Capacity Building Grants Program
Capacity Building Grant (CBG) Program is initiated to strengthen the teaching, research and extension program of 1890 land -grant institutions, including Tuskegee University. The CBG program supports research projects in food, agriculture, natural resources and human sciences, including conventional and organic food production systems. The program also, supports teaching research in curriculum design, lab enhancement, and capacity building of faculty and so on. The CBG program also supports integrated projects. While many proposals are submitted for review to the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES), an institution can only submit 12 teaching/research/extension/ integrated proposals and 3 professional development proposals.
If you are planning to apply to the CBG program, please submit the notice of intent (Notice of Intent) to the Associate Dean of Research (Dr. Gregory D. Goins: by the due date provided by the Ag Research Program.
Only one proposal as lead PI will be accepted (can be a co-PI on another proposal). First draft of proposals must include completed narratives for all required sections in the NIFA application excluding the budget and budget narrative, and project summary. A proposal including partners/collaborators outside CAES should include letters of commitment from these partners. Proposals identifying new courses or course changes should include letters of endorsement by the department curriculum committee and department chair. Preference should be to revising existing course(s) versus developing new courses. All proposals must be accompanied by the department chair’s signed attestation form (Chair Attestation form), which represents affirmation of their review of and support for the proposal. This form and the proposal must be submitted to Associate Dean of Research (Dr. Gregory D. Goins: by the department chair by the due date [PI is responsible to submit the proposal and form to the department chair by the due date provided by Ag Research Program]. Proposals not including all required support documentation and a full narrative will not be considered for the competition.
An external review panel will review proposals for recommendation for submission to NIFA. Based on the recommendations provided by the review panels, 12 proposals and 2 alternates will be selected for submission to NIFA. PIs will be asked to revise their proposals addressing the panel’s comments and resubmit them.
The proposal review criteria can be viewed by clicking the link (Proposal review criteria). Please click the link for the review form (Proposal review form to the reviewer)