Alesia C Ferguson


Alesia C Ferguson
College of Science and Technology

Department of Built Environment

Price Hall 110
M.S.Public Health / University of Arkansas
Ph.D.Civil & Environmental Engineering / Stanford University
M.S.Environmental Engineering & Science / Stanford University
B.S.Civil Engineering / Florida International University

Research Interests

Exposure and Health Risk Assessment, Outreach and Education, Lead and Healthy Homes Specialists

Recent Publications

  • Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, Alesia Ferguson, Katherine Stamatakis, Michael Province (2021). (Combined Effect of Lead Exposure and Allostatic Load on Cardiovascular Disease Mortality—A Preliminary Study). (13) 18, pp. 6879. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Alesia Ferguson, A Dwivedi, F Adelabu, E Ehindero, M Lamssali, Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, K Mena, H Solo-Gabriele (2021). (Quantified Activity Patterns for Young Children in Beach Environments Relevant for Exposure to Contaminants.). (6) 18, International journal of environmental research and public health.
  • Alesia Ferguson, K Rattler, H Perone, A Dwivedi, Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, K Mena, H Solo-Gabriele (2021). (Soil-skin adherence measures from hand press trials in a Gulf study of exposures.). (1) 31, pp. 158-169. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.
  • Larissa Montas, Alesia Ferguson, Kristina Mena, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2020). (Categorization of nearshore sampling data using oil slick trajectory predictions). (Marine Pollution) Marine Pollution.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Kristina Mena, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2019). (Assessment for Oil Spill Chemicals: Current Knowledge, Data Gaps, and Uncertainties Addressing Human Physical Health Risk). (Marine Pollution) Marine Pollution.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Courtney Del Donno, Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, Kristina Mena, Tanu Altomare, Rosalie Guerrero, Maribeth Gidley, Larissa Montas, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2019). (Children Exposure-Related Behavior Patterns and Risk Perception Associated with Recreational Beach Use). (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) IJERPH.
  • Alesia Ferguson, C Del Donno, Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, K Mena, T Kaur Altomare, R Guerrero, M Gidley, L Montas, H Solo-Gabriele (2019). (Children Exposure-Related Behavior Patterns and Risk Perception Associated with Recreational Beach Use.). (15) 16, International journal of environmental research and public health.
  • Junfei Xia, Wei Zhang, Alesia Ferguson, Kristina Mena, Tamay Ozgokmen, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2019). (Use of Chemical Concentration Changes in Coastal Sediments to Compute Oil Impact Dates). (Environmental Pollution) Environmental Pollution.
  • Nate Horwitz-Willis, Martha Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Zoran Bursac, Alesia Ferguson (2018). (Examining state health and habitability laws and their relationship to state characteristics in the USA). (4) 18, pp. 568-594. International Journal of Housing Policy.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Jennifer Black, Isaac Sims, Jennifer Welday, Samir Elmir, Kendra Goff, J. Higginbotham, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2018). (Risk Assessment for Children Exposed to Arsenic on Baseball Fields with Contaminated Fill Material). (1) 15, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Rosalind Penny, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2017). (A Review of the Field on Children’s Exposure to Environmental Contaminants: A Risk Assessment Approach). In Paul B. Tchounwou, (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) IJERPH.
  • Nate Willis, Martha Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Zoran Bursac, Alesia Ferguson (2017). (Examining the strength of state habitability laws across the United States of America). (4) 17, pp. 541-568. International Journal of Housing Policy.
  • Nate Horwitz-Willis, Martha Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Zoran Bursac, Alesia Ferguson (2017). (The Variability of Habitability Laws Nationwide and Relationship to State Demographics). (International Journal of Housing Policy)
  • Alesia Ferguson, C Yates (2016). (Federal Enactment of Healthy Homes Legislation in the United States to Improve Public Health.). 4, pp. 48. Frontiers in public health.
  • Jennifer Black, Jennifer Welday, Brian Buckley, Alesia Ferguson, Patrick Gurian, Kristina Mena, Ill Yang, Elizabeth McCandlish, Helena Solo-Gabriele (2016). (Risk Assessment for Children Exposed to Beach Sands Impacted by Oil Spill Chemicals). (9) 13, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.
  • Helena Solo-Gabriele, Alesia Ferguson, B Gorden (2015). (Pathogenic Fungi in Public Places, Information Gaps in Assessing Public Health Risk). In Viegas, C., Pinheiro, V., Sabino, R., Viegas, S., Brandaoe, J., and Verissiomo, C., (Environmental Mycology in Public Health ) Elsevier Publication.
  • Isabelle Miousse, Marie-Cecile Chalbot, Annie Lumen, Alesia Ferguson, Ilias Kavouras, Igor Koturbash (2015). (Response of transposable elements to environmental stressors). 765, pp. 19-39. MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH.
  • Amanda Saffell, Ja'Qualane Scales, Zoran Bursac, Alesia Ferguson (2014). (Assessing the Effectiveness of a Healthy Homes Training). (1) 35, pp. 53-71. International Quarterly of Community Health Education.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Robert Canales, Veronica Vieira, James Leckie (2013). (Methodology to Capture Children's Non-Dietary Ingestion Exposure Activities During Meal Events). (4) 19, pp. 944-958. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Barbara Gilkey, David Kern, Davis Jasmine (2012). (An Education Initiative Concerning Lead in an Arkansas Community: Results from Pre- and Post-Surveys). (3) 37, pp. 599-609. Journal of Community Health.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Zoran Bursac, Wayne Johnson, Jasmine Davis (2012). (Computer controlled chamber measurements for clay adherence relevant for potential dioxin exposure through skin). (3) 47, pp. 382-388. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Thomas Rimmer (2012). (Navigating the Lead Laws/Rules/Standards for Renovation and Repair Activities: A Guide for Contractors and Laborers). (10) 03, pp. 1318-1329. Journal of Environmental Protection.
  • P Beamer, R Canales, Alesia Ferguson, J Leckie, A Bradman (2012). (Relative pesticide and exposure route contribution to aggregate and cumulative dose in young farmworker children.). (1) 9, pp. 73-96. International journal of environmental research and public health.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Zoran Bursac, David Kern (2011). (Arkansas People Participating in Lead Education (APPLE): Results of a Lead-Safe Training Program). (3) 36, pp. 367-374. Journal of Community Health.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Zoran Bursac, Sheire Coleman, Wayne Johnson (2009). (Comparisons of computer-controlled chamber measurements for soil–skin adherence from aluminum and carpet surfaces,). (3) 109, pp. 207-214. Environmental Research.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Zoran Bursac, Sheire Coleman, Wayne Johnson (2009). (Computer Controlled Chamber Measurements for Multiple Contacts for Soil-Skin Adherence from Aluminum and Carpet Surfaces). (4) 15, pp. 811-830. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal.
  • P Beamer, M Key, Alesia Ferguson, R Canales, W Auyeung, J Leckie (2008). (Quantified activity pattern data from 6 to 27-month-old farmworker children for use in exposure assessment.). (2) 108, pp. 239-46. Environmental research.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Z Bursac, D Biddle, S Coleman, W Johnson (2008). (Soil-skin adherence from carpet: use of a mechanical chamber to control contact parameters.). (12) 43, pp. 1451-8. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering.
  • Robert Canales, James Leckie, Alesia Ferguson (2006). (Dermal Exposure, Uptake, and Dose). (Exposure Analysis) pp. 255-284. CRC Press.
  • Alesia Ferguson, R Canales, P Beamer, W Auyeung, M Key, A Munninghoff, K Lee, A Robertson, J Leckie (2006). (Video methods in the quantification of children's exposures.). (3) 16, pp. 287-98. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.
  • W Auyeung, R Canales, P Beamer, Alesia Ferguson, J Leckie (2006). (Young children's hand contact activities: an observational study via videotaping in primarily outdoor residential settings.). (5) 16, pp. 434-46. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.
  • Alesia Ferguson (2005). (Protecting Our Children from the Dangers Within: Pesticide Poisonings and Exposures). Little Rock City and Town.
  • Willa AuYeung, Robert Canales, Paloma Beamer, Alesia Ferguson, James Leckie (2005). (Young Children's Mouthing Behavior: An Observational Study via Videotaping in a Primarily Outdoor Residential Setting). (3-4) 2, pp. 271-295. Journal of Children's Health.
  • V Zartarian, Alesia Ferguson, J Leckie (1997). (Quantified dermal activity data from a four-child pilot field study.). (4) 7, pp. 543-52. Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology.
  • V Zartarian, Alesia Ferguson, C Ong, J Leckie (1997). (Quantifying videotaped activity patterns: video translation software and training methodologies.). (4) 7, pp. 535-42. Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Robert Ulmer (Applying Liberating Structures (LS) to Improve Teaching in Health and Sciences: Pilot Study Results). (03) 03, Journal of Health Education Research & Development.
  • Alesia Ferguson, Zoran Bursac, Wayne Johnson (Combined Analysis of Results on Single and Multiple Contacts: Potting Soil, Sand and Clay Transfers to Cloth for the Estimate of Soil Adherence to Human Skin). (3) 3, Environment and Natural Resources Research.
  • Alesia Ferguson (Editorial: Housing and Health: Finding Innovative Solutions to Improve the Quality and Condition of the Home). 6, Frontiers in Public Health.
  • Alesia Ilias Kavouras (Environmental Health Education for Teachers: Results of Pre- and Post-surveys from a Pilot Study Addressing Chemical Use Reduction and Integrated Pest Management in Homes). (05) 04, Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education.
  • Ferguson Alesia, Desiree Burroughs-Ray, Simpson Nikiya (HIPPY for Healthy Home Program: Results of Pre and Post Surveys Addressing Indoor Air Quality Contaminants in Arkansas Homes). (05) 05, Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education.
  • Paloma Beamer, Robert Canales, Alesia Ferguson, James Leckie, Asa Bradman (Relative Pesticide and Exposure Route Contribution to Aggregate and Cumulative Dose in Young Farmworker Children). (1) 9, pp. 73-96. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.