Stop Campus Hazing Act training

08:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Student Center Deese Ballroom
Stop Campus Hazing Act training will be offered Thursday, March 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Student Center's Deese Ballroom.
The training will explain the Stop Campus Hazing Act and our new hazing reporting requirements under the Clery Act. It will also explain the investigatory and disciplinary process as an allegation of hazing makes its way through the Office of Student Activities, the Office of the Dean of Students, and/or Employee Relations.
A panel of guest speakers will discuss the legal implications if an incident rises to the level of criminal charges. Panelists will include N.C. A&T Clery Compliance Officer Ashley Benefield, Title IX Investigator Tyrone Joyner, Director of Judicial Affairs Zachary Cammack, and partners from the Division of Human Resources and Office of Student Activities.
Space is limited to 200 attendees, but a waiting list is available through the enrollment link.
For more information, email Benefield at anbenefield@ncat.edu

Link(s): Enroll online

Media Contact Information: N.C. A&T Clery Compliance Officer Ashley Benefield, anbenefield@ncat.edu

Students, Employees