Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics

Deese COBE Grade Appeal Process

STEP 1: The Student contacts the instructor of the course and attempts to resolve the matter with the course instructor.

Immediately after final grades for the course are posted (and no later than three days after the next semester begins, as identified on the relevant academic calendar) the student should contact the instructor of the course. The student should communicate, in writing, with the instructor and clearly state why the grade received is believed to be incorrect. The student must present adequate documentation to the professor in question to support the claim that (1) the final grade was miscalculated, (2) grades in the course were miscalculated, (3) the instructor violated the grading policies outlined in the course syllabus and/or (4) the instructor demonstrated bias in the grading practices.

STEP 2: The instructor meets with the student

The student and the instructor meet to discuss the concerns and supporting documentation. If the student fails to meet with the instructor, the grade change process is discontinued.

Path 1: Resolution reached

If the student meets with the instructor and if, indeed, there is evidence to support a change in grade, then the instructor must submit a change of grade request by the deadline stated on the given Academic Calendar.


Path 2: No resolution reached, and student wishes to elevate

The student should then communicate, in writing, a request to have a grade changed to the instructor’s department chairperson. The student should provide all supporting documentation as well as all correspondences that have occurred with the instructor related to the grade change.

STEP 3: The course’s department chairperson meets with the student and instructor

The chairperson will arrange to meet jointly with the student and the instructor. If the student fails to meet with the instructor, the grade change process is discontinued.

Path 3: Resolution reached

If the student meets with the department chairperson and course instructor, and a decision is made to change the student’s grade, based on substantial documented evidence then the instructor must submit a change of grade request by the deadline stated on the given Academic Calendar.


Path 4: No resolution reached, and student wishes to elevate

The student will proceed with a formal grade appeal. The student will submit, in writing, a formal written appeal to the Dean of the College and include all supporting documentation. The student should also include all written communications exchanged with the course instructor and department chairperson in regards to the grade change.

Step 4: The Dean will review the formal written appeal

If it is determined that the appeal should be forwarded to the Deese College of Business and Economics’ Appeal Board, a formal hearing involving both the student and the instructor will be scheduled. The Deese College Appeal Board (consisting of faculty and student(s)) will conduct a hearing and ultimately offer a recommendation. The Dean’s office will notify the student of the final decision.