Veteran Services FAQs

Section 702 " Choice Act" Frequently Asked Questions for Post 9-11 GI Bill® & Montgomery GI Bill®.


Q: Can I be eligible for two or more educational benefits?

A: Yes, you may be eligible for more than one VA education benefit program. However, you may only receive payments from one program at a time. You can receive a maximum of 48 months of benefits under any combination of VA educational programs you qualify for.

Q: I am enrolled in school. When will I receive my benefits from VA?

A: Once your school submits your enrollment information, it must be entered into the system by VA. Because VA is generally overwhelmed with enrollments at the start of each semester, it could take up to 6 weeks to process an enrollment during those times. Your patience is appreciated - we will process all of the enrollments in order by the date received.

Q: What should I do if I haven't received my VA Stipend?

A: First, verify the certification date with VMA Staff. If the allotted time has elapsed, contact VA (you can use the "Ask a Question" tab or call 1-888-GIBILL-1 [1-888-442-4551]). In order for VA to reissue a check, at least three weeks must have passed since the original check issue date. Once the three week period has passed, please call an Education Case Manager at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to assist you in getting another check. This process could take up to 6 weeks.

Q: What is the earliest date that I can verify my enrollment in school? (Exclude Chapter 35)

A: The earliest you can verify your enrollment is the last calendar day of each month. To speed up the process of receiving your payments, be sure to verify your enrollment promptly at the end of each month and sign up for direct deposit (if you haven't already done so).

Q: What is the Work-Study Program and who is eligible?

A: This program provides part-time employment to students receiving VA education benefits who attend school three-quarter time or more. The student may work at the school veterans' office, VA Medical Facilities, the VA Regional Office, or at approved State employment offices. Work-study students are paid either the State or Federal minimum wage, whichever is greater.
NOTE: Active Duty Military is not eligible for this program.

Q: How do I keep my benefits in good standing?

A: Take these steps:

  • A Request for Certification must be submitted, including summer school sessions. It is your responsibility to keep up with your certification period. You will not be automatically certified for benefits.
  • VA will only pay for the courses that count towards a student's graduation requirements.
  • It is your responsibility to immediately inform the Veterans Affairs Certifying Official of any changes in your enrollment after your initial application has been forwarded to the Department of Veterans Affairs. (For example, a change in your curriculum, if you drop or add courses, or if you withdraw from classes or totally from school.) ***Note: Failure to report any changes to your enrollment will delay certification for your next semester.***
  • When withdrawing from a class, a copy of the withdrawal form from the Registrar's Office must be submitted to the VA Certifying Official. ***Note: If this is not done, it may cause repayment to VA because of the change of hours.***
  • Always make sure your current local address, telephone number, and email address are on file at VMAO. Report any changes promptly. This is to help ensure that your benefits are processed in a timely manner. This also allows you to receive news and information from VMAO.
  • Chapters 30, and 1606: The number to call to verify your monthly enrollment to the Veterans Affairs is listed on the Veterans Affairs Directory. This number will be effective only after you have been certified and you are in the system with the VA. You may call anytime beginning the last day of the month. If you do not call, a check will not be issued. Or you may verify your enrollment by WAVE on the VA website.