College of Science and TechnologyDepartment
Ph.D.Biochemistry / Indiana University School of Medicine
M.S.Biochemistry / Howard University
B.S.Biology / Lock Haven State College
Research Interests
tumor virology and systems biology, molecular carcinogenesis, cellular and molecular mechanisms of toxicity, role of p53 in carcinogenesis and toxicity, apoptotic signaling and mechanism.
Recent Publications
- Akamu Ewunkem, Maya Deve, Scott Harrison, Perpetua Muganda (2023). (Diepoxybutane induces the p53‐dependent transactivation of the CCL4 gene that mediates apoptosis in exposed human lymphoblasts). (e22446) pp. 8. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology.
- Matthew Hill, Sayed Mostafa, Perpetua Muganda, Liesl Jeffers-Francis, Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi (2023). ( The Association of Cytomegalovirus and Allostatic Load by Country of Birth and Length of Time in the United States ). (3) 11, pp. 101. Diseases.
- Akamu Ewunkem, Maya Deve, Scott Harrison, Perpetua Muganda (2020). (Diepoxybutane induces the expression of a novel p53‐target gene XCL1 that mediates apoptosis in exposed human lymphoblasts). (e22446) pp. 8. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology.
- Perpetua Muganda (2016). (An Overview of Apoptosis Methods in Toxicological Research: Recent Updates ). In Perpetua Muganda, (1st/2016 Edition) pp. 1-12. Apoptosis Methods in Toxicology.
- Perpetua Muganda (2016). (Apoptosis Methods in Toxicology). In Perpetua Muganda, Ph.D., (Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology) (1/2016 Edition) pp. 244. Springer Science and Business media, LLC.
- Akamu Ewunkem, Perpetua Muganda (2016). (Determining the Extent of Toxicant-Induced Apoptosis Using Concurrent Phased Apoptosis Assays). In Perpetua Muganda, (1st/2016 Edition) pp. 31-47. Apoptosis Methods in Toxicology.
- Akamu Ewunkem, Carl Parson, Perpetua Muganda, Robert Newman (2015). (A Low-Cost Method for Tracking the Induction of Apoptosis using FRET-based Activity Sensors in Suspension Cells). In PM Muganda, (Apoptosis) Methods in Toxicology/Humana Press.
- Perpetua Muganda (2011). (Nanomedicine-Based Synthetic Biology). ( 1) 1, pp. 1000102e. Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery.
- Perpetua Muganda (2009). (Mechanisms of Diepoxybutane-Induced p53 Regulation in Human Cells). 23 (6), pp. 373-386. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology.
- Perpetua Muganda (2007). (Diepoxybutane Activates the Mitochondrial Apoptic Pathway and Mediates Apoptosis in Human Lymphoblasts Through Oxidative Stress). (Toxicology In Virtro) 21, pp. 1429-1441. North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda (2007). (Genetic Engineering of Site Specific Mutations Targeting the NF-kB Binding Site Within the Human p53 Promoter). (SMART Findings: Undergraduate STEM Research Journal) 1(1), pp. 13-19. Southern University at Baton Rouge.
- Perpetua Muganda (2005). (Accute Exposure to Human Lung Cells to 1, 3-Butadiene Diepoxide Results in G1 and G2 Cell Cycle Arrest). (Env. Mol. Mutagenesis) 45 (4), pp. 354-364. North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda (2004). (Diepoxybutane Induses Caspase and p53 Mediated Apoptosis in Human Lymphocytes). (Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology) 195 (2), pp. 154-165. North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda (1998). (The Human Cytomegalovirus IE286 Kilodalton Protein Elevates p53 Levels and Transactivates the p53 Promoter in Human Fibroblasts). (Cellular and Molecular Biology) 44(2), pp. 321-331. North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda (1995). (Identification of Casein Kinase Activity Found Elevated in Human Cytomegalovirus Transformed Cells). (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.) 207(2), pp. 740-746. University of Texas at El Paso.
- Perpetua Muganda (1994). (Human Cytomegalovirus Elevates Levels of the Cellular Protein p53 in Infected Fibroblasts). (Virology) 68 (12) , pp. 8028-8034. Department of Biological Science.
- Perpetua Muganda-Ojiaku (1987). (Alteration of Protein Phosphorylation Patterns in Human Cytomegalovirus-Induced Morphological Transformation). (Cancer Biochemistry and Biophysics) 9(2), pp. 179-189. North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda-Ojiaku (1986). (Extraction and Quantative Precipitation of Nuclear Ribonuleoprotein Particles). (Preparative Biochemistry) (1-20) 16(1), North Carolina A&T State University.
- Perpetua Muganda (1978). (Cyclic Nucleotide Metabolism in Solid Tumor Tissues. ). (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ) 92, pp. 489-516. Plenum Press, N.Y..