Reclaim Your Vote & Honda Career Networking Event

05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Student Center Ballroom A

The National Urban League Business Executive Exchange Program (BEEP) is presenting a Reclaim Your Vote & Honda Career Networking Event on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. in Student Center Ballroom A.

Students are invited to meet more than 20 executives to secure internships and cooperative experiences with Honda and learn more about the power of their vote from the National Urban League.

National Urban League president and CEO Marc Morial will be the guest speaker. Joining him for this event will be Jerika Richardson, senior vice president of equitable justice and strategic initiatives for the National Urban League; Ray Shackelford, vice president of equitable justice and strategic initiatives for the National Urban League; Monica Olivero, chief diversity officer at American Honda Motor Co. Inc.; Steve Grady, assistant vice president, general counsel and compliance officer of Honda Aircraft Co.; and Amod Kelkar, chief commercial officer and senior vice president of Honda Aircraft Co.

Students also are invited to participate in an Empowerment Zone, hosted by Phillip Colbert and featuring a social media challenge, from 5:30 to 6 p.m. before the event. Food and refreshments, with entertainment by DJ Tryx, will be provided, along with photo and video opportunities. Participants have the chance to win up to $3,000 in prizes and enter a raffle to win an iPhone 16.

For more information about this event, contact A&T’s Office of Career Services at 336-334-7755 or ocs@ncat.edu.

For more information about BEEP, email beepinfo@nul.org.

Media Contact Information: Office of Career Services, 336-334-7755, ocs@ncat.edu

Alumni, Students