Joint School of NanotechnologyDepartment
JSNN: NanoengineeringEducation
Ph.D.Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry / University of California-Davis
M.S.Polymer Materials / Beijing Institute of Technology
B.S.Polymer Materials / Xi''an Jiaotong University
Research Interests
Nanomaterials and their applications
External URL
Recent Publications
- Shobha Mantripragada, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2023). (Algae-Enhanced Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibrous Membrane for High-Performance Short-Chain PFAS Remediation from Water). (19) 13, pp. 2646. Nanomaterials.
- Philip Agbo, Abhijeet Mali, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2023). (Bio-Oil-Based Epoxy Resins from Thermochemical Processing of Sustainable Resources: A Short Review). (9) 7, JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES SCIENCE.
- Renzun Zhao, Stephanie Luster-Teasley, Lifeng Zhang (2023). (Microplastics in landfill leachate: Sources, Occurrence, and Removal). 16, pp. 1-12. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology/Elsvier.
- Kingsford Asare, Md Faruque Hasan, Abolghasem Shahbazi, Lifeng Zhang (2021). (A comparative study of porous and hollow carbon nanofibrous structures from electrospinning for supercapacitor electrode material development). 26, pp. 101386. Surface and Interfaces.
- Jeannette Delva-Wiley, Israt Jahan, Robert Newman, Lifeng Zhang, Ming Dong (2021). (Computational Analysis of the Binding Mechanism of GenX and HSA). 6, pp. 29166-29170. ACS Omega.
- Fangwen Zha, Wei Chen, Guowei Lv, Chunsheng Wu, Hao Lu, Lingjie Meng, Lifeng Zhang, Demei Yu (2021). (Effects of surface condition of conductive electrospun nanofiber mats on cell behavior for nerve tissue engineering). 120, pp. 111795. Materials Science and Engineering C.
- Shobha Mantripragada, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2021). (Remediation of GenX from water by amidoxime surface-functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous adsorbent). 283, pp. 131235. Chemosphere.
- Shobha Mantripragada, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2021). (Remediation of GenX from water by amidoxime surface-functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous adsorbent). pp. 131235. Chemosphere.
- Sidharth Karnati, Daniel Oldham, Elham Fini, Lifeng Zhang (2021). (Surface functionalization of silica nanoparticles with swine manure-derived bio-binder to enhance bitumen performance in road pavement). 266, pp. 12100. Construction and Building Materials.
- Lifeng Zhang, Demei Yu (2021). (Surface Modification of Glass Nanofillers and Their Reinforcing Effect in Epoxy-based Nanocomposites). (Chemical Methods for Processing Nanomaterials) CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Sidharth Karnati, Daniel Oldham, Elham Fini, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Application of surface-modified silica nanoparticles with dual silane coupling agents in bitumen for performance enhancement). 244, pp. 118324. Construction and Building Materials.
- Sidharth Karnati, Philip Agbo, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Applications of silica nanoparticles in glass/carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy nanocomposite). 17, pp. 32-41. Composites Communications.
- Sidharth Karnati, Bjarke Hogsaa, Lifeng Zhang, Ellie Fini (2020). (Developing carbon nanoparticles with tunable morphology and surface chemistry for use in construction). 262, pp. 120780. Construction and Building Materials.
- Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Electrospinning and Electrospun Nanofibers). (21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook: Low-Dimensional Materials and Morphologies) CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Fangwen Zha, Wei Chen, Lu Hao, Chunsheng Wu, Meng Lu, Lifeng Zhang, Demei Yu (2020). (Electrospun cellulose-based conductive polymer nanofibrous mats: composite scaffolds and their influence on cell behavior with electrical stimulation for nerve tissue engineering). 16, pp. 6591-6598. Soft Matter.
- Fangwen Zha, Wei Chen, Lifeng Zhang, Demei Yu (2020). (Electrospun natural polymer and its composite nanofibrous scaffolds for nerve tissue engineering). (4) 31, pp. 519-548. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition.
- Spero Gbewonyo, Shuangning Xiu, Abolghasem Shahbazi, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Low thermal conductivity carbon material from electrospinning and subsequent chemical activation). 30, pp. 289-296. Carbon Letters.
- Shobha Mantripragada, Spero Gbewonyo, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Oil absorption capability of electrospun carbon nanofibrous membranes having porous and hollow nanostructures). 262, pp. 127069. Materials Letters.
- Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang, Ming Dong, Raymond Samuel, Andrea Ofori-Boadu, Mehdi Lamssali (2020). (Radioactive waste: A review). Water Environment Research.
- Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang, Ming Dong, R Samuel, Andrea Ofori-Boadu, M Lamssali (2020). (Radioactive waste: A review.). (10) 92, pp. 1818-1825. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation.
- Yiyang Liu, Zheng Zeng, Rama Sharma, Spero Gbewonyo, Kokougan Allado, Lifeng Zhang, Jianjun Wei (2019). (A bi-functional configuration for a metal-oxide film supercapacitor). 409, pp. 1-5. Journal of Power Sources.
- Lifeng Zhang, Spero Gbewonyo, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar (2019). (Development of Carbon Nanofibers from Electrospinning). In Mark J. Schulz, Vesselin Shanov, Zhangzhang Yin, Marc Cahay, (Nanotube Superfiber Materials) pp. 867-878. Elsevier Inc.: Cambridge.
- Shobha Mantripragada, Lifeng Zhang, Oscar Enriquez, Kierach Risdon-Langdon, Lei Zhang (2019). (Heavy Metal Removal from Synthetic Waste Water by Using Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles). (2) 7, pp. 83-88. Journal of Harmonized Research in Applied Sciences.
- Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Arifa Parveen, Dennis LaJeunesse, Lifeng Zhang (2019). (Polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous mat from electrospinning: born with potential anti-fungal functionality). 119, pp. 176-180. European Polymer Journal.
- Shuangning Xiu, Spero Gbewonyo, Abolghasem Shahbazi, Lifeng Zhang (2019). (Production of Biochar Based Porous Carbon Nanofibers for High-performance Supercapacitor Applications). (2) 5, pp. 151-164. Trends in Renewable Energy.
- Xiaofei Song, Yibing Cai, Yue Wu, Weiwei Wang, Xiaolu Sun, Qufu Wei, Lifeng Zhang (2019). (Superior form-stable phase change material made with graphene-connected carbon nanofibers and fatty acid eutectics). (11) 19, pp. 7044-7053. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
- Sidharth Karnati, Daniel Oldham, Elham Fini, Lifeng Zhang (2019). (Surface functionalization of silica nanoparticles to enhance aging resistance of asphalt binder). 211, pp. 1065-1072. Construction and Building Materials.
- Lingyun You, Zhanping You, Qingli , Lifeng Zhang (2018). (Assessment of nanopaticles dispersion in asphalt during bubble escaping and bursting: Nano hydrated lime modified foamed asphalt.). 184, pp. 391-399. Construction and Building Materials.
- Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2018). (Chemistry Research Summaries). In Lucille Monaco Cacioppo, 20, pp. 301-302. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Nikhil Mucha, Ramesh Ravella, Muchha Reddy, Lifeng Zhang (2018). (Electrospun carbon nanofiber supported zero-valent iron nanoparticles for heavy metal remediation in ground and waste water). In Chang-Seop Lee, pp. 295-309. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Alex Aboagye, Yiyang Liu, James Ryan, Jianjun Wei, Lifeng Zhang (2018). (Hierarchical carbon composite nanofibrous electrode material for high-performance aqueous supercapacitors). 214, pp. 557-563. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Md Jamal Uddin, Pankaj Alaboina, Lifeng Zhang, Sungjin Cho (2017). (A low-cost, environment-friendly lignin-polyvinyl alcohol nanofiber separator using a water-based method for safer and faster lithium-ion batteries). 223, pp. 84-90. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
- Q. Tian, D. Yu, Lifeng Zhang, A.D. Kelkar (2017). (Composite laminate prepared from boron nitride nanoparticle (BNNP) enhanced prepregs). pp. 125-144. Boron Nitride: Properties, Synthesis and Applications.
- Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2017). (Composite laminate prepared from boron nitride nanoparticle (BNNP) enhanced prepregs). In Eugene Moran, pp. 125-144. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Guolong Wang, Demei Yu, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2017). (Electrospun nanofiber: Emerging reinforcing filler in polymer matrix composite materials). 75, pp. 73-107. Progress in Polymer Science.
- G. Wang, D. Yu, A.D. Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2017). (Electrospun nanofiber: Emerging reinforcing filler in polymer matrix composite materials). 75, pp. 73-107. Progress in Polymer Science.
- Spero Gbewonyo, Alexis Carpenter, Charles Gause, Nikhil Mucha, Lifeng Zhang (2017). (Low thermal conductivity carbon fibrous composite nanomaterial enabled by multi-scale porous structure). (134) pp. 218-225. Materials & Design.
- Qiong Tian, Xiaojing Yu, Lifeng Zhang, Demei Yu (2017). (Monodisperse raspberry-like multihollow polymer/Ag nanocomposite microspheres for rapid catalytic degradation of methylene blue). 491, pp. 294-304. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.
- Guolong Wang, Demei Yu, Ram Mohan, Spero Gbewonyo, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (A comparative study of nanoscale glass filler reinforced epoxy composites: Electrospun nanofiber vs nanoparticle. ). 129, pp. 19-29. Composite Science and Technology.
- G Wang, D Yu, Ram Mohan, S Gbewonyou, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (A Comparative Study of Nanoscale Glass Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composites: Electrospun Nanofiber vs Nanoparticle). 129, pp. 19 - 29. Composites Science and Technology.
- Guolong Wang, Guowei Lv, Shihu Zhang, Jinyou Shao, Xiangming Li, Hongmiao Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (A photocurable leaky dielectric for highly electrical insulating electrohydrodynamic micro-/nanopatterns). 12, pp. 8819-8824. Soft Matter.
- Ajit Kelkar, Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136-142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- A.D. Kelkar, Q. Tian, D. Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136-142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Ajit Kelkar, Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Boron nitride nanoparticle enhanced prepregs: A novel route for manufacturing aerospace structural composite laminate). 176, pp. 136–142. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Vinod Suryawanshi, Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar (2016). (Effect of Silane Treated Electrospun SiO2 Nanofibers Interleaving on Mode I Fracture Toughness of Glass Epoxy Composites). (57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference) pp. 0663.
- Nikhil Much, Ramesh Ravella, Muchha Reddy, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (Electrospun carbon nanofiber supported zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI@ECNFs) for Cr(VI) remediation in ground and waste water). (53) 1, pp. 3593-3599. MRS Advances.
- Qiong Tian, Demei Yu, Kaiming Zhu, Guohe Hu, Lifeng Zhang, Yuhang Liu (2016). (Multi-hollow polymer microspheres with enclosed surfaces and compartmentalized voids prepared by seeded swelling polymerization method). 473, pp. 44-51. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.
- K. Senevirathne, X.-K. Xia, S. P. Adhikari, Lifeng Zhang, R. T. Williams, A. Lachgar (2016). (NaTaO3/MCM-48 composites for photocatalytic conversion of organic molecules). 758, pp. 012003. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Yibing Cai, Mengmeng Liu, Xiaofei Song, Jin Zhang, Qufu Wei, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (A form-stable phase change material made with a cellulose acetate nanofibrous mat from bicomponent electrospinning and incorporated capric-myristic-stearic acid ternary eutectic mixture for thermal energy storage/retrieval). 5, pp. 84245-84251. RSC Advances.
- N. Sirelkhatim, D. Lajeunesse, A.D. Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217-220. Materials Letters.
- Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Dennis LaJeunesse, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217–220. Materials Letters.
- Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Dennis LaJeunesse, Ajit Kelkar, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Antifungal activity of amidoxime surface functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers). 141, pp. 217-220. Materials Letters.
- Alex Aboagye, Hytham Elbohy, Ajit Kelkar, Qiquan Qiao, Jiantao Zai, Xuefeng Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550-556. Nano Energy.
- Alex Aboagye, Hytham Elbohy, Ajit Kelkar, Qiquan Qiao, Jiantao Zai, Xuefeng Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550–556. Nano Energy.
- A. Aboagye, H. Elbohy, A.D. Kelkar, Q. Qiao, J. Zai, X. Qian, Lifeng Zhang (2015). (Electrospun carbon nanofibers with surface-attached platinum nanoparticles as cost-effective and efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells). 11, pp. 550-556. Nano Energy.
- Hytham Elbohy, Alex Aboagye, Sudhan Sigdel, Qi Wang, Hassan Sayyad, Lifeng Zhang, Qiquan Qiao (2015). (Graphene-embedded carbon nanofibers decorated with Pt nanoneedles for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells). 3, pp. 17721-17727. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
- Shiba Adhikari, Zachary Hood, Karren More, Ilia Ivanov, Lifeng Zhang, Michael Gross, Abdou Lachgar (2015). (Visible light assisted photocatalytic hydrogen generation by Ta2O5/Bi2O3, TaOH/Bi2O3, and Ta3N5/Bi2O3 composites). 5, pp. 54998-55005. RSC Advances.
- Lifeng Zhang, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, Chuilin Lai, Hao Fong (2014). (A review: carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). 49, pp. 463-480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Lifeng Zhang, Alex Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, Chuilin Lai, Hao Fong (2014). (A review: carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). (2) 49, pp. 463–480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Lifeng Zhang, A. Aboagye, Ajit Kelkar, C. Lai, H. Fong (2014). (A review: Carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile and their applications). (2) 49, pp. 463-480. Journal of Materials Science.
- Lifeng Zhang (2014). (Carbon nanofibers from electrospinning – a promising electrode material for energy storage and conversion). 3, pp. 101. International Journal of Nano Studies and Technology.
- Sudhan Sigdel, Ashish Dubey, Hytham Elbohy, Alex Aboagye, David Galipeau, Lifeng Zhang, Hao Fong, Qiquan Qiao (2014). (Dye-sensitized solar cells based on spray-coated carbon nanofiber/TiO2 nanoparticle composite counter electrodes). 2, pp. 11448-11453. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
- Chuilin Lai, Zhengping Zhou, Lifeng Zhang, Xiaoxu Wang, Qixin Zhou, Yong Zhao, Yechun Wu, Xiang-Fa Wu, Zhengtao Zhu, Hao Fong (2014). (Free-standing and mechanically flexible mats consisting of electrospun carbon nanofibers madefrom a natural product of alkali lignin as binder-free electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors). 247, pp. 134-141. Journal of Power Source.
- Lifeng Zhang, Hao Fong (2014). (Multiscale Glass Fiber-Reinforced Composite Developed from Epoxy Resin Containing Electrospun Glass Nanofibers). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering) pp. 201-222. CRC Press: Taylor & Francis.
- Lifeng Zhang, Hao Fong (2014). (Sustainable Electrode Materials Made from Electrospun Alkali Lignin-Based Carbon Nanofibers for High Performance Supercapacitors). In Cindy D. Mullan, (Supercapacitors: Electrochemical Properties, Applications and Technologies) pp. 33-55. Nova Science Publishers, Inc: New York.
- Lifeng Zhang (2013). (Carbon Fibers: From Micro to Nano). (2) 1, pp. 1010. JSM Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine.
- Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar, Zhengtao Zhu, Hao Fong (2012). (Electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers surface-functionalized with amidoxime groups and their applications). In Wei Dong Li and Xue Ping Wang, Nova Science Publisher, Inc..
- Lifeng Zhang, Ajit Kelkar, Z. Zhu, H. Fong (2012). (Electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers surface-functionalized with amidoxime groups and their applications). pp. 91-110. Nanofibers: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications.
- Jeannette Delva-Wiley, Israt Jahan, Robert Newman, Lifeng Zhang, Ming Dong (Computational Analysis of the Binding Mechanism of GenX and HSA). (0) 0, pp. null. ACS Omega.