Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics

Brown Bag and Research Seminars


LimeBike Study

Limebike wheelIn August of 2018, Patti Kamara and Joseph Smith, both CATM summer research interns, presented the outline and plans for a research project to study the existing LimeBike program on N.C. A&T’s campus. The students outlined a research project that included participants completing questionnaires before and after executing specific tasks on the LimeBike phone application and physical bikes.



Improving Public Dialysis Transport with Digital Media

Rhonda Hensley In February of 2018, professors Mary Lind and Rhonda Hensley, both in the Department of Management, gave a presentation on a study they conducted including all 100 North Carolina counties. Their research looked at how advances in digital communication media can present opportunities to improve the efficiency of delivering para-transit services. (left: Mary Lind) 



Automated Last Mile Connectivity for Vulnerable Users

VTTI Autonomous ShuttleIn November of 2017, Dr. Shengbin Wang, assistant professor of supply chain management, gave a presentation on research he is conducting with Dr. Ryoichi Sakano, associate professor of economics, and researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). The title of his presentation was "Automated Last Mile Connectivity for Vulnerable Users – an Introduction." The research is ongoing and will be conducted in multiple phases over three years. (left: VTTI Autonomous Shuttle)