Disciplinary Clearance

If you are a student, faculty, staff, college, or agency needing a disciplinary clearance check, please email ncatdos@ncat.edu with the following information that applies to your need:

Disciplinary Check for Transfer

  • Email the necessary form from the college which is requesting the clearance.
  • The student information portion of the form must be filled out and signed by the student.

Disciplinary Check for Employment

  • Email the necessary form with the student’s full name, student ID, and or birthdate as well as their signature stating they have given authorization for the clearance.
  • Please send the form “password protected.”

Disciplinary Check for University Travel

  • Email the completed “Academic Standing Chart & Student Travel Departure Manifest” form that can be found on the Staff Resources webpage.
  • Please send the form “password protected.”

Disciplinary Check for University Organizations or Employment

  • Email the list of students' full names along with their student IDs via a “password-protected” Excel spreadsheet.

Note: If you are requesting student records, please visit Public Records for more information on how to submit your request.

Contact Information

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | Office of the Dean of Students | Murphy Hall, Suite 205 | 1601 East Market Street | Greensboro, NC 27411 | Phone: 336-334-7791 | Fax: 336-334-7378 | Email: ncatdos@ncat.edu

Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)