Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics

Data Curation and Technology Transfer for Recent ERAU-CATM Projects


The ERAU Pl team has successfully conducted several CATM research projects over the last five years. Apart from generating several publications, these projects involved code development and data collection and generation efforts. To translate this research into practice and to generate self-sustained interest in these topics over the long run, we will pursue a two-pronged approach. First, we will release the codes under the MIT license in GitHub, which will allow other research groups to easily access and modify our codes. Second, we will increase the visibility of the projects by making researchers and practitioners aware of these projects and codes. Consequently, over the long term, this will lead to additional research contributions and practice.

CATM Research Affiliate:
Sirish Namilae (ERAU)
Dahai Liu (ERAU)
Scott Parr (ERAU)