Study Abroad Information Session

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Student Center Room 342

The Office of International Affairs is here to help you get started if you’d like to study abroad!
   Your first step is to attend a Study Abroad Information Session. In this session students will learn about the process and procedures for studying abroad. Prior to meeting with a study abroad advisor and submitting an application, you will learn about the provider programs, OIA application process, the travel registry requirement, your academic requirements, and meeting your personal goals. Attendance at information sessions is mandatory for all students who are interested in studying abroad. You must first have the OIA approval before you can study abroad or apply to a provider program.
   Please join us:
   Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
   Time: 11 a.m.-noon
   Location: Student Center 3rd Floor Room 342
   Please fill out the study abroad interest form.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Mrs. Jeavon James, Assistant Director for Domestic and International Student Experiences at 336-285-2704 or jujames@ncat.edu.
   We look forward to meeting all of you. Aggie Pride is Worldwide!

Media Contact Information: Office of International Affairs, 336-334-7551, https://www.ncat.edu/academics/international-affairs/index.php, oia@ncat.edu
