Congratulatory Notes

Thanks to all our readers for sharing your special thoughts with Chancellor Martin. If you haven't yet shared your own note of congratulations and would like to do so, click here to go to our Well Wishes page and submission form.


Best Wishes on Your Retirement, I appreciate all that you did for our great university. As a beginning student in the college of engineering to be a graduate from the school of technology, it was a very rewarding experience. The skills that I learned not just from the classroom, but also daily interactions of college life are still being used today. Much more could be said but again thank you for your leadership and vision. Aggie Pride!
— John K. Driver
As a native of Greensboro, I have been under the influence of NC A&T State University all of my life. And yet, my 3yrs in the Chancellor's Office as Receptionist have been the most memorable. Chancellor & Mrs. Martin have been wonderful to work with and work for. Their love and dedication to A&T is an inspiration. I am grateful for all they have done for A&T and wish them continued good health, happiness and relaxing years ahead. Thank you!
Sallie Hayes-Williams
Chancellor Martin, thank you for leadership and dedication to NCA&T. Enjoy your well deserved retirement.
— Helen H. Hughes
Chancellor Martin, thank you for leadership and dedication to NCA&T. Having you preside over my graduation during your final term was an honor. The gesture of praying hands and a bow was a tribute to you. Thank you for your significant contributions to advancing our university. Your relentless dedication has been recognized and is greatly appreciated. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement with First Lady Martin. Take care and remain safe. Aggie Pride! 
Beverly J. Watson, BSN-RN, 2024 Nursing Alumni
Dr. Martin, thank you! 
For taking the time to encourage a high school senior to take a chance on NCA&TSU. 
For being supportive as I navigated through the School of Engineering - as a student, as a leader, and even as a part-time employee in the Dean's office.
Finally, thank you for returning to your alma mater to give back & build up in ways we could have only imagined.
Well done, sir, and wish you & Mrs Davida the absolute best in retirement!
— Kimberly Bronner
Dr. Martin then, Dean Martin then, Associate Provost then, Chancellor Martin now, Retired Martin tomorrow - Day 1, I knew I was in good hands. It may not have seemed that way, but when you acknowledged me, saw and accepted ME by realizing you had mispronounced my name, then listened to me and correctly pronounced it, I knew your heart, will, and dedication would be the gifts to every student's path. Thank you for bringing LIGHT to and for so many!
— Kiietti L. Walker-Parker
Best Wishes Dr. Martin on your retirement.
— Gary Holloway
Congratulations and best wishes to you, Chancellor Harold and First Lady Davida Martin! My husband (Dr. Jason Gilchrist , now deceased) spoke highly of you as a student, Chancellor. You were an engineering major and my husband taught you physics. I recall my husband saying to me that you would go far in life, and of course you did. Enjoy your retirement, and May God continue to bless you and your family.
— Melanie (Wrignt) Ferguson
Chancellor Martin, Thanks for a tremendous job during your tenure as Chancellor! Your vision of "Excellence" for the University has manifested itself in such a positive and powerful way! Wishing you and Davida the best in retirement.
— Michael Spells C.O.B.E. '77
Forty-four years ago this chocolate girl from Kinston made her way to E. Market Street. Dr. Martin was a junior professor with intelligence, compassion and rizz. He remains that same Aggie-leader who admonished us to "go get the PhD" when we called ourselves boycotting because we didn't see enough educators like us. Thank you Dr. Harold and Mrs. Davida for your service, and thank you Sir for your role in shaping my future. #AggieEngineers
— Rita L. Joyner, PhD
Chancellor Martin, best wishes in your retirement. You have been a devoted servant to the university. Thank you for the impact you had on the lives of yojung people. Thank you for the service you provided to the University, community, state and nation. May God continue to bless you and give you a retirement full of happiness.
— Jacey Bell
Congratulations Chancellor and First Lady Martin on a job well done! Your accomplishments and successes are too numerous to list. As the banner in my elementary school auditorium read, "The reward of a job well done is to have done it", please take satisfaction in knowing that you have certainly done it many times over!!! Best wishes in your next journeys. Aggie Pride!
— Carl S. Terrell, Sr.
Dr. Martin thank you for your years of ;service to A&T. You did a phenomenal job as dean of the School of Engineering and you exceeded expectations as our Chancellor. It has been great to see the growth the University achieved during your tenure and the accomplishments were more special to me because you were one of us, a diehard Aggie. Enjoy your retirement and again thank you for your service.
— Madeline Claggion
Thank you for your service and dedication to our illustrious University. May God continue to bless you, your wife, and family! AGGIE PRIDE!!
— Cindy Richardson
Chancellor, the 7.5 years I have worked for you and North Carolina A&T have been the absolute pinnacle of my career. Having worked under nine presidents/chancellors (and numerous interims), I can say without a doubt that you stand head-and-shoulders above them all. I’m so proud of what we accomplished together in elevating the A&T brand to its rightful place among doctoral research universities, land grant institutions and HBCUs. I’ve heard many Aggies say they would hate to be the chancellor who follows you, but I disagree. You have built such a strong foundation for A&T, one that will serve as a platform from which we can scale even higher heights and achieve new distinctions for America’s largest and leading HBCU. Personally, I thank you for your friendship and support and how kind you were to me at a time when I particularly needed it. I wish you and Davida a long and joyous retirement, filled with grandkids, family, travel and lots of A&T football and basketball games! From the bottom of my heart, AGGIE PRIDE!
— Todd Simmons
Dr. Martin, I want to congratulate you on your retirement as chancellor from N.C. A&T University. You are such a blessing to everyone and I am incredibly happy for you. I'm so grateful for my experience at A&T and it's because of your encouragement and taking the time to know me personally which made a huge difference in my life. You are a true visionary and pioneer and Congrats on all that you've achieved in your career. Happy retirement!
— Nichelle Hopson
My wife ('80) and I ('81) extends our best wishes on your upcoming retirement. Aggie Pride !!
— Norman & Sharon Jones
Thank you Dr Martin for a fantastic and wonderful job getting North Carolina A&T to become the greatest HBCU college you are deeply appreciated by me thank you for again for a job completed
— Gregg Spearman
Chancellor and Mrs. Martin,
Thanks for ALL you have done over the past 15 years for our illustrious university, NC A&T State University! You have taken A&T to academic, athletic and research levels many of us would have never imagined. Please know we love you dearly and wish you only the best. Enjoy all that God has for you as you transition (and continue) to retirement!! Love you lots!!!!
— Javon ('91), Felicia ('93), and Lauryn Cooper
Martin clapping at trophy ceremony
martin listening to a man
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr.
"AGGIES DO" Thanks for for your 40 years of educational service. Thanks for your leadership in making North Carolina A&T State University a top notch university in the world. Dear A&T, Dear A&T, a monument indeed, Around thy base with grateful hearts behold thy students kneel, We bless the power that gave thee birth to help us in our need We'll ever strive while here on earth all loyalty to yield With joy, with joy dear A&T.
— Edwin M. White III
Dr. Martin I greatly appreciate your vision and leadership as Chancellor. As an electrical engineering alumni I am very proud of the increased prestige your work has brought. I also remember your focus as a graduate student. As a role model and advisor you helped me find the skills and confidence I needed to succeed in a tough academic environment. These abilities served me and I'm sure many others well in our careers. Thank you and God bless.
— Reginald B. Withers
Dr. Martin, Congratulations on your success as Chancellor of the greatest university in the universe. I hope that you will enjoy your retirement years. However, I know Aggieland will always be on your mind. Thank you for restoring confidence in our beloved university. I know that it did not come without adversity, but you stayed the course and once again we are the envy of the world. We are "a monument indeed." Get some rest, remember "Aggies Do!"
— Sarah McLean Baskerville
I heard you have done some wonderful things for the university. Enjoy Your retirement.
— Inez G. Noisette
Chancellor Martin, Back in the day as a student in your electrical engineering courses to witnessing your distinguished career over the years, we thank you for your numerous contributions. Thank you for being a motivational educator, a world-class administrator, a visionary leader, and an insightful mentor. Continued blessings upon you, Davida, and your family going forward.
H. Bryan Riley, Ph.D.
Thank you for a job well done. I along with all the yellow Jackets of Carver High School in Winston-Salem, N C congradulate you on your retirement and is proud to be gradutes of the same High School. Thank you for being a roll model to all of us. No one represents our school and community better than you.
— William Fulton
Your excellence in leadership during your tenure at NCA&TSU has been exemplary . You have indeed finished the course, a job "well done". I / the community is so proud of your many accomplishments . The road hasn't been easy ,but what in life is easy if you are to make it a success . Enjoy the new journey in your life knowing you gave "AggieLand" your best. Your legacy of excellence will inspire others.
— Wanda Martin MPH, RN
Congratulations on successfully closing a remarkable 15-year chapter as the leader of NCA&T, the longest-serving Chancellor among HBCUs. Under your guidance, A&T has flourished, becoming the largest HBCU in the country. Your dedication to academic excellence is evident in the growth of the average GPA, sustaining enrollment, and maintaining affordability for students. Your legacy of leadership and vision will continue to inspire generations.
— Ronald Barnes
Thank you Chancellor and First Lady Martin for the love and sacrifices you made to lead the University over the past 15 years. Happy Retirement and may God continue to bless you and your family as you transition to a new season in your life.
— Denise Jones
Chancellor Martin, Wishing you and the first lady the very best in your retirement years. Also I would like to acknowledge the great things that have been done under your administration to our dear A&T. Thank you for continuing the work of your predecessors in making A&T a great academic and student centered institution that changes the lives of its students. Enjoy your next phase and all the best.
— Tanya Mitchell
Chancellor Martin, your leadership and dedication have left a lasting impact on this university. We wish you a fulfilling retirement filled with joy.
— Paul Moore
Thank you for your service and leadership of our beloved alma during your tenure as Chancellor. We are sad to see you go but only because you did such an excellent job. May this next chapter in life be peaceful and prosperous. Aggie Pride!
— Jawanza Robinson
I first met Chancellor Martin at the alumni picnic in Atlanta in 2008. I shared with him I was an incoming freshman. We talked about scholarships and I hadn't applied for any. He told me to contact his office Monday and apply for the Opportunity Scholarship. He kept his word and I got it! That was a blessing for me and my family! Thank you for all you've done and continue to do for aggies!
— Brittany Riggins
Chancellor Martin, Thank you for all the opportunities you made possible for me at A&T. Because of your trust in my abilities, I have been able to soar in my career. I wish you the all the best in your new retired life.
Dr. Sandra D. Hughes
"Boss Man", thanks for all you and Davida have done to make this university great! I look forward to even more time together on the golf course with "The Horsemen". WELCOME to the retirement community!
— Timothy King
Chancellor Martin
chancellor martin professional headshot
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr. in car at homecoming parade
Was such a Great honor to have been a student under your wise, charismatic, focused, and visionary leadership. You played such a Great role in my life's career path and I continue to pray for you and your family as you walk into the next stage in your life. That God may continue to be with you and continue to Bless you abundantly!  Always proud to be an Aggie because of the way you made it possible for so many others like me.
— Kevin Muhanji Afanda, B.S Physics '12
Dr. Martin, Congratulations on your retirement! You have served as inspiration for so many that you will never know until you reach the eternal throne of God. I pray that you and Lady Davida have a continued fruitful life as you rediscover each other and the world. God bless you richly! AGGIE PRIDE!
Dr. Christopher E. Harris, Class of 2014 B.A. (Liberal Studies), Class of 2025 M.A.T. (Elementary Education)
Chancellor Martin, we applaud all you have done for the University as one of its Good Aggie sons. I so much appreciate the efforts you have put in to help restore the School of Nursing to the prestigious place it belongs among the elite nursing community with graduates providing the highest quality of care in the state, nation and the world. You and your wife are wished the best in future endeavors, and "Aggie Pride" Forever!
— Audrey L Hardy
Wish you the best in retirement! I have looked up to your leadership and how you carry yourself with excellence. I am honored to continue striving for excellence with my Masters program. Thank you for all of your hard work, contributions and the legacy that will guide future Aggies footsteps. AGGIE PRIDE!
— Kala Neal
Thank you for your unwavering and tireless commitment to A&T throughout the years. May God continue to bless you and enjoy your new evolution.
— Erma Smith-King '74
Congratulations Chancellor Martin! THANK YOU for the excellent ways in which you have led our beloved A&T. Your servant leadership has been exemplary and appreciated. You will be greatly missed.
— Sharnay Torrance '96
Chancellor Martin, Thank you for your vision & your dedication which has allowed A&T to grow to higher heights. I am a graduate of the class of 1988 & it has been a joy to support our university and see the outstanding initiatives that your leadership has so excellently executed. I am proud to say that under your leadership my son Jarrett, a Dowdy scholar, Class of 2021 will carry on a legacy in our family. I wish you great health & happiness.
— Wanda Boyd
Thank you Chancellor Martin for your outstanding leadership and vision for our university! I also appreciate your personableness. You meet thousands of Students and Alumni over the last 15 years and made us all feel like a true family.
— Shawn Jeter
Thank you for all that you have done for me personally. You provide me with the opportunity to remain at A&T during my first semester. I needed funding to stay enrolled, and you introduced me to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. That coop opportunity allowed me to complete the BSEE. I went on to earn a master's and Ph.D. I am a faculty member at UNC Wilmington, and the CEO of a global AI company that was a spinoff of my Ph.D. dissertation.
— Karl Ricanek
Congratulations to you both. Enjoy your well deserved retirement! Relax and Refresh! I hope to see you in a Silver Sneaker class nearby. LOL!  Best wishes and Blessings to you both on your well deserved retirement. May Heaven Smile Upon You!
— Roslyn Bennett Lentz
Please accept my warm congratulations on your victory as first my Dean of Engineering and as my Chancellor! and my Best wishes as you farewell on your journey into retirement!
— Olivia Boone '95
Chancellor Martin, thank you for your commitment to NCA&T. You are a great leader and you have moved our university to higher ground with your forward thinking, vision and AGGIE PRIDE. You have challenged employees to support our students and each other. As an Alumni and employee I beaming with pride. I appreciate the love that you and your wife have shown the university. As always AGGIE PRIDE....Aggies Always Doing NEVER Done!
— Brandy Baldwin
Thank you for your outstanding leadership and vision for our beloved NC A&T State University. Enjoy your retirement Chancellor Martin
— Teresa Fuller
Chancellor Martin gesturing at commencemnt
chancellor martin professional headshot
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr. in car at homecoming parade
Wow! When I was a student, you were there. When I became a proud alumna, you were there. When I became a member of the Inaugural Advisory Council on Alumni Relations, you were there. You're truly a part of the academic fabric of my proud Aggie life! Now, the time has come for you to take your bow. The accolades and applause you'll receive are resounding and well deserved. Thank you for believing in me and the entire Aggie Family!
— L. Inez Gaynor-Vessels
Chancellor Martin, I have always been very adamant about my admiration of the love and work you have poured into this university. I remember walking to Barnes Hall one spring day for class and saw you on a lawn mower cutting the grass. This will be a memory I will always have when reflecting on your leadership. Your expertise has helped catapult this university to newer heights. Retirement is well deserved but you will be missed. Aggie Pride!
— Sasha Nichole Campbell
Congratulations on a job well done! We are truly grateful for all you've done to propel our university forward. You will be sorely missed!
— Tenisha Godley
To Chancellor Harold Martin and First Lady Davida Martin, Thank you both so very much for your dedicated service the our beloved institution N.C. A&T. Your undeniable love for the University, students, faculty and alumni is unmeasurable. We have been blessed to have you as our leader and your departure is bittersweet. We wish you Godspeed on the next chapter and are thankful for the gift of your leadership. Many blessings!
— Judge Lora Cubbage
Chancellor Martin- Thanks for being such a great leader and visionary for our university. Your leadership has taken North Carolina A&T State University to higher heights and your hard work and dedication will linger for years and years to come. Best wishes on this next journey in your life.
— Anissa Bledsoe
Dear Chancellor Martin, Thank you for your forward and strategic thinking in furthering our rich legacy as a top notched HBCU during your tenure. I truly appreciate and very proud that our A&T is recognized nationally as a preeminent university for excellence in STEM education. Blessings and best wishes on your future endeavors. Aggie Pride! 
— Demetria Tucker ' 72
— Annie P Caldwell
Chancellor Martin, Thank you so much for having a vision for the future of our beloved North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University. I pray we are able to continue growing and prospering under new leadership and make our fellow alumni proud including my grandfather, father, mother, sister, uncles and a host of cousins. May God bless your well-deserved retirement.
— Dr. Chandra Meachem Tucker, DVM,   Animal Science B.S., 2000
Congratulations, Chancellor Martin. Your dedication and support for our beloved Alma Mater is unmatched. What you have done has elevated us to be one of the greatest intuitions among ALL others! Your forward thinking has us in conversations that most HBCUs may not have ever been considered. Your shoes will be huge to fill. Know that you have done an excellent job for Aggie Land. Thank you for your service all these years.
With Much Gratitude
— Shontilia Guy
Dr. Martin, Thank you so much for the service you provided to our beloved University. I wish you well in your future endeavors. Have fun and relax.
— Cynthia Debra Carter
Congratulations to you and First Lady Davida on your upcoming retirement. Words cannot describe the outstanding contributions you have made to the University, the state and the Aggie Nation. Aside from your duties as Chancellor, you truly reflect the Aggie Spirit. You care about the students, staff, alumni and supporters. I will miss your presence and your leadership but wish you and Ms Martin only the best in the next chapter of your journey.
— Pauline Brown
Thank you for your exemplary leadership! Your legacy will impact generations of future Aggies. You will be greatly missed. May your days of retirement be filled with peace and joy.
— Jacqueline Stringfellow
Chancellor Martin, Not only will the university miss you and your impeccable leadership, but the entire university system and the Greensboro community will miss you also. You have been a tremendous role model for all seeking to achieve greatness as you have! My hope is that we can play more golf  after your retirement!
— Ron Davidson
Dr. Martin, I listened as you shared years ago a vision for NCA&T in NYC as a guest of the NYC & NJ Alumni Chapters. Over the years, I believe that our community (within the ups and downs in thoughts and actions) has grown beyond. Your leaving now is a new beginning for you, but I hope it will continue to be a forging ground for new initiatives that will propel our Aggie Community to new heights - no matter where you land in your next endeavor.
— Juanita Hollingsworth-Johnson
Thank you for your many years of service to A&T. You were an awesome Chancellor, so personable. God Bless you and your family.
— Metitia Sanders
Congratulations on your retirement to you and your family , you have done so much and well deserved wishing you many blessings. Alvin Ward and Family
— Alvin Ward
Chancellor Martin gesturing at commencemnt
chancellor martin professional headshot
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr. in car at homecoming parade
Congratulations on a job well done. Cannot thank you enough for the wonderful service that you rendered to us. Wishing you nothing but the very best in your next chapter of your life.
— Kathleen Leslie Minor
Chancellor Martin,  It is with great admiration that I congratulate you. Your journey has taken you a long way since the days at Carver High School and I am glad to call you my friend. Your accomplishments are that of a Transformational/Visionary Leader and you deserve all the accolades which has been bestowed on you. So, best wishes as you move forward into your future. A friend ask if you going to take NC A&T to the moon next? Farewell Doc!
— Dr. Ronald Wilkins
There Goes An Alpha Man! It was great to serve under your Administration, Brother Martin! Congratulations on your accomplishments, and enjoy the next phase. #1022
— Stephen V. Charles
We first met as children attending the church our parents attended. We met again as students at A&T. Then you became an engineering professor and my mentor as I matriculated through the Electrical Engineering program as the sole female graduate. You have ben an exceptional chancellor both at Winston Salem St and at NC A&T. It is because of what you have done to ensure the success of this university that I can truly say that I am a proud Aggie!!
— Rebecca Taylor King
We extend our heartfelt congratulations and warmest wishes as you embark on you well-earned retirement from your esteemed position as Chancellor of North Carolina A&T State University. Your tenure has been marked by a steadfast commitment to excellence, quality, accessibility, transformation and preeminence. Your leadership has been instrumental in guiding Aggie Nation with wisdom, foresight, and a contemporary approach.
— Drs. Alton and Cynthia Thompson
WOW!!! I know this Retirement is very well deserved in so many ways and on so many levels...yet it so hard to know you are not there...Yet, THANK YOU...for ALL you have accomplished and continue to do...sending LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY for many more years of CELEBRATIONS.
— Sarette M. Murray
Dr. Martin. My wife Soyna and I wish you a happy, long, and healthy retirement. Word can't adequately express our appreciation for the commitment, dedication, leadership, foresight and AGGIE PRIDE you have shown during your tenure as Chancellor of our prestigious University. Your commitment to increase the University's Academic standing and Alumni Engagement, is unapparelled in our University's history. For our hearts, a hearty "THANK YOU"!!
— Larry Atkinson
Dr. Martin, Thank you for your personal commitment to students and overall excellence. I am blessed that you were my instructor and mentor. Because of you, I was able to obtain my PE because you first noticed that I hadn't signed up to take the EIT. You spearheaded the charter for bringing Eta Kappa Nu honor society to A&T. NCA&T is the flagship for quality education because you. Thanks for everything. Enjoy retirement! 
— James Vincent EE '81
I have watched all of your accomplishments over the years at our beloved university. Your passion, love and respect for the students, alumni, professors and employees is obvious, all with the mission that we receive the best education possible. Every accolade that you have received is well deserved. I wish God's riches blessings to you and your family as you move to this new phase of life. The Lord says, well done, my good and faithful servant!
— Myrna Pittman
Dear Chancellor Harold L. and Davida Martin, I would like to simply say thank you for your commitment and leadership to N.C. A&T. Your leadership and vision have taken our university to new heights. I represent A&T proudly wherever I go.
— Tommie C. Crump
You have been good for the university, and you will be missed greatly. I especially appreciate your support for the agricultural administration and programs at N.C. A&T. A lot of progress has been made during your time that will benefit students for many years ahead.
— Jimmy Gentry
Thank you for your vision and unwavering determination to move our beloved university to the next level. Legacy and growth are two words that I will speak of you as I talk about N.C. A&T to the next generation. Peace and blessings to you and your family.
— Paula Pierce ‘73
Dr. Martin, a simple thank you seems inadequate to express our thanks for the leadership, vision and direction you have provided for our beloved alma mater. Under your leadership, our University has grown and attracted some of the best and brightest students and faculty. As you head into retirement, know that your legacy is strong and the seeds you have planted will continue reap a great harvest for Aggies and the community at large. Aggie Pride!
— Karen L. Branch
I will keep this short. I just want to thank you for your steadfast leadership and service to our illustrious university. You will definitely go down in history as one of the best chancellors A&T has ever had. Your leadership has been transformative, unwavering and historic! You make this fellow alumnus AND Alphaman very proud, and I wish you nothing but the very best in your retirement, which is well deserved!
— Dekevias J. "D.J." Atkinson Sr.
Congratulations and best wishes to you, Chancellor Harold and First Lady Davida Martin! My husband (Dr. Jason Gilchrist , now deceased) spoke highly of you as a student, Chancellor. You were an engineering major and my husband taught you physics. I recall my husband saying to me that you would go far in life, and of course you did. Enjoy your retirement, and May God continue to bless you and your family.
— Brenda Gilchrist
I would like to congratulate you on your service to North Carolina A&T State University. Thanks again for your work.
— Harry P. Richardson Jr.
Congratulations to you both. Enjoy your well deserved retirement! Relax and Refresh! I hope to see you in a Silver Sneaker class nearby. LOL!
— Roslyn Bennett Lentz
Chancellor Martin, thank you for unwavering dedication to the growth of N.C. A&T. You left an undeniable mark.
— Sonya Evans-Oates
I wish you well in your transition to the next phase of service. You have always been a great leader and sound advisor with grace and vision. Thank you for your friendship. Stay true.
— Dr. Elmira Mangum
Classmates, 1970-1974. Scott Hall Residents. “Hell InCorporated” basketball team. Congratulations on a job WELL DONE!
— Larry Cannon, ‘74
Chancellor Martin
chancellor martin professional headshot
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr. in car at homecoming parade
Chancellor Martin and First Lady Martin, I will say that you will be deeply missed on the campus (yard) of NCA&TSU. Your very being has brought such a swagger to our fine university, and you have compelled us to reach our highest endeavors. As a 2012 alumnus, I say thank you for making us the #1 HBCU. We are truly grateful.
— Jamie L. Bell
Assignment Completed! Well done, servant. Take your rest knowing you have impacted many lives along your purpose-driven journey. Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to you and your family. Blessings and shalom.
— Vanessa Keesee
Hi, Chancellor Martin! Although the two years for my master’s program went by quickly, I appreciate the work you put in to make sure NCAT was on top of its game! We met after the Magic Johnson Speaker Series in March 2022, and the impact of that meeting inspired me to continue showing Aggie Pride wherever I go! God bless you, and enjoy this next chapter in your life!
Daryl Riley, Jr.
I decided to revitalize the Durham Alumni Chapter, and that put me on a path of volunteerism for my illustrious university. Along the way, I was blessed to have conversations with Chancellor Martin. Becoming an ambassador for A&T has taken me on such a wonderful journey, and I plan to continue to serve NC A&T SU. Chancellor Martin, thank you so much for being the leader we needed. All the best to you and your beautiful family. Aggie Pride!
Rebecca Redd-Jolly
Chancellor Martin thank you for your service and leadership throughout the years and enjoy your well deserved retirement! Thank you, First Lady Davida Martin, for your service and support.
Daryl Cruise
Hey, Chancellor Martin, I will miss you. I applaud the amount of time and effort you have put in of being the chancellor for the largest and greatest HBCU in the nation. With all that you have accomplished, your tenure at this school will never be forgotten. Thank you!
Kalei Swanier
Dr. Martin, thank you for your years of service. Thank you for growing our beloved A&T in ways I never would have dreamed. Best wishes in all you do.
James N. Brown Jr.
Chancellor Martin, you have set the bar extremely high and shown us exactly what Aggie Pride is all about. Well done. You have left quite a legacy!
Patrice Withers
We love you! I’m so proud to say that I was a student during your tenure! 
Kiah Durham
Thank you for all of the hard work, dedication, love you have dished here at NCAT. We wish you the best in your future endeavors. AGGIES DO, NEVER DONE. 
 Daliyjah Jones
Chancellor, your legacy and visionary leadership has left an indelible mark on our beloved 1891. Thank you for your selfless service. Aggie Pride! 
Tylik McMillan
Your legacy will endure in our university's halls and in the hearts of every Engineer you've influenced. Thank you for your dedication. 
 Nya Evans
CHANCELLOR Dr. Martin, we wish you a fantastic, well-deserved retirement! As a family of many Aggies, we wish you all the best! AGGIE PRIDE!! 
Myrtle "Myrt" Barrett Soloman
THANK YOU for establishing the template for exceptional executive leadership  and for making N.C. A&T a preeminent institution of higher education. 
Dr. Judy Rashid
I've seen your transition from College of Enginering dean to Winston-Salem State University chancellor and back to our alma mater. I wish you all the best in the next chapter of your journey. 
Sherry Bittle
Just wanted to say hello, and goodbye! Thanks for everything. You will be missed!  AGGIE PRIDE! 
Shilynn Harris
Chancellor, thank you for leading us Aggies to success in every way possible. Congratulations on this new chapter and best wishes to you! 
Akelei Little
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr.
I am so glad I got to know you this year. I enjoyed the trip to Europe so much more because of you and your wife, Mrs. Martin. Thank you so much! 
Nahdia Benson
All love and prayers for your future endeavors. 
Frank Gandy
Thank you isn't enough for your advocacy of me personally since Fall '91 or for the heights you've taken A&T. Proud of my always Dean and Chancellor! 
—  Vonetta C. Mickens
Chancellor Martin, thank you for your unwavering dedication to North Carolina A&T. Best wishes on your well-deserved retirement! Aggie Pride! 
—  Lauren Moore
Best wishes for a well-earned retirement, Chancellor Martin! Thank you for being a welcoming and impactful leader on campus.
—  Arlette Hawkins
Thank you for your empowering servant leadership as our university’s chancellor. I pray God’s favor continues to find you! 
Kenneth Gorham '15, ‘19
As a founding member of the Judy Rashid Leadership Center located in Guateng, South Africa, thank you for your devotion to this institution. 
Pastor Kim Reives
Dr. Martin, congratulations on your retirement. Your leadership continues to been a blessing to Malkam and the legacy of our late daughter Vanessa. 
Louis & Desiree Hawkins
Chancellor and First Lady Martin, I pray you have an enjoyable, relaxing retirement. Thank you for all you have done for N.C. A&T! You will be missed. 
—  Dr. Kathy Cousins-Cooper
Chancellor Martin, you represent the best of who we are. May God bless you & your family as you begin the next chapter of life. Cheers and Aggie Pride! 
—  Anika Madden
"Aggie Pride" and "well wishes" to you Chancellor Martin on your retirement! Thank you for all you have done for our university!
— Netta Cox
All of the Core Technology Molding family would like to thank Chancellor Martin for his support over the years. Good luck in your future endeavors!
— Geoff Foster
Chancelllor Martin, It has been an absolute privilege and honor to study and work under your exemplary leadership. Blessings in your new endeavors.
— Samiya Smalls
May your retirement be filled with laughter, love, and more memories. Thank you for being great. I always remember dinner and my ride back to my dorm.
— Javion Bodine