The Quantum Revolution: Handcrafted in New Haven

10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
University Galleries, Dudley Memorial Building, 202 University Circle

The University Galleries at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will host the “The Quantum Revolution: Handcrafted in New Haven” exhibit Monday, Jan. 20, through Monday, Feb. 17.

The exhibition is a key component of a collaboration between N.C. A&T Quantum Information Science & Engineering (QISE) Research Workforce Development Programs and the Yale University Quantum Institute (YQI).  The exhibition, curated by Florian Carle, Ph.D., captures the history and the handcrafted beauty of the groundbreaking work. Scattered around the gallery are cavities, qubits and substrates – the nuts and bolts of quantum architecture – and original notebook drawings by YQI Artist-in-Residence Martha W. Lewis.

It also will feature  artwork from A&T students from the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Visual Arts Program of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS).

The exhibition comes to the A&T campus through the ASCEND HBCU Quantum Information Science and Engineering Short Course Series, which is designed to equip faculty, graduate students and research staff at historically Black colleges and universities with seminal training to successfully enter the QISE ecosystem. It is a collaboration between A&T, qBraid and YQI, supported by the Yale ASCEND Initiative.

The exhibit displays drawings by Lewis and historical quantum superconducting devices invented by scientists at YQI that were being adopted by “tech giants” like Google, IBM and Intel, all who are racing to commercialize the first functioning quantum computer capable of outperforming a classical computer.

The University Galleries, part of CAHSS, are located in the Dudley Building, 202 University Circle, off East Market Street on the A&T campus. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and Saturday by appointment. Exhibits are free and open to the public.

Media Contact Information: University Galleries Director Roymieco Carter, 336-334-3209, https://www.ncat.edu/cahss/galleries/index.php, rcarter1@ncat.edu

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Visual and Performing Arts