Eunho Cho

Assistant Professor

Eunho Cho
College of Business & Economics

Accounting and Finance

Merrick 135
Ph.D.Accounting / Sogang University
MBAFinancial Engineering / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
B.A.Business Administration / Sogang University


Eunho(Andy) Cho joined NCAT on August 16. 1, 2019. Before joining NCAT, he was an assistant professor of Accounting at Kean University, Wenzhou campus for 2 years and New York Institute of Technology, Nanjing Campus for 2 years. He also taught students at Sogang University from 2012 to 2015 and bankers at Korea Banking Institution from 2004 to 2015, respectively. He obtained a doctorate degree in Accounting and a bachelor's degree in Business from Sogang University, a master's degree in Financial Engineering from KAIST. He worked for a finance and manufacturing company for 9 years and 4 years, respectively. He has 16 peer-reviewed papers published including four papers in SSCI journals. His research focuses on CSR, earnings management, corporate governance, and analysts’ behavior. He achieved the certificate of CPA, CMA, CFA, and FRM. Interested teaching courses are Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, F/S analysis, and Financial Management.

Research Interests

Corporate Social Responsibility, Earning Management, Corporate Governance, Bankruptcy, Firm Value

Recent Publications

  • Md Nazmul Hasan Bhuyan, Collins Okafor, Eunho Cho (2022). (Do friendly boards impact the value of real options?). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.
  • Donseung Choi, Kevin L James, Collins Okafor, Eunho Cho, Md Nazmul Bhuyan (2022). (The Effects of Executives’ Education and Compensation on Firm Value: Evidence from China). pp. 1-19. Applied Economics.
  • Eunho Cho, Collins Okafor, Nacasius Ujah, Linmei Zhang (2021). (Executives’ gender-diversity, education, and firm’s bankruptcy risk: Evidence from China). pp. 100500. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.
  • Yonghui Zhai, Dayang Jiang, Giray Gozgor, Eunho Cho (2021). (The Amplifying Effect of Conflicts on Case Fatality Rate of COVID-19: Evidence from 120 Countries). 9, pp. 1-7. Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI).
  • Eunho Cho, Jingyi Zhou (2021). (Working Capital Management and Firm Performance: Evidence from China). (1) 21, pp. 293-304. Korean Management Consulting Review.
  • Eunho Cho, Albert Tsang (2020). (Corporate Social Responsibility, Product Strategy, and Firm Value). (2) 49, pp. 272-298. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI).
  • Sarmann Kennedyd, Eunho Cho, Donseng Choi (2020). (Factors Influencing the Adoption of Virtual Communication in Organizations: A Project Management Perspective). (1) 20, pp. 393-410. Korean Management Consulting Review.
  • Eunho Cho, Don Seung Choi, Xiaotong Chai (2019). (Board structure and financial performance: Evidence from Chinese listed banks). (4) 19, pp. 77-85. Korean Management Consulting Review.
  • Jianchun Fang, Wanshan Wu, Zhou Lu, Eunho Cho (2019). (Using Baidu index to nowcast mobile phone sales in China). (1) 64, pp. 83-96. The Singapore Economic Review (SSCI).
  • Sungbin Chun, Eunho Cho (2017). (Differentiation Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Real Activities Earnings Management: Evidence from Korea.). (4) 33, pp. 667-690. The Journal of Applied Business Research.
  • Eunho Cho, Sungbin Chun (2016). (Corporate social responsibility, real activities earnings management, and corporate governance: Evidence from Korea.). (4) 23, pp. 400-431. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics (SSCI).
  • Eunho Cho, Sungbin Chun, Don Seung Choi (2015). (International diversification and corporate social responsibility: A moderating effect of product strategy). (2) 28, pp. 469-489. Korean Journal of Business Administration.
  • Eunho Cho (2015). (International diversification, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance: Evidence from Korea.). (2) 31, pp. 743-764. Journal of Applied Business Research.
  • Eunho Cho, Hayeon Park (2015). (Is CSR Really Profitable?: Evidence from Korea). (6) 31, pp. 2167-2186. Journal of Applied Business Research.
  • Donseung Choi, Eunho Cho (2014). (International diversification, product strategy, and firm value: Evidence from Korea.). (6) 13, pp. 1551-1564. International Business & Economics Research Journal.
  • A-Young Lee, Sung-Hye Kim, Eunho Cho (2014). (The mandatory adoption of IFRS and the disclosure quality of management discussion and analysis.). (4) 19, pp. 83-122. Korea Journal of Accounting Research.
  • Sungbin Chun, Ayoung Lee, Myungin Kim, Sunghye Kim, Eunho Cho (2013). (Perception and usage behavior of financial analysts on public and private information.). (3) 22, pp. 253-295. Korean Accounting Journal.
  • Sungbin Chun, Eunho Cho (2012). (A case study on disclosure and accounting violation of Dell.). (2) 16, pp. 29-61. Korea Business Review.
  • Jangsoon Kim, Donseung Choi, Eunho Cho, Collins Okafor, Byung Park (Corporate Sustainability in the Wake of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: Does CSR Enhance Corporate Survival during a Market Crisis?). (21) 14, pp. 14438. Sustainability.
  • Collins Okafor, Nacasius Ujah, Eunho Cho, Winifred Okafor, Kevin James (The Moderating Effect of a Golden Parachute on the Association between CSR and Firm Value: Does Gender-Driven Innovation Matter?). (6) 15, pp. 5483. Sustainability.