How to Join: Intake Guidelines and Criteria

Membership Intake Regulations:

Recruitment activities are designated and allowed during the spring semester ONLY for those organizations that have registered and active chapters of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and Greek-Lettered Council organizations. Each chapter must be in good standing with their national organization, the university, and the Office of Student Activities as stipulated in the Student Handbook. No student may be in a group or organized interest club, pay fees, or perform duties or assignments before the official membership intake program has been approved by N. C. A&T via the Office of Student Activities and the membership intake window has opened. 

Membership Intake Restrictions:

All organizations that are eligible to do so may have only ONE intake period during the academic year per the approved and issued schedule from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Engagement. The schedule is for a maximum period to be identified and determined by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Engagement, in conjunction with the national/regional offices of the respective organizations in which to process new members. The approved schedule begins with interest meetings and ends at the point of induction, followed by new member presentations and new member orientation.

Academic Eligibility:

To be eligible or considered for membership in fraternities, sororities, and social fellowship organizations, the university requires that a student meet the following criteria:

  • First-time undergraduate students (having no previous 4-year degrees, and not graduate students), must establish a GPA at A&T as a full-time student (passing at least 12 credit hours during the fall semester). For those who were enrolled in a cooperative education/intern experience during the fall semester, a letter of verification must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities prior to application for membership to be eligible.

  • Have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 the semester prior to spring intake (fall semester). Some organizations require a higher GPA for membership, therefore having a 2.5 does not guarantee a student’s eligibility for certain chapters.
  • Must be an undergraduate student currently enrolled at A&T as a full-time student, being registered for at least 12 credit hours during the spring semester. Graduate students or students seeking an additional undergraduate degree are ineligible to participate in intake at A&T as they have already been awarded a degree and should seek membership in a Graduate or Alumni/ae Chapter. Students enrolled at other institutions are ineligible to seek membership through A&T chapters of fraternities and sororities. 
  • Be in good judicial standing with the university per the Office of the Dean of Students and have NO judicial, financial, or academic holds at the time of clearance/s.
  • Must have attended at least one mandatory information session for membership intake offered by Student Activities during the academic year they wish to seek membership in a fraternity or sorority.

Elements of the first bullet point (above) may be affected by national organizations, of which N.C. A&T chapters are components; therefore, it is the responsibility of the chapter to secure clearance from its regional or national organization, i.e. some organizations require a higher cumulative average, giving the option to a chapter to use A&T's minimum requirement.

Compliance with A&T minimum requirements for application eligibility does not guarantee that a student will be selected or voted on for membership in an organization. Beyond minimum requirements, organizations have the right to select their members by criteria approved by the national governing body of the organization and accepted by the university as a fair policy. These criteria must be documented in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Engagement.

Contact Us

Office of Student Activities Student Center, Suite 332
Phone: 336-285-4930

Web: Student Activities
Instagram and Twitter: @ncat_osa

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.