125 Service Projects
North Carolina A&T State University is delivering on the core values of learning, excellence, integrity, respect, creativity, engagement and service. As a land grant university, N.C. A&T has a special responsibility to strategically partner with groups and individuals locally, nationally and globally to make a lasting, positive impact on social and environmental challenges that proactively respond to the needs of others.
In 2015, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching selected A&T to receive the Community Engagement Classification, an honor that reflects the university’s collaboration with local, national and global communities to improve teaching, learning scholarship and research. As the university celebrates 125 years, it is imperative that students, faculty, staff and alumni engage in their communities.
Community Service Partners
Piedmont Health Services & Sickle Cell PHS & Sickle Cell Agency, Gtr.
High Point, 1102 East Market St., Greensboro, North Carolina
(336) 274-1507
Doctors without Borders, USA Headquarters
333 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001-5004
Phone: (212) 679-6800, Fax: (212) 679-7016
Comm. Health Interventions & Sickle Cell Agency
2409 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: (910) 488-6118, Fax: (910) 488-6810, Email: osc@nc.rr.com
List of service projects
As more projects are identified and scheduled, they will be added to the list below. Come back at any time to see some of the many places North Carolina A&T is making an impact.
9/12/15 9/18/15 School of Business and Economics, Department of Accounting and Finance, Zeta Sigma Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi 10/16/15 Faculty and staff in the School of Education at North Carolina A&T State University participated in the “Hampton is Our Pride, Hampton is Our Future” Reading Day on Friday, October 16th, 2015. Mrs. Thyais Maxwell, the principal of Hampton Elementary University Partnership School, and her staff assigned 70 faculty and staff members from the School of Education to classrooms throughout the school to assist teachers with reading and tutoring students across grade levels. 10/22/15 School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences can day at the State Fair Grounds, Raleigh, North Carolina 10/23/15 The College of Engineering administrative staff team provided school supplies and basic resources (hats, gloves, performance incentives, personal and sanitary items) to Bessemer Elementary School. 10/27/15 Cooperative Extension –School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Greensboro Urban Ministry, 305 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406 10/29/2015 10/31/15 2015 Trunk-or-Treat event, sponsored by The United Way of Greater Greensboro, this past Saturday. It was awesome to see everyone from Suite 205 in attendance. Thank you for the role of each and every one of you. The outcome was great! What a way to kick off the 125th Anniversary Service Project initiative within The Division of Business and Finance. 11/5/15 Division of Business and Finance Controller’s Office serves at The Greensboro Urban Ministry 305 Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406. 11/7/15 University Relations Oak Hollow Mall, High Point NC Saturday, November 7, 2015 11/7/2015 On the outside it was a rainy day but on the inside of the Simkins Pavilion in Barber Park, was a full court gym of people promoting health and people learning about how they could improve their health status to prevent diabetes and the complications associated with poor management of diabetes. North Carolina A&T State University, School of Nursing Diabetes Education, Prevention, and Management Center under the leadership of Dr. Evelyn Hoover, partnered to plan and implement the 125th event with the Diabetes Community Action Group, the YMCA Greensboro, Cone Health Nutrition and Diabetes Center, and Cone Health Congregational Nurses to bring awareness to the community that type 2 diabetes can be prevented and complications prevented with the right nutrition and physical activity. Among the many exhibits were registered nurses who presented small group education. Nursing students screened for diabetes risk factors, measured blood pressure, took blood glucose levels, and provided a lot of education on hypertension and diabetes. A cooking demonstration was provided courtesy of SODEXCO (Cone Health) and faculty from Human Performance and Leisure Studies Department, School of Education lead many participants in physical activities. There was EDUCATION, FUN, FOOD, and ACTIVITY. 11/11/15 Cooperative Extension Volunteers greeted Vets, collected donations from patrons, and talked to Vets learning more about their service and commitment to our country. 11/12/15 11/12/15 11/12/15 11/12/15 11/14/15 Members/Staff of the NC A&T football team spent the day with the children of Fairview Elementary at Aggie Stadium. 11/20/15 11/20/15 Teacher Appreciation -SNCAE-Student North Carolina Education Association & GTCC 1pm - 4pm Washington Montessori School 11/23/15 Campus Enterprises in the Division of Business and Finance 1:30pm - 4pm 1st Presbyterian Church Kitchen. 12/1/15 12/2/15 12/4/15 The Cooperative Extension Program/School Of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2:30pm - 4:30pm Heartland Living and Rehabilitation. 12/5/15 12/5/15 Northern DE A&T Alumni Chapter Donation Drive for Whatcoat Social Services Dover, DE 12/7/15 The NC A&T University Foundation, Inc. sponsored a fundraiser to help children and families with the Christmas holiday by giving a donation to the Children's Home Society to fund Christmas shopping. 12/8/15 Puchasing, Campus Enterprise, Comptroller, Payroll, and Treasurer - Campus Collection Salvation Army of High Point 12/10/15 Baptist Children's Hospital 12/11/15 Cooperative Extension Program at Children's Home Society, 1002 Yanceyville St., Greensboro, NC from 8am - 5pm 12/11/15 12/11/15 Each year CHS sponsors their annual toy drive, “Hope for the Holidays”. On December 11, 2015, a total of 15 faculty and staff from The Cooperative Extension Program stuffed 1200 cards that were mailed to sponsors. Working in two shifts, it took less than 3 hours to complete the service project. The event was located at CHS’s building at 604 Meadow Street, Greensboro, North Carolina. Volunteering for “Hope for the Holidays” helped made a difference for families that could last a lifetime. 12/11/15 12/11/15 Ring the Bell - NC A&T Comptroller's Office/Campus Enterprises/Business & Finance 10am - 8pmBelk's @ Friendly Shopping Center 12/14/15 The Division of Business and Finance - Barnes and Noble at Friendly Shopping Center 12/14/15 University Police Dept. - Ward Hall/UPD 12/14/15 Housing and Residence Life professional and parprofessional staff - Aggie Village 2 to Greensboro Urban Ministry 5pm 12/15/15 Cooperative Extension –School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences American Red Cross High Point Annual Holiday Blood Drive Volunteers. 12/18/15 On December 18 and 19, 2015, Aggies attending the Celebration Bowl in Atlanta, GA participated in the Celebration Bowl Community Service Project by donating toiletries and giving cash donations to support the Powerfully United Radically Equipped (P.U.R.E.) Youth Group's effort to collect items that will be given to the homeless community in Atlanta. The cash donations were used to purchase blankets which is a must needed item in the homeless community since shelter is not always guaranteed. Collectively, the Aggies provided over 35 blankets, 300 boxes of soap and countless other toiletry items. One of the members of the youth group was able to come by the Chancellor's Reception and receive a large bag of items that had been donated along with a gift bag of Aggie Gear that was provided by alumnus Shandette Harper. The remaining items were delivered to the P.U.R.E. Youth Group on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 for which they were extremely grateful as they immediately began to sort the items so that they could prepare the bags that would be given to the homeless community. The Aggies only had a week to prepare but the response was tremendous which made this community service project a huge success. 12/19/15 The NYC Alumni Chapter held a holiday toy drive and Celebration Bowl watch party as our holiday community service event. We partnered with Toys for tots and brought in more than 50 different toys for children in need. While we didn't hit our goal of 125 toys, we did bring in over 25 new aggies to the organization and still helped more children in need than Toys for Tots had asked for. 12/21/15 12/21/15 1/5/16 Atlanta Community Food Bank Food Sort - NC A&T Atlanta Alumni Chapter had 24 volunteers who served, and as a result of our efforts, we sorted 7,980 pounds of food. This will provide 6,650 meals for families experiencing food insecurities in the metro Atlanta area. 1/15/16 The Ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated that work and/or attend the University, donated 125 pink and green blankets to the Greensboro Urban Ministry for the homeless. They completed this service project on their Founder’s Day. 1/15/16 The Urban Ministry, Potter's House. Team One spent the morning of Wednesday, January 15th at the Urban Ministry. Eric, Lonnie & Shanda stacked can goods and sorted food while Penny, Chris, Jacinta & Tamika served breakfast and waited tables. 1/16/16 Business and Finance – Facilities, Building a Habitat for Humanity Home 1/17/16 Friday, January 17th The American Red Cross Blood Drive. Division of Human Resources hosted a successful blood drive with constant employee and student participation from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm. We had over 60 employees/students show up to give over 50 bags of blood. The staff of the Red Cross considered this one of their best blood drives and have requested DHR consider hosting a blood drive every semester. 1/18/16 We completed campus cleanup for Covenant House in Atlanta, GA, located at 1559 Johnson Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. We had 15 volunteers who served, and as a result of our efforts, we were able to assist the staff in cleaning the campus in preparation for their MLK Day of Service. 1/18/16 Office of Student Development - 617 N. Elm St. Greensboro NC, United States 27401 10am - 12pm 1/18/16 Volunteer Center of Greensboro - Office of Student Development - Four Seasons Town Center 10am - 2pm 2/2/16 Members of the Young Alumni Council visited Calvin Wiley Elementary School to work with/assist with the children. By doing so the children had a wonderful school experience and also had fun learning. 2/2/16 Assist students with homework, recreational activities and more. 2/3/16 To help prepare meal packages for families in over 50 schools in Guilford, Forsyth and Alamance counties. About the OOGP: Out of the Garden Project (OOTGP) is a food assistance program for families primarily in Guilford County. OOTGP provides a bag of food, including two meals, for a family of for (6-7 lbs) each Friday at 50+ schools in Guilford County, including one in Forsyth County and one in Alamance County. The OOGTGP reaches 1,250 families each week. 2/12/16 The Facilities Department which is in th Division of Business and Finance - Adams Farm Living and Rehabilitation Center 3pm - 5pm 2/18/16 Controllers Office - Potter's House 305 W. Gate City Blvd. Greensboro NC 8am-12am or 1pm-5pm 3/3/16 Aggie Economics Association (AEA), Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE), and the Department of Economics in the School of Business and Economics completed the toiletry drive 125th service project on Friday, March 3. The items were collected in Merrick 232. Four boxes of toiletries were collected and donated to the Interactive Resource Center (Greensboro Day Center). 3/4/16 New Student Programs ongoing project Greensboro NC 3/14/16 3/19/16 North Carolina A&T State University Alumni Association, Cincinnati Chapter - Cincinnati, Ohio 9am - 12pm 3/26/16 On March 26, 2016, The NC A&T Alumni Chapter fed the San Diego Homeless at Father Joe's Villages.
Back to TopBig Sweep Greensboro
Community Litter Clean Up Project - University Advancement
Literacy Day at the Doris Henderson Newcomers School
Hampton Elementary is Our Pride and Our Future
Food Lion Hunger Relief Day
Bessemer Elementary School Service Project
Greensboro Urban Ministry Volunteers
Trunk or Treat for Hampton Elementary University Partnership Magnet
New Student Programs Hampton Elementary
United Way of Greater Greensboro 2015 Young Leaders Trunk or Treat
Serving Lunch at Greensboro Urban Ministry
Special Olympics of North Carolina 2015 Fall Tournament
Live Well Community Health and Wellness Fair
The Cooperative Extension Program Disabled American Veterans Fundraiser
The Cooperative Extension Program, Coats for Children
A team 4 of Cooperative Extension partnered with Fox 8 News and A Cleaner World to drop off gently sued or new coats for children in need.
Serving Lunch at Greensboro Urban Ministry
Division of Business and Finance Controller’s Office November 12, 2015, 305 Gate City Blvd Greensboro, NC 27406
The School of Nursing third Annual Diabetes Awareness Walk
The School of Nursing (SON) Community Engaged Scholarship Interest Group (CEIG), with Dr. Marychristiana Uzochukwu as the facilitator
organized the SON third annual diabetes awareness walk. 56 people participated in this event, including the School of Nursing faculty, staff, and students;
students from other disciplines on campus; and some nearby community members.
The event was supported by the Cone Health Nutrition and Diabetes Center and the Minority Men’s Health Initiative who exhibited their respective community service information and shared valuable educational materials on prevention and management of type 2 diabetes with participants.
Free flu vaccines supplied by the Cone Health Faith-based Nursing were provided to interested persons. In addition, monetary donations were made to the American Diabetes Association.
It takes a community effort to narrow the gap of disparity created by type 2 diabetes among minority populations and eventually stop this disease in all populations.
Habitat for Humanity
Office of Student Financial Aid/ NC A&T State University. Habitat for Humanity 1704 Sunrise Valley Dr. Greensboro, NC 24705. View our photos in the 125th gallery.
Aggie Football with the Kids - Fairview Elementary
125 Thanksgiving Food Drive
Family and Consumer Sciences/ Food and Nutritional Science Club was able to conduct a Food Drive, in order to provide a student and his family of 4 at Ben L. Smith High School a Thanksgiving Feast. As noted, we established a goal to collect and donate a full Thanksgiving Feast of 125 items to recognize the 125-Service Projects our University is conducting on behalf of the 125th Celebration and Anniversary of the Second Morrill Land Grant Act. I am elated to announce we exceeded our goal of 125-items and donated 140 items.
Popcorn and a Book
Pack the Pantry
SAES Food Drive Service Project
School of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences collected 1,670 non-perishable items in six weeks.
GCS Teacher Supply Warehouse
Zeta Sigma Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi Fall 2015 Inductees volunteer at Teacher Supply Warehouse. The Teacher Supply Warehouse is an initiative to support classroom teachers with supplies. When parents can't afford school supplies for their children, teachers often make up the difference with their own money. The Warehouse is stocked with donations so Guilford County Schools' teachers can shop for those items at no charge. The entire event was a great success and the staff were really happy for all the help given.
Santa for Seniors
Running of the Ball 5K
School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences/Center for Excellence in Post-Harvest Technologies 5k running in Greensboro raise money for second harvest food bank. The second harvest food bank is an organization that help provide meals to over 600,000 to those in need in Northwest NC.
6pm - 8pm Sunset Hill, Greensboro, NC
Donation Drive for Whatcoat Social Services
Children's Home Society
Share the Warmth with a Child
Christmas Cards for Children - Center for Academic Excellence
Hope for Holiday
Angel Tree Program
University Advancement - Thanks to you, we were able to reach our goal of raising $125.00 to sponsor two (2) senior citizens…and...because of that – our internal “angels” (Ken & Shea) matched this amount dollar for dollar to enable us to actually help four (4) seniors with significant Wal-Mart gift cards! It’s easy to imagine that these gift cards will go a very long way for groceries, clothes, medications, and incidentals.
Children's Home Society
125 Socks for Thrive DC
During our annual holiday party the Washington DC Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University collected socks for Thrive DC. "Thrive DC works to prevent and end homelessness in Washington, DC by providing vulnerable people with a wide range of services to help stabilize their lives. Founded in 1979 to serve dinner to homeless women, Thrive DC has grown to be a comprehensive, professionally staffed, bilingual organization serving more than 2,000 men, women, and children each year”. Through our donations we were able to provide over 154 pairs of socks. Greg Rockwell from Thrive DC stated that, "154 pairs of socks means that we can give one pair to everyone who comes to us for breakfast one day. Which is a great Christmas surprise." We are truly happy that we are able to help bless others this holiday and winter season.
Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign
Holiday Book Drive
Pack the Pantry
Socks for Joy 2015
American Red Cross Annual Holiday Blood Drive
Celebration Bowl Community Service Project
NYC A&T Alumni Toy Drive
Empty Bowl Fundraiser
School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences/Center for Excellence in Post-Harvest Technologies - Individuals from CEPHT volunteered at a local soup kitchen in Greensboro. A Fund Raiser hosted by The Refuge Soup Kitchen. Greensboro, North Carolina
CEPHT Toy Drive
School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences/Center for Excellence in Post-Harvest Technologies collected toys within the unit for kids during the holiday seasons.
Atlanta Community Food Bank Food Sort
Covering the City Pink and Green
Serving Lunch at Greensboro Urban Ministry
Habitat for Humanity
American Red Cross High Point Annual Holiday Blood Drive
MLK Day of Service-Covenant House Georgia
Out of the Garden - Food Drive
Reducing the Hunger through Service
Supporting Wiley Elementary School - Young Alumni Council
Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club - Young Alumni Council
Young Alumni Council: Out of the Garden Project
Aggie Heart of Love - The Facilities Department which is in the Division of Business and Finance
The Greensboro Urban Ministry | Controllers Office
Toiletry Drive
New student Programs Food &Supply Drive
CEPHT and NC Agromedicine Institute Portable Garden Project
School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences/Center for Excellence in Post-Harvest Technologies two-month project targeted grade school kids. Taught them how to grow and maintain their own garden that was cheap and portable. Kids learn food safety, nutrition, plant science and other valuable life skills. A Fund Raiser hosted by The Refuge Soup Kitchen - Kannapolis, NC
Hands Against Hunger
Feeding the San Diego Homeless at Father Joe's Villages