald Riggins, Elya Moore, Dantrell Simmons, Sharon Parker, Leandro Mena (2014). (Prevalence and predictors of concurrent sexual partnerships in a predominantly African American population in Jackson, Mississippi). (12) 18, pp. 2457-68. AIDS and Behavior.